Гулєвич Т.М. Організація системної діяльності психологічної служби як передум...Київ КиївОсобливості організації системної діяльності психологічної служби
Alexander Godfrey Learning marketing (feb 2015)Roger GodfreyAlexander Godfrey Learning provides bespoke apprenticeship programs, training solutions, and consultancy services for clients in the rail engineering industry. They develop technical certificates and competence assessments for track engineering and overhead line construction programs. They also advise clients on funding opportunities and provide ongoing support for trainers in managing continuing professional development requirements.
Maria mccabe cv_nov_15Maria T. McCabe- Maria McCabe is a teaching professional with over 15 years of experience teaching grades 1-6 in international, independent, and New York City schools.
- She has a Master's degree in education from Hofstra University and a Bachelor's degree in English from Long Island University.
- Her experience includes implementing the Primary Years Programme and working with Project Zero research methods at various international schools in Italy, the Netherlands, and the United States.
Consumer 720-The keys to consumer engagement in a social media worldduane lyonsThis document describes a white paper about Consumer720, a solution that combines internal consumer data with external social media data to provide a more complete view of consumers. It outlines the technical framework needed, including layers for data acquisition, content management, entity resolution, rationalization/enrichment, and consumer engagement. The goal is to help companies better understand consumers, improve acquisition, retention, and profitability in today's social media world.
estrategias de comunicación Fidel VargasEl documento presenta resúmenes breves de 10 batallas históricas importantes, incluyendo la Batalla de Maratón entre Griegos y Persas en el 490 a.C., la Batalla de Cannas entre Romanos y Cartagineses en el 216 a.C., y la Batalla de Qadesh entre Egipcios y Hititas en el 1274 a.C. También resume la Batalla de las Termópilas entre Espartanos y Persas en el 480 a.C., la Batalla de Alesia entre Romanos y Galos en el 52 a.C., y la Batalla de
ClientTestimonialsSuzanne FranchettiThe client testimonials summarize positive experiences working with Franchetti Communications on improving communication and presentation skills. Clients found that Franchetti's training and coaching helped them communicate more clearly and professionally, resulting in new business opportunities and stronger connections with audiences. Franchetti's expertise, customized approach, and high-quality instruction were praised.
darshan-lalDarshan Lal BhardwajDarshan Lal Bhardwaj is a web designer and front end developer with over 15 years of experience. He has worked as a front end developer and web designer for companies like OMBS Pvt. Ltd. and PIC N FRAMES. He has expertise in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, WordPress, and tools like Photoshop, Dreamweaver. Some of the websites he has developed include www.cthomesllc.com, www.cortli.com, www.boardmansportsworld.com and www.themesdesk.com. He aims to further enhance his skills in web design and front end development.
Nathan Telschow Resume CertificationNathan TelschowNathan Telschow has over 22 years of sales experience in the healthcare industry. He has a proven track record of exceeding sales goals and producing growth through strong account relationships. His experience includes 17 years selling medical devices and pharmaceuticals, where he received numerous awards and accolades for sales performance. He is seeking a new challenging position in medical sales.
HERE GEIZLkevenelevenThis study aims to understand Mandaue delicacies by surveying local residents. It seeks to determine how delicacies have benefited locals, how their history is preserved, and their contribution to tourism. Researchers conducted an online survey of local residents to understand perceptions of two delicacies, Bibingka and Masareal. The survey found Bibingka had a higher rating, and both had low purchasing frequency and knowledge. Most respondents said they typically purchase from street vendors. To improve delicacies, the study recommends better marketing, ingredient/packaging improvements, preservation of recipes, and teaching locals to make delicacies.
Alexander Godfrey Learning marketing (feb 2015)Roger GodfreyAlexander Godfrey Learning provides bespoke apprenticeship programs, training solutions, and consultancy services for clients in the rail engineering industry. They develop technical certificates and competence assessments for track engineering and overhead line construction programs. They also advise clients on funding opportunities and provide ongoing support for trainers in managing continuing professional development requirements.
Maria mccabe cv_nov_15Maria T. McCabe- Maria McCabe is a teaching professional with over 15 years of experience teaching grades 1-6 in international, independent, and New York City schools.
- She has a Master's degree in education from Hofstra University and a Bachelor's degree in English from Long Island University.
- Her experience includes implementing the Primary Years Programme and working with Project Zero research methods at various international schools in Italy, the Netherlands, and the United States.
