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The Effect of Physical Distance on Love Narration
Meysam Gholami Baseri
Ayatollah Borujerdi University
1) Abstract
In this research paper the question is “what is the effect of physical distance on love narration?”.
Through some pages I am going to analyze some data which I gained in 10 video clips which are
collected on Instagram, YouTube, and also telegram application. In these videos all the words and
phrases which were somehow related to the narration of love among two people are recorded
(their frequency of occurrence) and provided in written form. The gathered data belongs to same
people when they are close to each other and also when there is a physical distance.
2) Keywords
love, narration, distance.
3) Introduction
If I am going to be exact, first of all I should define what is narration and what is its relation to our
life. Love between two people are conveyed and sent (narrated) by many different ways which
we are going to show some examples in this research.
What’s narration? If we want to answer this question, we can say that narration is “telling stories
or expressing your thoughts and feelings in words and maybe physical activities (gestures)”
“Navigating a new relationship is supposed to be fun and exciting, but when distance interferes
with the getting-to-know you stage, various challenges can arise.” In this quotation the effect of
distance on love or relationships is noticed and mentioned, so it’s clear that distance make it hard
to maintain a relationship and prove faithfulness.
According to JEROME BRVNER, narration shapes our way of communicating with each other:
“Narrative is rather an all-purpose vehicle. It not only shapes our ways of communicating with
each other and our ways of experiencing the world, but it also gives form to what we imagine, to
our sense of what is possible.” What is Love? it is an intense feeling of deep affection for someone or
Narration when comes with love, means the way someone is going to show “LOVE” to another
person. It may be just some short sentences or some physical activities (kissing or hugging).
4) History of the research
Most popular contemporary ideas about love can be traced to the classical Greek philosophers.
Prominent in this regard is Plato’s Symposium. It is a systematic and seminal analysis whose
major ideas have probably influenced contemporary work on love more than all subsequent
philosophical work combined. However, four major intellectual developments of the 19th and
20th centuries provided key insights that helped shape the agenda for current research and
theory of love.
There are some quotes for long distance relationships which clearly shows love and how some
people narrate “love” when there is a physical distance between them:
? Ocean separates lands, not souls. – Munia Khan
? Distance means so little when someone means so much. – Tom McNeal
? In many ways, the art of love is largely the art of persistence. – Albert Ellis
? Absence sharpens love. Presence strengthens it. – Thomas Fuller
Some ways to show love according to “ www.lifehack.org ” :
a) Engage in Physical Affection.
b) Hang out together.
c) Kiss each other.
d) Tell them you love them.
Narration of love is to make your partner understand that you have feelings for them, so
it may be with physical activities.
5) Methodology
In the process of analyzing, we compared the two category of data we obtained. and we
carefully watched videos and wrote every single phrase that was important. Then again
watched them and simply we recorded the frequency of those phrases in each video.
Finally, we got the result that is mentioned in the findings and results part.
5.1Question: the question here is what is the effect of physical distance on love
narration? In this article I want to clarify the answer by explaining each part and
by analyzing the data gained before.
5.2Variable: here in this study people or study cases are fixed but their situations,
their physical distance, and their way of expression of love are our variables.
5.3Equipment: A smart phone (for accessing to internet and watching clips on
mentioned websites and applications), A laptop (for creating a manuscript and
recording the statistics), and A headphone (to carefully listen to the videos and
reduce hearing errors).
6) Data
This is the result of conversation between two people when there is a physical
category Sentence / phrase Frequency
Greetings Hey babe 2 times
Do you remember? 3 times
Where are you? 4 times
When you want to / can come home? 2 times
Are you freaking kidding me? 1 time
What’s up? 2 times
I miss you so much 6 times
I love you 11 times
I’m so sorry 7 times
I want you back 4 times
It’s my fault 2 times
I will cross the oceans to hold you in my arms 1 time
You are my only one 1 time
Wish I could hold your hands 1 time
It’s your call 1 time
Listen sweet heart 3 times
You got it 4 times
I remember, I can’t forget 1 time
Hell no! 6 times
Requesting Please don’t do that 3 times
And here are the results of conversation between two people when there isn’t any
physical distance.
Category Sentence / phrase Frequency
Physical actions
Laughing 8 times
Hugging 4 times
Kissing 5 times
Drinking 7 times
Crying 2 times
Give me a hug 3 times
Give me your hands 6 times
Close your eyes 2 times
Kiss my lips 1 time
Look me right in the eyes 1 time
Please stop crying 3 times
let’s walk 1 time
I’m glad you’re home 1 time
Asking questions
How do you feel? 2 times
Am I good with make up? 3 times
Why are you laughing? 2 times
You’re looking amazing in these clothes 1 time
I think this red dress suits you well 1 time
What about wine? 1 time
You shouldn’t wear this much make up 1 time
You look more beautiful with smile 2 times
7) Findings and result
Well based on the analyze of the gathered data, it seems like when there is a physical distance
between two people the “LOVE” between them is conveyed mostly through language (words
and sentences). And when they are close and near each other, it seems that people want to
express their feelings (love) through physical activities.
CATEGORY Long distance No distance
Greetings + ?
Gaining information + +
Expressing feelings + +
Informing + ?
