Personal Information
Alright first of all...I invented water; you've probably drank it, or swam in it before - yeah, that stuff... I made that. You're welcome.
I can fly, no you can't see.
I'm Married to Iron Man.
I can dance very well, it's 98% likely that I've got much better rhythm than you do.
I can answer the mysteries of the universe - just ask me.
When I was a kid, I single handedly built a time machine and stopped Hitler from winning WWII. Yea... you're welcome, world.
I look directly into the sun, absorb the sunlight and then use it to see in the dark later.
The character of Indiana Jones was loosely based on my adventures in Archaeology, they toned it down for a PG rating.
I'm fireproof.
The devil sold
poltical sociology
philippines constitution
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Users being followed by April Ferrer