2. Background
English becomes an International Language.
It demands all the society in every background especially the students to
master it well.
Reading approach is one of the way to help the students solve their
problem in reading
In reading approach, many things an be achieved by the students and they
can master English well
5. A Brief History
Reading approach or reading method was first devised for English
learners in India and French or German learners in the United States of
America who have not the time to master the active or oral use of the
language. It has also been advocated in England for pupils of inferior
language-learning ability. Reading approach is like GTM (Grammar
Translation Method) since it also stressed on written skills. Only the
grammar necessary for reading comprehension and fluency is taught. But,
it was flexible approach as far as the teaching is concerned.
6. Theory of Language
Reading approach is a way to
start teaching beginning
It is based on cognitive theory
originally conceptualized by
Albert Bandura
8. Objective
The students
are able to identify
meaning rather than
letters or words
students are able
to understand
and read the text
students are able
to read actively
9. Syllabus
The syllabus based on the
development of reading skill.
How to make students have the
ability to comprehend what they
10. Types of Teaching and Learning Activities
Skimming, It is an
activity to read
shorter texts to
extract accurate
detailed information.
Skimming is used to
quickly identify the
main ideas of a text.
Skimming is done at
a speed three to four
times faster than
normal reading
Scanning, It is a
quickly reading a text
to get the gist of it
Extensive reading,
extensive reading is a
reading longer text,
usually for pleasure.
Extensive reading is
an approach to
language learning,
including foreign
language learning, by
the means of a large
amount of reading.
Intensive reading.
11. The role of extensive reading in language
It can provide comprehensible input.
It can enhance learners general language competence.
It increases the students exposure to the language.
It can increase knowledge of vocabulary.
It can lead to improvement in writing.
It can motivate learners to read.
It can consolidate previously learned language.
12. Kinds of instructional experiences and
Reading aloud
Word study
13. Learner Roles
- Recognizing the script of a language.
- Translating the text.
- Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items.
- Understanding explicitly stated information.
Teacher Roles
Teacher should create situations in which learners are most suggestible and then to present
linguistic material in a way most likely to encourage positive reception and retention by learners.
Motivating learners
Encouraging to set reading strategies
Supporting the students to develop reading comprehension
14. The Role of Instructional Materials
To get meaning from
whole chunks of text
To have good
vocabulary and
integrate naturally
with other class work.
15. The teacherteachesstudents about prior knowledge
Making aconnection is when a student can relate a passage to an experience, another
book, or other facts about the world
Questioningis another strategy that will greatly benefit a student.
Visualization is when a student can create a picture or movie in their mind while reading
text. Use terms like mental image and asking sensory questions will help students
become better visualizers.
Summarizing is a comprehension strategy that also needs to be taught. Summarizing is
telling what is important about the text.
Evaluation is about making judgments on what you read and then explaining why you
made those judgments (Into the Book).
Synthesizing is putting the pieces together to see them in a new way (Into the Book).
16. Advantages of Reading Approach
can be
used in a
big class.
In reading
students can
know much
because they
have to read
the passage.
Students focus
what they are
because they
only learn
The reading
requires little
teaching skill
since the
lesson-form is
a standardized
and fixed
The reading
method is
of time
since the
pupils all
17. Disadvantages of Reading Approach
Since reading approach
is only focused on
written skill, this
approach is lack in
speaking skill.
Reading approach is
oppressive approach because
the vocabularies and
grammar are controlled.