Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Ok leT mE tELL bOuT me Uh...Im JuZ A sImPle Gal.ShOrtie iN hEigHt n a Bit pLum In wEiGht.don't bE fOoLed bY WaT u c Me iN dA piCs!!:)aM I LoOk lIkE a gOod gAl.? oHh pLz nO!!.iF I sTarT taLkiNg..tHere iZ nO eNdiNg pOinT.iM a taLkaTiVe GaL, a GoOd liSteNer,a gOod aDviSor,cAring PerSon,Love To hELp oTherZ..STOP!!tiZ iS wAt mY fRenz Use To sAy BouT mE Ok.aCtuAllY I truSt MysELf tHan OthErz. I liKe pEopLe wHo tReaT mE wELL JuZ LiKe hOw I dEseRVed To be tReatEd. LifE iS sO pReciOus.. liVe liFe to de fULLesT.don't wAsTe uR lifE..aS lOng U LivE pLz don't giV tRoubLeZ tO aNyOne, don't let OthErz fEel hUrT wiT uR aTTiTutE & beHaVioUrZ. help oThErz aS mUcH aS u Can. FEeL hApPY wiT wAteVer u dO oR wAteV
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