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Maritime Training: Past, Present &
Future  AI, VR, AR & Machine
Mani GR
 Conventional training & its challenges
 Virtual reality & how it works?
 Applications of VR
 Artificial intelligence & how it works?
 Advantages & challenges wrt AI
 Augmented reality & its applications
 Challenges of AR
 Techno commercial analysis
Conventional training
Not prepared for diversity of situations?
 Teacher  dominant role / Student  passive
 Minimal student feedback.
 Not every attention span lasts that long - Attention span
 10mins (average).
 It does not engage every learning style
 It facilitates rote learning above all else
 It is biased
 It precludes discussion
 Its not the right fit for every subject
 Not every teacher excels at public speaking
Common Problems Faced by Students
In eLearning
 Adaptability Struggle
 Technical Issues
 Computer Literacy
 Time Management
What is  Virtual Reality?
VR is referred to as immersive multimedia, is a
computer simulated environment that can recreate an
imaginary world.
 3D world
 Simulating depth
5 industries that will be impacted by new
Applications - Accessible to all kind of
health care
VR is lifeline
bring the game to living room
Military business
combat situations cost effective way of developing a product
Education - educate tomorrows
technological elites
Artificial Intelligence Herbert Simon,
AI is the simulation of human intelligence
processes by machine, especially computer
Application of AI
 Gaming (responsive,
 Natural language
 Expert systems
 Vision systems
(understand, interpret,
 Speech recognition
Benefits of VR & AI
 Teach more with less at low cost of equipment.
 Ensures Safe working environment to eliminate
serious risks.
 Equipment can be updated on the field itself
without huge new capital outlays for equipment.
 Learning by doing.
 No requirement of physical infrastructure by
spending huge amount to installing labs.
Advantages of VR & AI in the Maritime
Students are creators of content
Improves quality of Education
Digital assistants
No language barriers
Increased student engagement
Outstanding visualization
No difficulty in explorations on concepts
Challenges of using VR & AI in maritime
Deteriorates human connection
Lack of flexibility
Functionality issues
Addiction to the virtual world
Quite expensive
Importance of AI
Augmented Reality
 Augmented reality (AR) system combines the real
world with virtual information
 Provides expanded and information-rich view of the
environment to the user.
 Have been around for a few decades
 Number started to grow significantly only during the past few
 Training becomes visual
 Becomes more visual than in the traditional environment.
 Real-life experiences taken into the digital world.
 Learning is safer
 Workers can gain familiarization with complex situations and
risky environments.
 Workers can practice in real life scenarios until they are near
Marine industry - AR and VR applications
 Ship simulators
 Electronic Navigational Aids
 Dynamic positioning
 UnderWater Augmented Reality (UWAR)
 Maintenance with AR
 Maritime Training
Challenges and limitations of AR
 Technology challenges
 Sociological challenges
 Privacy challenges
 There are many other issues related to AR 
new/emerging problems :
 Unauthorized advertising,
There could be a number of issues whose real challenge
we will need to tackle as applications increase!
Techno commercial analysis - AI with VR
in maritime industry
Used cases  actual applications in maritime
 Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) - teamed up with Fujitsu
Laboratories Ltd., and Tokyo University of Marine Science and
 Verify the accuracy of technology to estimate vessel
performance at sea by applying Fujitsus artificial intelligence
(AI) technology.
 Project is a part of MOLs initiative to assess the effectiveness of
AI technology.
 Aims to reduce fuel consumption and vessels environmental
impact by verifying the accuracy of the technology, using
Fujitsus AI Technology to estimate vessel performance at sea.
Used cases  Actual applications in maritime
 K Line LNG Shipping (UK) Ltd - Mr. Yuzuro Goto,
Managing Director,
 3D simulation tool, developed by Propel that his
company uses for training crew on board.
 Propel has developed a 3D-simulation model, entitled
SAYFR, in an effort to allow people on board and ashore
to interact in different scenarios.
 Centre of Excellence in Maritime Safety (CEMS) &
Kongsberg Digital is providing Virtual Reality solutions
 Enhanced training experiences with the use
 Mixed reality, virtual reality, augmented reality and
augmented virtual reality.
Used cases  Actual applications in
maritime sector
 W辰rtsil辰 Seals & Bearings
 Augmented reality and smart glasses in stern tube seals & bearings
services, -
 Improve repair, operations.
 The person on site can send and receive visual images,
 Listen to the specialists advice,
 Receive written instructions right in front of his eyes on see-through-displays.
 Augmented reality can stimulate employees brains, making them
learning interactive and easier.
 Organizations can thus achieve:
 Increase in productivity.
 Lowering of costs.
 By making operations safer and more efficient.
 Holoportation is a new type of 3D capture technology
 Allows high-quality 3D models of people to be
reconstructed, compressed and transmitted anywhere in
the world in real time.
 When combined with mixed reality displays such as
HoloLens, this technology allows users to see, hear and
interact with remote participants in 3D, as if they are in
the room.