Consumer 720-The keys to consumer engagement in a social media worldduane lyonsThis document describes a white paper about Consumer720, a solution that combines internal consumer data with external social media data to provide a more complete view of consumers. It outlines the technical framework needed, including layers for data acquisition, content management, entity resolution, rationalization/enrichment, and consumer engagement. The goal is to help companies better understand consumers, improve acquisition, retention, and profitability in today's social media world.
estrategias de comunicación Fidel VargasEl documento presenta resúmenes breves de 10 batallas históricas importantes, incluyendo la Batalla de Maratón entre Griegos y Persas en el 490 a.C., la Batalla de Cannas entre Romanos y Cartagineses en el 216 a.C., y la Batalla de Qadesh entre Egipcios y Hititas en el 1274 a.C. También resume la Batalla de las Termópilas entre Espartanos y Persas en el 480 a.C., la Batalla de Alesia entre Romanos y Galos en el 52 a.C., y la Batalla de
ClientTestimonialsSuzanne FranchettiThe client testimonials summarize positive experiences working with Franchetti Communications on improving communication and presentation skills. Clients found that Franchetti's training and coaching helped them communicate more clearly and professionally, resulting in new business opportunities and stronger connections with audiences. Franchetti's expertise, customized approach, and high-quality instruction were praised.
darshan-lalDarshan Lal BhardwajDarshan Lal Bhardwaj is a web designer and front end developer with over 15 years of experience. He has worked as a front end developer and web designer for companies like OMBS Pvt. Ltd. and PIC N FRAMES. He has expertise in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, WordPress, and tools like Photoshop, Dreamweaver. Some of the websites he has developed include www.cthomesllc.com, www.cortli.com, www.boardmansportsworld.com and www.themesdesk.com. He aims to further enhance his skills in web design and front end development.
Nathan Telschow Resume CertificationNathan TelschowNathan Telschow has over 22 years of sales experience in the healthcare industry. He has a proven track record of exceeding sales goals and producing growth through strong account relationships. His experience includes 17 years selling medical devices and pharmaceuticals, where he received numerous awards and accolades for sales performance. He is seeking a new challenging position in medical sales.
HERE GEIZLkevenelevenThis study aims to understand Mandaue delicacies by surveying local residents. It seeks to determine how delicacies have benefited locals, how their history is preserved, and their contribution to tourism. Researchers conducted an online survey of local residents to understand perceptions of two delicacies, Bibingka and Masareal. The survey found Bibingka had a higher rating, and both had low purchasing frequency and knowledge. Most respondents said they typically purchase from street vendors. To improve delicacies, the study recommends better marketing, ingredient/packaging improvements, preservation of recipes, and teaching locals to make delicacies.
«Шевченкова весна під сонцем шани і любові»Бібліографи ОДБ ім. Т. Г. Шевченкавебмандрівка до 100-річчя заснування Шевченківського національного заповідника у Каневі
Перша психологічна допомога. Курс для освітян.pptxssuser7541ef1Перша психологічна допомога. Курс для освітян. Зібрано психологом КУ "ЦПРПП Барської МР" Франчук Н.В.
458549.pptx fhffujikgibhikfloflodlesdelsdekidjssuserfed972Презентація для супроводу уроку у 6 класі НУШ на тему «Як організми співіснують у середовищі. Як складати ланцюги живлення.» містить посилання на інтерактиву вправу для перевірки знань. Матеріал буде корисний для онлайн уроку та як доповнення до розповіді вчителя на уроці, зацікавить учнів при вивченні розділу «Пізнаємо взаємозв’язки у природі» озв’язки між живими організмами»).
«ЧАРІВНА СКРИНЬКА КАЗОК МИКОЛИ ЗІНЧУКА»: віртуальна книжкова виставка до 100-...Чернівецька обласна бібліотека для дітейВидатний історик, етнограф, фольклорист, "чорнороб культури", правдивий подвижник - це все без перебільшення сказано про Миколу Антоновича Зінчука.
У 2025 році виповнюється 100 років з дня народження видатного фольклориста, який за 86 років свого життя пішки обійшов сотні гірських сіл, побував у кожному регіоні України, зустрічався з тисячами людей, які розповідали йому казки. Ця титанічна праця вилилась у сорокотомне видання "Українських народних казок".
Зінчук Микола Антонович народився 7 березня
1925 році в селі Кошелівка Червоноармійського
району Житомирської області.
2. Діяльність Центру методичної
та соціально-психологічної
служби (далі ЦМСПС) у
2014/2015 навчальному році
здійснювалася відповідно до
річного плану роботи та інших
нормативних документів
Новизна методичної роботи з педагогами міста в 2014/2015 році
визначалася впровадженням андрагогічного підходу до її
проведення, який забезпечив активність педагогів, їх високу
мотивацію, спрямованість на створення належних умов для
постійної самоосвіти, самовдосконалення, розвиток дослідницьких
умінь, що сприяло розвитку професіоналізму, досягненню високого
рівня творчості та самореалізації у професійній діяльності