The document analyzes the target audience of the film "American Honey" based on its trailer. It finds that the target audience is primarily ages 18-24 and 15-40 based on the title and poster. The main character portrayed in the trailer exhibits traits of an explorer, struggler, and reformer that different audiences can relate to, drawing in viewers with those psychographic mindsets. Demographics like the cast, director, and tagline are used to attract younger generations to the film. Overall, the analysis determines how the trailer appeals to and identifies its target audience.
The document discusses potential film title ideas for a film about a mentally unstable orphan girl. The group proposes three titles: "Demented", "Raised by the Voices", and "Least Expected". Audience feedback on the titles is gathered, with some preferring "Demented" for its clarity and "Least Expected" for its intrigue. However, the group ultimately decides on "Raised by the Voices" as the title since it most intriguingly introduces the unseen force controlling the girl.
Ch 2 perception, self, communication sscopy(1)SunwayMUET
This document discusses perception and its role in communication. It defines perception as the process of using senses to acquire information from the environment. Key points include:
- Perception involves selection, organization, and interpretation of sensory information
- Differences in perception can arise from physiological, experiential, emotional, and cultural factors
- Errors in perception include stereotyping, first impressions, and self-serving biases
- Perception checking involves describing behaviors, suggesting interpretations, and seeking clarification to understand others' perspectives
- Understanding perception is important for effective communication
Art Of Body Language A Case On Student-Teacher RelationshipDarian Pruitt
The document discusses the importance of body language in communication. It summarizes a research study that looked at the relationship between teacher body language and student performance and interest. The study observed students and teachers at Symbiosis School of Economics in Pune over three weeks. It found that the body language of teachers affected how much students engaged with the material and performed. This highlights the significance of understanding and properly using body language.
Personal development, also known as self-improvement, is the process of intentionally improving yourself. It can involve learning new skills, gaining qualifications, and enhancing your career.
Learn How to Write a Truly Impressive Scholarship Essay!. The Best Winning Scholarship Essay Examples & Format I Leverage Edu. Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words. Essay for Scholarship Application Example Luxury College Scholarship .... Scholarship/Essay Tips. Amazing Short Essay Scholarships ~ Thatsnotus. 026 Alexa Serrecchia Essay Example Scholarships With ~ Thatsnotus. Scholarship Essay Examples - 10+ in PDF | Examples. FREE 9+ Scholarship Essay Samples in MS Word | PDF. Formatting A Scholarship Essay in 2021 | Scholarship essay, College .... How to Write a Scholarship Essay about Why You Deserve It + Scholarship .... Latest Scholarship Essay Prompts & Topics 2020 For College Students. Sample Essay for Scholarship in 2020 (With images) | Scholarship essay .... Custom Essay | Scholarship Essay Cheat Sheet - FREE PRINTABLE. Scholarship Essay Topics Tips. How to Write a Scholarship Essay | Full Guide by HandMadeWriting. Pmi Charleston Scholarship Essay | Templates at 011 Why Do You Deserve This Scholarship Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus. How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay in 10 Steps. Free Essay - 26+ Examples, Format, Pdf | Examples. 9+ Scholarship Essay Examples. Essay Scholarships Examples - Schoolarship. 003 Essay Example Why I Need Scholarship Financial Sample Scholarships .... Why I Need to Get Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written .... College Sample Scholarship Essays | Master of Template Document. 17 Best Scholarship Essay Templates. How Should Students Write Scholarship Essay - WanderGlobe. Impressive Sample Scholarship Essays Based Financial Need ~ Thatsnotus. EXAMPLE ESSAYS FOR COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS – Terncentva14 Blog. 010 Winning Scholarship Essay Examples Example Educational And Career ... College Scholarship Essay Topics
Whats Love Got To Do With It Acpi 11 09 04aeyzaguirre
The document provides tips and information for effective communication and building rapport. It discusses listening actively, understanding different communication styles, matching another's communication style, finding others' values, and caring for others to distinguish yourself. The key is to communicate effectively by understanding different styles and finding what is important to others.
This document provides an overview of love and relationships. It discusses what love is, different types of love according to psychologists' theories including passionate love and companionate love. It also covers liking versus loving, interpersonal attraction factors, relationship development theories, and types of relationships like family, friendship, and interpersonal relationships. The document was submitted by a group for a class on the topics of love and relationships. It contains 18 sections that will analyze these subjects in more depth.