 Communicating and interacting with remote users will
become as natural as face-to-face communication.
Used cases  actual applications in
maritime sector
Implications for MTIs --- ???????
Implications for MTIs - Uberization
 Disintermediation, digital economy, on-demand economy, sharing
economy, access economy, gig-economy
 Everyone is starting to worry about being ubered!
 The 'Uber-economy' redefines - Concept of work,  Dragging us
to a freelance-economy!
 Users benefit from new affordable & innovative services
 U - Suddenly wake up to find your legacy business gone
Implications for MTIs?
 Uberization of education  Aggregators model???
 Change from Brick and Mortar to Virtual Universities
 MIT Open Courseware | Free Online Course Materials
 Online classes for candidates
 Online teachers who will teach and clear doubts
 Teaching BOTS which will replace professors using Holoportation!!
 Using AI, the BOTS will improve their delivery of content basis machine
 Algorithms will prompt and send out relevant links for students to improve
their learning.
 Results: Deep experiential learning for the students !!
Implications for MTIs?
 Conventional classrooms may not exist!!!
 Uberization effect!!
 There will be Open courseware institutions with authorization
from - Flag state/ Other authorities  to deliver digital training?
 Focus will shift from training to evaluation!
 The standards and barriers to evaluation will rise significantly!
 Experiential learning will produce better quality and more ship
ready seafarers.
 Machine learning & VR supported by AI and AR will improve
the skill levels of seafarers onboard.
 There will assessment of seafarers basis their onboard
 Proof will be available onboard - seafarer are actually good at
their jobs  CoCs may not be required.
As the technology for AI with VR equipment is expensive:
 MTIs may have to collaborate with international large companies with
deep profits to launch pilot consumer equipment's of AI with VR for the
maritime training .
 If this technology is adapted in short period of time which will result in
the equipment cost to drop to considerable price so that all the maritime
training institutes can afford to adopt and install the AI with VR
technology in all MTIs
 There is suggestion going around that different MTI s can mutually
decide on areas ( CoE  centres of excellence ) where they specialise and
invest wisely their hard to earn income.
References and Bibliography
 Martin Gradner, online education vs. traditional Education, Education and
Reflection Time
Maritime training past present_future_ai_vi_ml_ar_mani_gr

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Maritime training past present_future_ai_vi_ml_ar_mani_gr

  • 1. Maritime Training: Past, Present & Future AI, VR, AR & Machine learning Mani GR EXPERIENCING REEL WORLD BEFORE ATTEMPTING REAL WORLD
  • 2. Contents Conventional training & its challenges Virtual reality & how it works? Applications of VR Artificial intelligence & how it works? Advantages & challenges wrt AI Augmented reality & its applications Challenges of AR Techno commercial analysis
  • 4. Challenges Not prepared for diversity of situations? Teacher dominant role / Student passive participant. Minimal student feedback. Not every attention span lasts that long - Attention span 10mins (average). It does not engage every learning style It facilitates rote learning above all else It is biased It precludes discussion Its not the right fit for every subject Not every teacher excels at public speaking
  • 5. Common Problems Faced by Students In eLearning Adaptability Struggle Technical Issues Computer Literacy Time Management Self-Motivation
  • 6. What is Virtual Reality? VR is referred to as immersive multimedia, is a computer simulated environment that can recreate an imaginary world.
  • 7. HOW IT WORKS ? STEREOSCOPIC DISPLAY 3D world Simulating depth
  • 8. 5 industries that will be impacted by new technologies
  • 9. Applications - Accessible to all kind of industry health care gaming VR is lifeline bring the game to living room Military business combat situations cost effective way of developing a product
  • 10. Education - educate tomorrows technological elites
  • 11. Artificial Intelligence Herbert Simon, 1965 AI is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machine, especially computer systems
  • 12. Application of AI Gaming (responsive, adaptive) Natural language processing Expert systems Vision systems (understand, interpret, grasp) Speech recognition Handwriting recognition
  • 13. Benefits of VR & AI Teach more with less at low cost of equipment. Ensures Safe working environment to eliminate serious risks. Equipment can be updated on the field itself without huge new capital outlays for equipment. Learning by doing. No requirement of physical infrastructure by spending huge amount to installing labs.
  • 14. Advantages of VR & AI in the Maritime Training Students are creators of content Improves quality of Education Digital assistants No language barriers Increased student engagement Outstanding visualization No difficulty in explorations on concepts
  • 15. Challenges of using VR & AI in maritime training Deteriorates human connection Lack of flexibility Functionality issues Addiction to the virtual world Quite expensive
  • 17. Augmented Reality Augmented reality (AR) system combines the real world with virtual information Provides expanded and information-rich view of the environment to the user. Have been around for a few decades Number started to grow significantly only during the past few years. Training becomes visual Becomes more visual than in the traditional environment. Real-life experiences taken into the digital world. Learning is safer Workers can gain familiarization with complex situations and risky environments. Workers can practice in real life scenarios until they are near perfect.