Requesting + +
Physical actions ? +
Asking questions + +
Admiring ? +
Recommendations ? +
8) Resources
J. BRUNER. Telling stories, 45-46
L. Campbell. The Effects of Distance on a Developing Relationship

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The effect of distance on love narration

  • 1. LOVE NARRATION The Effect of Physical Distance on Love Narration Meysam Gholami Baseri Ayatollah Borujerdi University
  • 2. LOVE NARRATION 1) Abstract In this research paper the question is “what is the effect of physical distance on love narration?”. Through some pages I am going to analyze some data which I gained in 10 video clips which are collected on Instagram, YouTube, and also telegram application. In these videos all the words and phrases which were somehow related to the narration of love among two people are recorded (their frequency of occurrence) and provided in written form. The gathered data belongs to same people when they are close to each other and also when there is a physical distance. 2) Keywords love, narration, distance. 3) Introduction If I am going to be exact, first of all I should define what is narration and what is its relation to our life. Love between two people are conveyed and sent (narrated) by many different ways which we are going to show some examples in this research. What’s narration? If we want to answer this question, we can say that narration is “telling stories or expressing your thoughts and feelings in words and maybe physical activities (gestures)” “Navigating a new relationship is supposed to be fun and exciting, but when distance interferes with the getting-to-know you stage, various challenges can arise.” In this quotation the effect of distance on love or relationships is noticed and mentioned, so it’s clear that distance make it hard to maintain a relationship and prove faithfulness. According to JEROME BRVNER, narration shapes our way of communicating with each other: “Narrative is rather an all-purpose vehicle. It not only shapes our ways of communicating with each other and our ways of experiencing the world, but it also gives form to what we imagine, to our sense of what is possible.” What is Love? it is an intense feeling of deep affection for someone or something. Narration when comes with love, means the way someone is going to show “LOVE” to another person. It may be just some short sentences or some physical activities (kissing or hugging).
  • 3. LOVE NARRATION 4) History of the research Most popular contemporary ideas about love can be traced to the classical Greek philosophers. Prominent in this regard is Plato’s Symposium. It is a systematic and seminal analysis whose major ideas have probably influenced contemporary work on love more than all subsequent philosophical work combined. However, four major intellectual developments of the 19th and 20th centuries provided key insights that helped shape the agenda for current research and theory of love. There are some quotes for long distance relationships which clearly shows love and how some people narrate “love” when there is a physical distance between them: ? Ocean separates lands, not souls. – Munia Khan ? Distance means so little when someone means so much. – Tom McNeal ? In many ways, the art of love is largely the art of persistence. – Albert Ellis ? Absence sharpens love. Presence strengthens it. – Thomas Fuller Some ways to show love according to “ www.lifehack.org ” : a) Engage in Physical Affection. b) Hang out together. c) Kiss each other. d) Tell them you love them. Narration of love is to make your partner understand that you have feelings for them, so it may be with physical activities.
  • 4. LOVE NARRATION 5) Methodology In the process of analyzing, we compared the two category of data we obtained. and we carefully watched videos and wrote every single phrase that was important. Then again watched them and simply we recorded the frequency of those phrases in each video. Finally, we got the result that is mentioned in the findings and results part. 5.1Question: the question here is what is the effect of physical distance on love narration? In this article I want to clarify the answer by explaining each part and by analyzing the data gained before. 5.2Variable: here in this study people or study cases are fixed but their situations, their physical distance, and their way of expression of love are our variables. 5.3Equipment: A smart phone (for accessing to internet and watching clips on mentioned websites and applications), A laptop (for creating a manuscript and recording the statistics), and A headphone (to carefully listen to the videos and reduce hearing errors).
  • 5. LOVE NARRATION 6) Data This is the result of conversation between two people when there is a physical distance. category Sentence / phrase Frequency Greetings Hey babe 2 times Gaining information Do you remember? 3 times Where are you? 4 times When you want to / can come home? 2 times Are you freaking kidding me? 1 time What’s up? 2 times Expressing feelings I miss you so much 6 times I love you 11 times I’m so sorry 7 times I want you back 4 times It’s my fault 2 times I will cross the oceans to hold you in my arms 1 time You are my only one 1 time Wish I could hold your hands 1 time Informing It’s your call 1 time Listen sweet heart 3 times You got it 4 times I remember, I can’t forget 1 time Hell no! 6 times Requesting Please don’t do that 3 times
  • 6. LOVE NARRATION And here are the results of conversation between two people when there isn’t any physical distance. Category Sentence / phrase Frequency Physical actions Laughing 8 times Hugging 4 times Kissing 5 times Drinking 7 times Crying 2 times Requesting Give me a hug 3 times Give me your hands 6 times Close your eyes 2 times Kiss my lips 1 time Look me right in the eyes 1 time Please stop crying 3 times let’s walk 1 time Expressing feelings I’m glad you’re home 1 time Asking questions How do you feel? 2 times Am I good with make up? 3 times Why are you laughing? 2 times Admiring You’re looking amazing in these clothes 1 time I think this red dress suits you well 1 time Recommendations What about wine? 1 time You shouldn’t wear this much make up 1 time You look more beautiful with smile 2 times
  • 7. LOVE NARRATION 7) Findings and result Well based on the analyze of the gathered data, it seems like when there is a physical distance between two people the “LOVE” between them is conveyed mostly through language (words and sentences). And when they are close and near each other, it seems that people want to express their feelings (love) through physical activities. CATEGORY Long distance No distance Greetings + ? Gaining information + + Expressing feelings + + Informing + ? Requesting + + Physical actions ? + Asking questions + + Admiring ? + Recommendations ? + 8) Resources J. BRUNER. Telling stories, 45-46 L. Campbell. The Effects of Distance on a Developing Relationship www.lifehack.org www.Instagram.com www.YouTube.com www.telegram.org