Communication & relational Dynamics 10232017Agenda A.docxclarebernice
Communication & relational Dynamics
Mini Paper #3 Collection
Why We Form Relationships
Models of Relational Dynamics
Characteristics of Relationships
Communication Within Relationships
Next Steps
Group Project
Mini Paper #3 Observation Project
Group Discussion
Why Do We Form Relationships With Some and Not Others?
What Made You Choose Your Current Friends? How Would You Define Your Top 3 Current Friendships?
Are All Your Friends Similar in Their Tastes, Appearance, Intelligence, etc?
Have You Changed How You Choose Friends As You’ve Gotten Older? Why or Why Not?
What Makes Someone A Good Friend? What Makes Someone a Bad Friend? Is It Worth It To Have “Bad Friends”? Why
Activity-Relationship Want Ads
Pretend you are writing three Craigslist-style want ads for people to fill three different types of relationship “vacancies” in your life. Like any personals ad, you also have to describe yourself so your audience will know if they’re the right fit for you. Take Some Time And Develop a Short Paragraph For Each Of The Following Scenarios:
a. Advertise for a person with whom you wish to establish a working relationship.
b. Advertise for a person with whom you wish to have a friendship.
c. Advertise for a person with whom you would like to develop a long-term romantic relationship.
Discussion Questions
Share Your Ads Aloud In Your Group
What Characteristics Are Uniform In All Three Ads??
What Characteristics Are Distinct From One Ad To Another??
What Role Does Impression Management Play In These Ads? Do You Present The Same “Self” For Each Of The Ads?
How Do We Make New Friends?
Why We Form Specific Relationships
Reciprocal Attraction
In Your Groups, Discuss & Define Your Assigned Factor(s) And Design An Extreme Example (Role Play) of That Factor.
You Will Discuss Your Factor and Then Show Us Your Role Play
How A Relationship forms: According to Knapp
Stages of Relational Development
Coming Together
Initiating-Expressing Interest In One Another
Experimenting-Gaining Information About One Another
Intensifying-Beginning to Express Feelings, Excitement About One Another
Relational Maintenance
Integrating-Making Time For One Another, Give Up Some Characteristics For The Other Person/Shared Identities
Bonding-Being Recognized As A Relationship By Others
Differentiating-First Feelings Of Stress, Needing to Have “Me Time”
Circumscribing- Communication Begins to Drift, Avoidance Of One Another, Losing Interest
Coming Apart
Stagnation-Excitement and Growth Fades
Avoiding-Creating Physical Distance From Each Other
Terminating-Ending The Relationship All Together
Some Notes About Knapp’s Stages…
Not All Relationships Reach Every Level
Relationships Are Constantly Changing.
Relationships Are Not Linear, Rather They Move Back and Forth
Some Stages Are Very ...
The document discusses various topics related to family life, relationships, and marriage, including:
- The differences between infatuation and love.
- Traditional courtship practices in different regions of the Philippines, such as serenading, doing chores for the woman's family, and using love potions.
- The importance of courtship in getting to know a potential partner and determining compatibility before engagement.
- Types of dating, such as standard dates and group dates, and their importance in strengthening relationships and learning about each other.
- Factors to consider when choosing a lifetime partner, such as character, maturity, commitment, love, and economic readiness.
- The key ingredients of
Here are some key nonverbal codes I would use in this situation:
- Proxemics: Maintain closer physical distance and more frequent/lengthy eye contact to communicate affection despite the sarcastic jokes and teasing. This signals intimacy and comfort with his presence.
- Kinesics: Smiling, eye rolls, and playful facial expressions to show the teasing is in good fun rather than actual annoyance or offense. This conveys the positive emotional subtext beneath the sarcastic words.
- Haptics: Light touches, pokes or nudges can be used to punctuate the sarcastic remarks in a playful way, demonstrating the physical ease and comfort between us.
The document provides an overview of key concepts from an interpersonal communication course, including:
- Introductions to the instructor and an icebreaker activity where students introduce themselves and a partner.
- Definitions of interpersonal communication and how it differs from intrapersonal communication.
- A discussion of why communication is necessary to meet physical, relational, identity, spiritual, and instrumental needs.
- Three models of communication - the action, interaction, and transactional models - and their components like encoding, decoding, feedback, and context.
The document discusses the halo effect and how it can impact perceptions and relationships. An experiment was conducted showing two videos of the same person - one upbeat and one negative - to see if first impressions influenced perceptions. Studies found that brief silent clips of professors were enough for students to form opinions of their abilities that matched end-of-semester evaluations. The halo effect causes people to ignore new facts that contradict initial judgments due to relying on "mental shortcuts." This cognitive bias can damage relationships by causing people to deceive themselves about others based on first impressions.