  • 18. Marine industry - AR and VR applications Ship simulators Shipbuilding Electronic Navigational Aids Dynamic positioning UnderWater Augmented Reality (UWAR) Maintenance with AR Maritime Training
  • 19. Challenges and limitations of AR Technology challenges Sociological challenges Privacy challenges There are many other issues related to AR new/emerging problems : Unauthorized advertising, Security Spam There could be a number of issues whose real challenge we will need to tackle as applications increase!
  • 20. Techno commercial analysis - AI with VR in maritime industry
  • 21. Used cases actual applications in maritime sector Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) - teamed up with Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Verify the accuracy of technology to estimate vessel performance at sea by applying Fujitsus artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Project is a part of MOLs initiative to assess the effectiveness of AI technology. Aims to reduce fuel consumption and vessels environmental impact by verifying the accuracy of the technology, using Fujitsus AI Technology to estimate vessel performance at sea.
  • 22. Used cases Actual applications in maritime sector K Line LNG Shipping (UK) Ltd - Mr. Yuzuro Goto, Managing Director, 3D simulation tool, developed by Propel that his company uses for training crew on board. Propel has developed a 3D-simulation model, entitled SAYFR, in an effort to allow people on board and ashore to interact in different scenarios. Centre of Excellence in Maritime Safety (CEMS) & Kongsberg Digital is providing Virtual Reality solutions Enhanced training experiences with the use Mixed reality, virtual reality, augmented reality and augmented virtual reality.
  • 23. Used cases Actual applications in maritime sector W辰rtsil辰 Seals & Bearings Augmented reality and smart glasses in stern tube seals & bearings services, - Improve repair, operations. The person on site can send and receive visual images, Listen to the specialists advice, Receive written instructions right in front of his eyes on see-through-displays. Augmented reality can stimulate employees brains, making them learning interactive and easier. Organizations can thus achieve: Increase in productivity. Lowering of costs. By making operations safer and more efficient.
  • 24. Holoportation is a new type of 3D capture technology Allows high-quality 3D models of people to be reconstructed, compressed and transmitted anywhere in the world in real time. When combined with mixed reality displays such as HoloLens, this technology allows users to see, hear and interact with remote participants in 3D, as if they are in the room. Communicating and interacting with remote users will become as natural as face-to-face communication. Used cases actual applications in maritime sector
  • 25. Implications for MTIs --- ???????
  • 26. Implications for MTIs - Uberization Disintermediation, digital economy, on-demand economy, sharing economy, access economy, gig-economy Everyone is starting to worry about being ubered! The 'Uber-economy' redefines - Concept of work, Dragging us to a freelance-economy! Users benefit from new affordable & innovative services U - Suddenly wake up to find your legacy business gone
  • 27. Implications for MTIs? Uberization of education Aggregators model??? Change from Brick and Mortar to Virtual Universities MIT Open Courseware | Free Online Course Materials www.coursera.org Online classes for candidates Online teachers who will teach and clear doubts Teaching BOTS which will replace professors using Holoportation!! Using AI, the BOTS will improve their delivery of content basis machine learning Algorithms will prompt and send out relevant links for students to improve their learning. Results: Deep experiential learning for the students !!
  • 28. Implications for MTIs? Conventional classrooms may not exist!!! Uberization effect!! There will be Open courseware institutions with authorization from - Flag state/ Other authorities to deliver digital training? Focus will shift from training to evaluation! The standards and barriers to evaluation will rise significantly! Experiential learning will produce better quality and more ship ready seafarers. Machine learning & VR supported by AI and AR will improve the skill levels of seafarers onboard. There will assessment of seafarers basis their onboard performance Proof will be available onboard - seafarer are actually good at their jobs CoCs may not be required.
  • 29. Conclusion As the technology for AI with VR equipment is expensive: MTIs may have to collaborate with international large companies with deep profits to launch pilot consumer equipment's of AI with VR for the maritime training . If this technology is adapted in short period of time which will result in the equipment cost to drop to considerable price so that all the maritime training institutes can afford to adopt and install the AI with VR technology in all MTIs There is suggestion going around that different MTI s can mutually decide on areas ( CoE centres of excellence ) where they specialise and invest wisely their hard to earn income.
  • 30. References and Bibliography Websites: Martin Gradner, online education vs. traditional Education, Education and science[online]http/www.hubpages.com http://www.sicomindia.com/blog/122-role-of-technology-in-indian- education-system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page https://worldmaritimenews.com/archives/226820/designing-in-virtual- reality/ https://www.safety4sea.com/category/shipping/ https://www.marineinsight.com/ https://fairplay.ihs.com/safety-regulation/article/4294066/can-augmented- reality-fill-in-for-seafarer-training https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5n6cIagmo4 https://antaresinsight.com/three-ways-augmented-reality-could-change- shipping/