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Please do refer to my resume for more information.
Note that I am willing to go undertraining to learn.
Grahi JUlien
This document provides an overview of the UNIX operating system. It begins with an introduction to UNIX, noting that it was developed in 1969 at Bell Labs and is a portable, multi-user, multi-tasking operating system. The document then covers the history of UNIX, its key features including multi-user capability and security, and common shells like Bourne shell. It also discusses common UNIX distributions, basic commands like ls, cat and cp, and includes a questions and answers section and references.
Simple, cost effective oxygen permeation testing for packages and bottles. The Systech Illinois 8200 is ideal for oxygen permeation testing of packages and bottles. This two station analyser is the economical solution – it incorporates the reliability and wide measurement range of our leading permeation instruments but is designed to be cost effective.
The document discusses a project numbered YY7318. It contains multiple sections numbered 1 through 3, with notes that can be added by clicking. Sections 1 and 2 each have two subsections numbered 1 and 2. Section 3 has a single subsection.
The document is a specification sheet for the Samsung HU9000 Smart UHD TV. It describes the TV's key features which include an ultra high definition 4K picture, curved design, upscaling and dimming technologies for lifelike images, a smart TV platform with apps and voice control, and connectivity options like screen mirroring and smart devices. The TV is available in 55, 65, and 78 inch screen sizes.
Amanda Frog Lake_TSAG- presentation - Nov 2013 - finalShanea Quinney
The document summarizes an Aboriginal Youth Environmental Program partnership between Frog Lake First Nation, Enbridge Pipelines, and Technical Services Advisory Group. Key points:
- The program trained FLFN lands staff and youth mentors in aquatic monitoring techniques and data management tools to initiate a youth-led baseline water quality monitoring program.
- Primary objectives were to train FLFN lands staff, make FLFN aware of environmental concerns on their lands, and develop FLFN's GIS mapping system for long-term land use planning.
- Long term plans for FLFN include continuing funding for sustainable land and resource use programs, utilizing community mapping for economic ventures, and providing consistent environmental monitoring on FLFN lands.
The document summarizes the British Council's Active Citizens program, which provides social leadership training to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. It discusses:
1) The program's global reach, with partners in over 40 countries applying the methodology to strengthen communities through initiatives like football in Pakistan.
2) Impact numbers, including 130,000 Active Citizens trained who have launched over 5,000 social action projects benefiting communities.
3) Examples of projects using Active Citizens to improve education in Pakistan, empower youth civic participation in Bangladesh, and support women's empowerment in the Middle East.
This document appears to be a design portfolio belonging to Sierra Pack. It includes 10 projects with descriptions of the objective, programs used, process, and any revisions made based on feedback. The projects include a magazine cover, Prezi presentation, photodesign, montage, business identity, infographic, HTML/CSS coded website, webpage mockup, and brochure. For each project, Sierra provides details on her design process, feedback received, and subsequent revisions or refinements made to the final design.
Este manual fornece instru??es sobre o uso seguro e correto de uma panificadora, além de conter mais de 100 receitas. Instru??es importantes de seguran?a devem ser lidas antes do primeiro uso. O manual ensina a usar os bot?es e fun??es da panificadora, incluindo a sele??o de programas, tempo e tamanho do p?o.
Este documento presenta un proyecto escolar sobre las familias de los estudiantes. El proyecto incluye presentaciones orales y escritas sobre los estudiantes y sus familiares, el intercambio de fotos familiares, la descripción de las fotos utilizando una aplicación, y la creación de un álbum familiar compartido en la web. El documento evalúa el desempe?o de los estudiantes en diferentes criterios como la presentación oral y escrita, el procedimiento del proyecto, y la actitud.
1. The document provides instructions for an assignment about planning for the future. Students are asked to watch a video, complete matching and fill-in-the-blank exercises, answer true/false questions, and have a group discussion about common aspects of their future plans.
2. Students are then asked to write their own text about their future goals, get in groups to discuss common aspects, and create a joint text to present orally using multimedia. The presentation should include formal introductions and transitions between speakers.
3. The assignment aims to help students comprehend and produce written and oral texts about planning for their future and making goals. It provides examples and exercises to guide them in envisioning and describing their personal future
Medellín, Colombia is known as the "City of Eternal Spring" but has struggled with air pollution for over thirty years. While the city has an efficient public transportation system and uses clean fuels, air pollution from the large number of vehicles and factories has caused health issues like bronchitis and pneumonia, resulting in over 12% of deaths in 2017. Additional strategies are needed to reduce factory emissions, as current restrictions on vehicles have not been enough to clean the air in Medellín.
Este documento es el currículum vitae de Maykcoll Stevens Yepes Suarez. Detalla su información personal, educación universitaria en lenguas extranjeras y negocios internacionales, y experiencia laboral como profesor de inglés en varias instituciones educativas. También enumera los numerosos cursos y capacitaciones que ha completado para mejorar sus habilidades docentes.
Amanda Frog Lake_TSAG- presentation - Nov 2013 - finalShanea Quinney
The document summarizes an Aboriginal Youth Environmental Program partnership between Frog Lake First Nation, Enbridge Pipelines, and Technical Services Advisory Group. Key points:
- The program trained FLFN lands staff and youth mentors in aquatic monitoring techniques and data management tools to initiate a youth-led baseline water quality monitoring program.