Beginning Interpersonal
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, readers will explore how individuals initiate interpersonal relationships. By the
end of this chapter, readers will be able to
? Explain how perceptions and impressions frame and shape the relationship
initiation process
? Identify how individuals start and manage conversations with others
? Compare and contrast four of the primary theories of attraction and relationship
? Explain why self-disclosure is significant when beginning relationships
? Describe Knapp’s five stages of relationship formation
? Apply strategies for competent communication during relationship initiation
and formation
First Impressions Matter: Perceptions and Impressions Chapter 7
Not sure if this will work but thought I’d give it a try. I met you in line at the Ralph’s on Sunset
near La Brea Tuesday evening. You were in front of me and I commented on some of the food
items you were purchasing. You told me you were on your way home to cook dinner. I wanted
to chat more but you left before I had the chance to say anything. If you’re reading this, feel
free to send me an email and let me know what food item I commented on. It’d be cool to
continue our conversation. ( anonymous post, “Missed Connections,” October
2013, Los Angeles)
Even the first few minutes of the initial interaction with another person can be powerful: The fact
that people place ads to reconnect with relative strangers is an example of just how powerful. The
above excerpt is a “Missed Connections” advertisement posted on Craigslist. Such missed con-
nections occur when individuals meet each other, exchange glances, exchange smiles, or initiate
a conversation. At least one person finds the other attractive or memorable, even in that brief
interaction, but the interaction abruptly ends, for one reason or another, before contact informa-
tion is shared or future plans are made. “Missed Connections” ads also indicate that interper-
sonal communication does not just happen: For people to communicate, one person must take
the initiative and make contact with another person. The other person must then respond in
some way for a connection to occur. And sometimes, even that initial connection is broken, often
to one communicator’s regret.
Earlier in this text, we defined communication as a process—a series of steps in which an idea is
formed, a message is encoded, and this message is sent via a channel to a receiver who decodes or
interprets the message and responds to it along with some type of verbal or nonverbal feedback.
Now we turn our attention to how we first make these connections with other people, engage
in conversations to get to know them better, listen and share information, and begin to form
and initiate close relationships. In Chapter 7, we will discuss how relationships are initiated.
Relationships are the important and ...
The document provides guidance on effective communication through storytelling. It discusses how stories are wired into human thinking and help move people through different states that motivate change. It then provides questions to help the reader practice telling their own story in a structured way. The questions guide the reader to include a beginning rooted in time/place/state, obstacles or weaknesses blocking what they want, and resolutions that use strengths to overcome obstacles. The overall message is that structuring communications as a shared story can build connection and help people remember key information.
This document is about the rapport and how to communicate with other person and enter into his trust zone. which will enhance your feeling to share and talk to each other with no hesitations.
Chapter 11
Attraction & Exclusion
Today’s Outline
Physical attractiveness
Causes of rejection
Effects of rejection
Attraction & Exclusion
As social animals, humans are, at their core, truly concerned with attraction and exclusion
Indeed the point of social psychology may be to understand why some are accepted and loved, while others are rejected
Take a moment to consider times in your life where you might have been afraid of romantic rejection or perhaps were seeking social acceptance with a new group of peers
Attraction & Exclusion
The need to belong is defined as the desire to form and maintain close, lasting relationships with some other individuals
Needing to belong is considered a fundamental drive or basic need of the human psyche
Warren Jones, “In two decades of studying loneliness, I have met many people who said they had no friends. I have never met any one who didn’t want to have any friends.”
Need to belong
From an evolutionary psychology perspective:
Attraction and acceptance are necessary for reproduction
Additionally, humans likely developed a herd mentality to increase our odds of survival
Consider all the ways we know our behavior changes in groups
Monkeys can recognize that any two monkeys may have an alliance, be forming one, or might be likely to fight
One theory is that the human brain developed more to keep track of a highly complex social world
Two components to belongingness
1. Regular, positive social interactions
Regular is key here, many of us have formed friendships but moved on to new situations in our life and lost regular contact with old friends
Positive is also key, hanging out with that person you always argue with doesn’t fill that social need
2. Stable relationship/friendship in which people share mutual concern for each other
Typically research has shown people want about 1-5 close friends
People are less concerned with casual friends/acquaintances
How bad for you is not belonging?
