Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Skopje Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of
NGO / Public Service
The First Children's Embassy in the World - Megjashi (FCEWM) - Republic of Macedonia was founded on the 29th of April 1992 in Skopje. FCEWM is a World Association for protection of children and does not belong to any government or party.
The First Childrens Embassy in the World Megjashi, Macedonia is a World Association of citizens and represents an International non-partisan, non-governmental and non-profit humanitarian association for the care of children and children's rights, as the first registered international non-governmental organization in the Republic of Macedonia, established in order to protect the rights of the children in the transition period.
First Children
Contact Details
alternative report of the non-governmental organiz
丶丶 丶丐
弌丶丐 弌弌丐
丶丐 丐
丼 丐
precede partnership for reconciliation through
partnership for reconciliation through early child
acedonia precede - situation report 2013
draft i kodit pr gazetart dhe mediat pr rapo
丿丕 20 丐弌
弌 丕
sos helpline for children and young 0800 12222
仆舒仍亳亰舒 仆舒 亳舒亢于舒舒舒
丕丐丐丼 丕 klubet mul
亟亳从亳仄亳仆舒亳舒舒 亳 仆舒亳仍
个亠从亠仆亳亳 - 亠亠仗亳舒 仆舒
舒从仍舒亳于亠仆 仗仂仂从仂仍 从仂仆
report on the implementation of childrens right
izvestaj za ostvaruvanje na pravata na decata vo r
亞舒亟亠亠 从仍舒 仆舒 亟亠从仂
presentation of the childrens alternative repor
丿丕 20 丶丐 -
20 亞仂亟亳仆亳 于舒舒 亟亠从舒 a仄弍舒
仆仂仄舒仂 丕丿 弍 43 仆舒
丿丐 弌丐
independent auditors report of the first childr
die notwendigkeit von friedenserziehung in mazedon
children in institutions child abuse and neglect i
advocacy strategy analysis of the situation th
hear it
say it.
visibility research of the campaign see it
仂亰亳亳于仆亳 仗亳仄亠亳 仆舒 亞舒舒
omnibus research overview of the perception about
丼 丐 - 丐弌
从仂亳 从亠 亟舒于舒舒 亳亰舒于舒 从舒从仂
弌丕 k仆亳亞舒舒 亠 仆舒仗亳舒
drejtor i ambasads s par t fmijve n
dragi zmijanac
丶丐 弌丐 - 弌
丼 丐 弌丐
raport alternativ i organizatave joqeveritare ndaj
亠仗弍仍亳从舒 舒从亠亟仂仆亳舒
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