- Primary objectives were to train FLFN lands staff, make FLFN aware of environmental concerns on their lands, and develop FLFN's GIS mapping system for long-term land use planning.
- Long term plans for FLFN include continuing funding for sustainable land and resource use programs, utilizing community mapping for economic ventures, and providing consistent environmental monitoring on FLFN lands.
The document summarizes the British Council's Active Citizens program, which provides social leadership training to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. It discusses:
1) The program's global reach, with partners in over 40 countries applying the methodology to strengthen communities through initiatives like football in Pakistan.
2) Impact numbers, including 130,000 Active Citizens trained who have launched over 5,000 social action projects benefiting communities.
3) Examples of projects using Active Citizens to improve education in Pakistan, empower youth civic participation in Bangladesh, and support women's empowerment in the Middle East.
This document appears to be a design portfolio belonging to Sierra Pack. It includes 10 projects with descriptions of the objective, programs used, process, and any revisions made based on feedback. The projects include a magazine cover, Prezi presentation, photodesign, montage, business identity, infographic, HTML/CSS coded website, webpage mockup, and brochure. For each project, Sierra provides details on her design process, feedback received, and subsequent revisions or refinements made to the final design.
Este manual fornece instru??es sobre o uso seguro e correto de uma panificadora, além de conter mais de 100 receitas. Instru??es importantes de seguran?a devem ser lidas antes do primeiro uso. O manual ensina a usar os bot?es e fun??es da panificadora, incluindo a sele??o de programas, tempo e tamanho do p?o.
Este documento presenta un proyecto escolar sobre las familias de los estudiantes. El proyecto incluye presentaciones orales y escritas sobre los estudiantes y sus familiares, el intercambio de fotos familiares, la descripción de las fotos utilizando una aplicación, y la creación de un álbum familiar compartido en la web. El documento evalúa el desempe?o de los estudiantes en diferentes criterios como la presentación oral y escrita, el procedimiento del proyecto, y la actitud.
1. The document provides instructions for an assignment about planning for the future. Students are asked to watch a video, complete matching and fill-in-the-blank exercises, answer true/false questions, and have a group discussion about common aspects of their future plans.
2. Students are then asked to write their own text about their future goals, get in groups to discuss common aspects, and create a joint text to present orally using multimedia. The presentation should include formal introductions and transitions between speakers.
3. The assignment aims to help students comprehend and produce written and oral texts about planning for their future and making goals. It provides examples and exercises to guide them in envisioning and describing their personal future
Medellín, Colombia is known as the "City of Eternal Spring" but has struggled with air pollution for over thirty years. While the city has an efficient public transportation system and uses clean fuels, air pollution from the large number of vehicles and factories has caused health issues like bronchitis and pneumonia, resulting in over 12% of deaths in 2017. Additional strategies are needed to reduce factory emissions, as current restrictions on vehicles have not been enough to clean the air in Medellín.
Este documento es el currículum vitae de Maykcoll Stevens Yepes Suarez. Detalla su información personal, educación universitaria en lenguas extranjeras y negocios internacionales, y experiencia laboral como profesor de inglés en varias instituciones educativas. También enumera los numerosos cursos y capacitaciones que ha completado para mejorar sus habilidades docentes.
This document appears to be instructions for a song activity worksheet about the song "IDGAF" by Dua Lipa. Students are directed to visit two websites to listen to the song, then fill in the blanks of lyrics and organize sentences as needed. The full lyrics are provided with gaps to be filled. The activity is designed to practice listening comprehension and vocabulary in English class.
1) The document provides instructions for an assignment to design a video or poster describing an ideal world.
2) Students are organized into the same groups as a previous future assignment and are directed to download files and complete activities describing aspects of an ideal world, excluding some specified activities.
3) The video/poster must include a headline, seven sentences using would/would not about various topics for an ideal world, and design credits.
1. The document provides instructions for an assignment about planning for the future. Students are asked to watch a video, complete matching and fill-in-the-blank exercises, correct errors, transcribe an audio recording, and write and present about their own future plans.
2. In groups, students are to find common aspects of their future plans and write a joint text. They will then present their group's future plans using ICT tools, with a formal introduction and conclusion.
3. The goal is for students to comprehend and produce written and oral texts about planning for their future, which is framed as being in their own hands.
Este documento es una autoevaluación de cinco estudiantes de grado undécimo en el área de humanidades e inglés en una institución educativa en Medellín, Colombia. La autoevaluación evalúa el desempe?o de los estudiantes en cuatro criterios: lingüístico, procedimental, actitudinal y una valoración definitiva. Los estudiantes se evalúan a sí mismos en cada criterio usando cuatro niveles de desempe?o.
This document outlines classroom etiquette and expectations for students, including being responsible by coming to class on time, participating actively by raising your hand to speak, using English as much as possible, listening to the teacher and classmates, not eating or drinking except water, and always doing your best.
Este documento presenta ejemplos de rutinas de pensamiento que los maestros pueden utilizar para ayudar a los estudiantes a desarrollar habilidades metacognitivas como organizar sus ideas, identificar fortalezas y debilidades en su aprendizaje, y aplicar lo aprendido en su vida diaria. Incluye plantillas y explicaciones de rutinas como "Color, imagen, símbolo", "Compara y contrasta", y "Escalera de la metacognición" que guían a los estudiantes a través de análisis y reflexión.