Belonging is called a need, not a want, perhaps for these reasons
Death rates from various diseases increase among people with no social connections (Lynch, 1979)
People who are alone have more mental and physical problems (Uchino, Cacioppo, & Kiecolt-Glaser, 1996)
Loneliness reduces the ability of the immune system to heal the body (Cacioppo & Hawkley, 2005)
Attraction – Similarity,
complementarity, & opposites
Which old saying turns out to be true, “Birds of a feather flock together” or “Opposites attract”
The research has pointed to birds of a feather being the clear winner
In any relationship ranging from acquaintance to lover, opposites are unlikely to stay connected in the long run
Typically, but not always, our friends are similar in age, race, education level, political leaning, economic status, etc.
Note this is kind of a bad thing too, as it can lead us to assume everyone shares the opinions of your social group
How .
Chapter 12Attraction and RelationshipsCouple stands face to.docxcravennichole326
Chapter 12:
Attraction and Relationships
Couple stands face to face smiling at each other.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the chapter you should be able to:
Describe how proximity, attractiveness, matching, similarity, equitability, and being "hard to get" influence attraction
Explain the two factors of the need to belong
and how human tendencies toward social bonds,
including what happens when we are deprived,
show the need to belong
Explain the difference between companionate love, passionate love, and compassionate love
Explain the difference between a communal relationship and an exchange relationship
Explain Sternberg's triangular theory of love
Describe how interdependence theory works
Explain the components of the investment model
Describe John Gottman's findings about relationship maintenance
Chapter Outline
12.1 Factors in Attraction
We Like Those Who Are Close to Us
We Like Those Who Are Attractive
We Like Those Who Are Similar to Us
We Like Those We Have Equitable Relationships With
We Like Those Who Are Hard to Get
12.2 Need to Belong
Social Bonds
12.3 Love
Types of Love
Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love
12.4 Relationship Maintenance
12.5 When Relationships End
Chapter Summary
* * *
Around 2 million Americans marry each year, with other couples entering into long-term commitments with a partner or beginning cohabitation (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013; Copen, Daniels, Vespa, & Mosher, 2012). According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2010), the average household size was 2.59 in 2010. When it comes to other close relationships, most adults in the United States report that they have around nine close friends (Brewer & Webster, 1999; Carroll, 2004). The majority of people say they have at least one close friend, with fewer than 2% of U.S. residents reporting no close friends. For those who use the social networking site Facebook, the average friend count is 303, though such counts may be artificially inflated by a few users who have a very large number of friends. Younger Facebook users tend to have more friends, with an average of 506 and 510 for those aged 12–17 and 18–24, respectively (Marketing Charts Staff, 2013). Seeking out, forming, and maintaining relationships seem to be major activities among human beings. Who do we tend to form friendships with? Who will become our romantic partners? In this chapter, we explore attraction, the need for social connections, love, and maintaining relationships.
12.1 Factors in Attraction
Many of us meet a variety of people each day. Some we become friends with, others remain strangers. We may begin a romantic relationship with one person but, refuse to even date another. What attracts us to some people and not others? There are a variety of factors related to attraction.
We Like Those Who Are Close to Us
Surprisingly, simple proximity, or propinquity, has a lot ...
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CH. 4.pptxt and I will be there in aboutmiesoabdela57
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Communication & relational Dynamics 10232017Agenda A.docxclarebernice
Communication & relational Dynamics
Mini Paper #3 Collection
Why We Form Relationships
Models of Relational Dynamics
Characteristics of Relationships
Communication Within Relationships
Next Steps
Group Project
Mini Paper #3 Observation Project
Group Discussion
Why Do We Form Relationships With Some and Not Others?
What Made You Choose Your Current Friends? How Would You Define Your Top 3 Current Friendships?
Are All Your Friends Similar in Their Tastes, Appearance, Intelligence, etc?
Have You Changed How You Choose Friends As You’ve Gotten Older? Why or Why Not?
What Makes Someone A Good Friend? What Makes Someone a Bad Friend? Is It Worth It To Have “Bad Friends”? Why
Activity-Relationship Want Ads
Pretend you are writing three Craigslist-style want ads for people to fill three different types of relationship “vacancies” in your life. Like any personals ad, you also have to describe yourself so your audience will know if they’re the right fit for you. Take Some Time And Develop a Short Paragraph For Each Of The Following Scenarios:
a. Advertise for a person with whom you wish to establish a working relationship.
b. Advertise for a person with whom you wish to have a friendship.
c. Advertise for a person with whom you would like to develop a long-term romantic relationship.
Discussion Questions
Share Your Ads Aloud In Your Group
What Characteristics Are Uniform In All Three Ads??
What Characteristics Are Distinct From One Ad To Another??
