Microsoft Certification ID: 8721832 with experience on the following Software domain.
Server Operating System: Windows 2012 R2 / Windows 2008 R2 / Windows 2003 R2 / Windows 2000
Client Operating System: Windows 8.1 / windows 8/ Windows 7
Database: SQL server 2014 / SQL server 2012 /SQL 2008 R2 / SQL 2005/ SQL 2000
Cloud platforms : Azure, Amazon
ERP installations :
• AX 2012 R2, / Ax 2012 / AX 2009/
• CRM 2013/ CRM 2011/CRM 4.0
• GP 2013/ GP 2010/ GP 10
• SOLOMON IV migration to SL 7.0 and SL2011
Office Applications: Office 365/ Office 2013/ Office 2010 / Office 2007/ office 365
SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013
Skype for Business Communication / Lync 2010/ L...