Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Bangalore, India
General Manager
x) I dont think out of the box, because I dont have a box.
y) If set my goals on something, I give my life to get it.
z) I am still learning , and think i am in kinder garden
a') I trust people quickly , so if you hurt me , watch out.
b') I love food, art, creative designs , hotels, Innovation ,teaching
c) I love my wife, family and my friends ( real friends ), who always stand by me at my worst times. I now do the same unconditionally
d) I have made terrible mistakes in life , I regret what I did . I learn from the past and look at the future positively
e) Action speaks, words do speak too and words do tell about the intended action.
I am emotional ,intensily passio
Users following Mahesh AAiyer