What Role Does Impression Management Play In These Ads? Do You Present The Same “Self” For Each Of The Ads?
How Do We Make New Friends?
Why We Form Specific Relationships
Reciprocal Attraction
In Your Groups, Discuss & Define Your Assigned Factor(s) And Design An Extreme Example (Role Play) of That Factor.
You Will Discuss Your Factor and Then Show Us Your Role Play
How A Relationship forms: According to Knapp
Stages of Relational Development
Coming Together
Initiating-Expressing Interest In One Another
Experimenting-Gaining Information About One Another
Intensifying-Beginning to Express Feelings, Excitement About One Another
Relational Maintenance
Integrating-Making Time For One Another, Give Up Some Characteristics For The Other Person/Shared Identities
Bonding-Being Recognized As A Relationship By Others
Differentiating-First Feelings Of Stress, Needing to Have “Me Time”
Circumscribing- Communication Begins to Drift, Avoidance Of One Another, Losing Interest
Coming Apart
Stagnation-Excitement and Growth Fades
Avoiding-Creating Physical Distance From Each Other
Terminating-Ending The Relationship All Together
Some Notes About Knapp’s Stages…
Not All Relationships Reach Every Level
Relationships Are Constantly Changing.
Relationships Are Not Linear, Rather They Move Back and Forth
Some Stages Are Very ...
The document discusses various topics related to family life, relationships, and marriage, including:
- The differences between infatuation and love.
- Traditional courtship practices in different regions of the Philippines, such as serenading, doing chores for the woman's family, and using love potions.
- The importance of courtship in getting to know a potential partner and determining compatibility before engagement.
- Types of dating, such as standard dates and group dates, and their importance in strengthening relationships and learning about each other.
- Factors to consider when choosing a lifetime partner, such as character, maturity, commitment, love, and economic readiness.
- The key ingredients of
Here are some key nonverbal codes I would use in this situation:
- Proxemics: Maintain closer physical distance and more frequent/lengthy eye contact to communicate affection despite the sarcastic jokes and teasing. This signals intimacy and comfort with his presence.
- Kinesics: Smiling, eye rolls, and playful facial expressions to show the teasing is in good fun rather than actual annoyance or offense. This conveys the positive emotional subtext beneath the sarcastic words.
- Haptics: Light touches, pokes or nudges can be used to punctuate the sarcastic remarks in a playful way, demonstrating the physical ease and comfort between us.
The document provides an overview of key concepts from an interpersonal communication course, including:
- Introductions to the instructor and an icebreaker activity where students introduce themselves and a partner.
- Definitions of interpersonal communication and how it differs from intrapersonal communication.
- A discussion of why communication is necessary to meet physical, relational, identity, spiritual, and instrumental needs.
- Three models of communication - the action, interaction, and transactional models - and their components like encoding, decoding, feedback, and context.
The document discusses the halo effect and how it can impact perceptions and relationships. An experiment was conducted showing two videos of the same person - one upbeat and one negative - to see if first impressions influenced perceptions. Studies found that brief silent clips of professors were enough for students to form opinions of their abilities that matched end-of-semester evaluations. The halo effect causes people to ignore new facts that contradict initial judgments due to relying on "mental shortcuts." This cognitive bias can damage relationships by causing people to deceive themselves about others based on first impressions.
Beginning Interpersonal
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, readers will explore how individuals initiate interpersonal relationships. By the
end of this chapter, readers will be able to
? Explain how perceptions and impressions frame and shape the relationship
initiation process
? Identify how individuals start and manage conversations with others
? Compare and contrast four of the primary theories of attraction and relationship
? Explain why self-disclosure is significant when beginning relationships
? Describe Knapp’s five stages of relationship formation
? Apply strategies for competent communication during relationship initiation
and formation
First Impressions Matter: Perceptions and Impressions Chapter 7
Not sure if this will work but thought I’d give it a try. I met you in line at the Ralph’s on Sunset
near La Brea Tuesday evening. You were in front of me and I commented on some of the food
items you were purchasing. You told me you were on your way home to cook dinner. I wanted
to chat more but you left before I had the chance to say anything. If you’re reading this, feel
free to send me an email and let me know what food item I commented on. It’d be cool to
continue our conversation. ( anonymous post, “Missed Connections,” October
2013, Los Angeles)
Even the first few minutes of the initial interaction with another person can be powerful: The fact
that people place ads to reconnect with relative strangers is an example of just how powerful. The
above excerpt is a “Missed Connections” advertisement posted on Craigslist. Such missed con-
nections occur when individuals meet each other, exchange glances, exchange smiles, or initiate
a conversation. At least one person finds the other attractive or memorable, even in that brief
interaction, but the interaction abruptly ends, for one reason or another, before contact informa-
tion is shared or future plans are made. “Missed Connections” ads also indicate that interper-
sonal communication does not just happen: For people to communicate, one person must take
the initiative and make contact with another person. The other person must then respond in
some way for a connection to occur. And sometimes, even that initial connection is broken, often
to one communicator’s regret.
