Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Shah Alam, Malaysia
IT Student
Technology / Software / Internet
Here is a thing or two (or more :P) about me
I'm a straight man,
believing in one god, my Allah.
I knows a lot about computer software,
an anime nerd,
a tech geek,
love cats (but wasnt allowed to kept one T_T).
Some might call me mean,
while some might call me kind,
truth is,
It is hurtful when being disrepected,
so I have this thought of,
"I shall respect those who haven't met me (a stranger),
and for those who already know me,
I will respect, be kind and gentle if
he/she replied in kind"
Aaaannnd I don't want any intimate relationship right now.
I just hope I can get along with new friends
and just be friends, nothing more, isn't that is better?
I'm prioritizing my studies.
Users following Muhammad Danial