Earlier in this text, we defined communication as a process—a series of steps in which an idea is
formed, a message is encoded, and this message is sent via a channel to a receiver who decodes or
interprets the message and responds to it along with some type of verbal or nonverbal feedback.
Now we turn our attention to how we first make these connections with other people, engage
in conversations to get to know them better, listen and share information, and begin to form
and initiate close relationships. In Chapter 7, we will discuss how relationships are initiated.
Relationships are the important and ...
The document provides guidance on effective communication through storytelling. It discusses how stories are wired into human thinking and help move people through different states that motivate change. It then provides questions to help the reader practice telling their own story in a structured way. The questions guide the reader to include a beginning rooted in time/place/state, obstacles or weaknesses blocking what they want, and resolutions that use strengths to overcome obstacles. The overall message is that structuring communications as a shared story can build connection and help people remember key information.
This document is about the rapport and how to communicate with other person and enter into his trust zone. which will enhance your feeling to share and talk to each other with no hesitations.
Chapter 11
Attraction & Exclusion
Today’s Outline
Physical attractiveness
Causes of rejection
Effects of rejection
Attraction & Exclusion
As social animals, humans are, at their core, truly concerned with attraction and exclusion
Indeed the point of social psychology may be to understand why some are accepted and loved, while others are rejected
Take a moment to consider times in your life where you might have been afraid of romantic rejection or perhaps were seeking social acceptance with a new group of peers
Attraction & Exclusion
The need to belong is defined as the desire to form and maintain close, lasting relationships with some other individuals
Needing to belong is considered a fundamental drive or basic need of the human psyche
Warren Jones, “In two decades of studying loneliness, I have met many people who said they had no friends. I have never met any one who didn’t want to have any friends.”
Need to belong
From an evolutionary psychology perspective:
Attraction and acceptance are necessary for reproduction
Additionally, humans likely developed a herd mentality to increase our odds of survival
Consider all the ways we know our behavior changes in groups
Monkeys can recognize that any two monkeys may have an alliance, be forming one, or might be likely to fight
One theory is that the human brain developed more to keep track of a highly complex social world
Two components to belongingness
1. Regular, positive social interactions
Regular is key here, many of us have formed friendships but moved on to new situations in our life and lost regular contact with old friends
Positive is also key, hanging out with that person you always argue with doesn’t fill that social need
2. Stable relationship/friendship in which people share mutual concern for each other
Typically research has shown people want about 1-5 close friends
People are less concerned with casual friends/acquaintances
How bad for you is not belonging?
Belonging is called a need, not a want, perhaps for these reasons
Death rates from various diseases increase among people with no social connections (Lynch, 1979)
People who are alone have more mental and physical problems (Uchino, Cacioppo, & Kiecolt-Glaser, 1996)
Loneliness reduces the ability of the immune system to heal the body (Cacioppo & Hawkley, 2005)
Attraction – Similarity,
complementarity, & opposites
Which old saying turns out to be true, “Birds of a feather flock together” or “Opposites attract”
The research has pointed to birds of a feather being the clear winner
In any relationship ranging from acquaintance to lover, opposites are unlikely to stay connected in the long run
Typically, but not always, our friends are similar in age, race, education level, political leaning, economic status, etc.
Note this is kind of a bad thing too, as it can lead us to assume everyone shares the opinions of your social group
How .
Chapter 12Attraction and RelationshipsCouple stands face to.docxcravennichole326
Chapter 12:
Attraction and Relationships
Couple stands face to face smiling at each other.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the chapter you should be able to:
Describe how proximity, attractiveness, matching, similarity, equitability, and being "hard to get" influence attraction
Explain the two factors of the need to belong
and how human tendencies toward social bonds,
including what happens when we are deprived,
show the need to belong
Explain the difference between companionate love, passionate love, and compassionate love
Explain the difference between a communal relationship and an exchange relationship
Explain Sternberg's triangular theory of love
Describe how interdependence theory works
Explain the components of the investment model
Describe John Gottman's findings about relationship maintenance
Chapter Outline
12.1 Factors in Attraction
We Like Those Who Are Close to Us
We Like Those Who Are Attractive
We Like Those Who Are Similar to Us
We Like Those We Have Equitable Relationships With
We Like Those Who Are Hard to Get
12.2 Need to Belong
Social Bonds
12.3 Love
Types of Love
Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love
12.4 Relationship Maintenance
12.5 When Relationships End
Chapter Summary
* * *
Around 2 million Americans marry each year, with other couples entering into long-term commitments with a partner or beginning cohabitation (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013; Copen, Daniels, Vespa, & Mosher, 2012). According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2010), the average household size was 2.59 in 2010. When it comes to other close relationships, most adults in the United States report that they have around nine close friends (Brewer & Webster, 1999; Carroll, 2004). The majority of people say they have at least one close friend, with fewer than 2% of U.S. residents reporting no close friends. For those who use the social networking site Facebook, the average friend count is 303, though such counts may be artificially inflated by a few users who have a very large number of friends. Younger Facebook users tend to have more friends, with an average of 506 and 510 for those aged 12–17 and 18–24, respectively (Marketing Charts Staff, 2013). Seeking out, forming, and maintaining relationships seem to be major activities among human beings. Who do we tend to form friendships with? Who will become our romantic partners? In this chapter, we explore attraction, the need for social connections, love, and maintaining relationships.
12.1 Factors in Attraction
Many of us meet a variety of people each day. Some we become friends with, others remain strangers. We may begin a romantic relationship with one person but, refuse to even date another. What attracts us to some people and not others? There are a variety of factors related to attraction.
We Like Those Who Are Close to Us
Surprisingly, simple proximity, or propinquity, has a lot ...
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Christopher Campos Orlando specializes in leveraging data to promote sustainability and environmental responsibility. With expertise in carbon footprint analysis, regulatory compliance, and green business strategies, he helps organizations integrate sustainability into their operations. His data-driven approach ensures companies meet ESG standards while achieving long-term sustainability goals.
Boosting MySQL with Vector Search Scale22X 2025.pdfAlkin Tezuysal
As the demand for vector databases and Generative AI continues to rise, integrating vector storage and search capabilities into traditional databases has become increasingly important. This session introduces the *MyVector Plugin*, a project that brings native vector storage and similarity search to MySQL. Unlike PostgreSQL, which offers interfaces for adding new data types and index methods, MySQL lacks such extensibility. However, by utilizing MySQL's server component plugin and UDF, the *MyVector Plugin* successfully adds a fully functional vector search feature within the existing MySQL + InnoDB infrastructure, eliminating the need for a separate vector database. The session explains the technical aspects of integrating vector support into MySQL, the challenges posed by its architecture, and real-world use cases that showcase the advantages of combining vector search with MySQL's robust features. Attendees will leave with practical insights on how to add vector search capabilities to their MySQL
Deep-QPP: A Pairwise Interaction-based Deep Learning Model for Supervised Que...suchanadatta3
Motivated by the recent success of end-to-end deep neural models
for ranking tasks, we present here a supervised end-to-end neural
approach for query performance prediction (QPP). In contrast to
unsupervised approaches that rely on various statistics of document
score distributions, our approach is entirely data-driven. Further,
in contrast to weakly supervised approaches, our method also does
not rely on the outputs from different QPP estimators. In particular, our model leverages information from the semantic interactions between the terms of a query and those in the top-documents retrieved with it. The architecture of the model comprises multiple layers of 2D convolution filters followed by a feed-forward layer of parameters. Experiments on standard test collections demonstrate
that our proposed supervised approach outperforms other state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised approaches.
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The effect of distance on love narration
The Effect of Physical Distance on Love Narration
Meysam Gholami Baseri
Ayatollah Borujerdi University
1) Abstract
In this research paper the question is “what is the effect of physical distance on love narration?”.
Through some pages I am going to analyze some data which I gained in 10 video clips which are
collected on Instagram, YouTube, and also telegram application. In these videos all the words and
phrases which were somehow related to the narration of love among two people are recorded
(their frequency of occurrence) and provided in written form. The gathered data belongs to same
people when they are close to each other and also when there is a physical distance.
2) Keywords
love, narration, distance.
3) Introduction
If I am going to be exact, first of all I should define what is narration and what is its relation to our
life. Love between two people are conveyed and sent (narrated) by many different ways which
we are going to show some examples in this research.
What’s narration? If we want to answer this question, we can say that narration is “telling stories
or expressing your thoughts and feelings in words and maybe physical activities (gestures)”
“Navigating a new relationship is supposed to be fun and exciting, but when distance interferes
with the getting-to-know you stage, various challenges can arise.” In this quotation the effect of
distance on love or relationships is noticed and mentioned, so it’s clear that distance make it hard
to maintain a relationship and prove faithfulness.
According to JEROME BRVNER, narration shapes our way of communicating with each other:
“Narrative is rather an all-purpose vehicle. It not only shapes our ways of communicating with
each other and our ways of experiencing the world, but it also gives form to what we imagine, to
our sense of what is possible.” What is Love? it is an intense feeling of deep affection for someone or
Narration when comes with love, means the way someone is going to show “LOVE” to another
person. It may be just some short sentences or some physical activities (kissing or hugging).
4) History of the research
Most popular contemporary ideas about love can be traced to the classical Greek philosophers.
Prominent in this regard is Plato’s Symposium. It is a systematic and seminal analysis whose
major ideas have probably influenced contemporary work on love more than all subsequent
philosophical work combined. However, four major intellectual developments of the 19th and
20th centuries provided key insights that helped shape the agenda for current research and
theory of love.
There are some quotes for long distance relationships which clearly shows love and how some
people narrate “love” when there is a physical distance between them:
? Ocean separates lands, not souls. – Munia Khan
? Distance means so little when someone means so much. – Tom McNeal
? In many ways, the art of love is largely the art of persistence. – Albert Ellis
? Absence sharpens love. Presence strengthens it. – Thomas Fuller
Some ways to show love according to “ ” :
a) Engage in Physical Affection.
b) Hang out together.
c) Kiss each other.
d) Tell them you love them.
Narration of love is to make your partner understand that you have feelings for them, so
it may be with physical activities.
5) Methodology
In the process of analyzing, we compared the two category of data we obtained. and we
carefully watched videos and wrote every single phrase that was important. Then again
watched them and simply we recorded the frequency of those phrases in each video.
Finally, we got the result that is mentioned in the findings and results part.
5.1Question: the question here is what is the effect of physical distance on love
narration? In this article I want to clarify the answer by explaining each part and
by analyzing the data gained before.
5.2Variable: here in this study people or study cases are fixed but their situations,
their physical distance, and their way of expression of love are our variables.
5.3Equipment: A smart phone (for accessing to internet and watching clips on
mentioned websites and applications), A laptop (for creating a manuscript and
recording the statistics), and A headphone (to carefully listen to the videos and
reduce hearing errors).
6) Data
This is the result of conversation between two people when there is a physical
category Sentence / phrase Frequency
Greetings Hey babe 2 times
Do you remember? 3 times
Where are you? 4 times
When you want to / can come home? 2 times
Are you freaking kidding me? 1 time
What’s up? 2 times
I miss you so much 6 times
I love you 11 times
I’m so sorry 7 times
I want you back 4 times
It’s my fault 2 times
I will cross the oceans to hold you in my arms 1 time
You are my only one 1 time
Wish I could hold your hands 1 time
It’s your call 1 time
Listen sweet heart 3 times
You got it 4 times
I remember, I can’t forget 1 time
Hell no! 6 times
Requesting Please don’t do that 3 times
And here are the results of conversation between two people when there isn’t any
physical distance.
Category Sentence / phrase Frequency
Physical actions
Laughing 8 times
Hugging 4 times
Kissing 5 times
Drinking 7 times
Crying 2 times
Give me a hug 3 times
Give me your hands 6 times
Close your eyes 2 times
Kiss my lips 1 time
Look me right in the eyes 1 time
Please stop crying 3 times
let’s walk 1 time
I’m glad you’re home 1 time
Asking questions
How do you feel? 2 times
Am I good with make up? 3 times
Why are you laughing? 2 times
You’re looking amazing in these clothes 1 time
I think this red dress suits you well 1 time
What about wine? 1 time
You shouldn’t wear this much make up 1 time
You look more beautiful with smile 2 times
7) Findings and result
Well based on the analyze of the gathered data, it seems like when there is a physical distance
between two people the “LOVE” between them is conveyed mostly through language (words
and sentences). And when they are close and near each other, it seems that people want to
express their feelings (love) through physical activities.
CATEGORY Long distance No distance
Greetings + ?
Gaining information + +
Expressing feelings + +
Informing + ?
Requesting + +
Physical actions ? +
Asking questions + +
Admiring ? +
Recommendations ? +
8) Resources
J. BRUNER. Telling stories, 45-46
L. Campbell. The Effects of Distance on a Developing Relationship