Friendly person & jolly type....
I jst blv in me n my god. Dnt blv
anyone.i lv my lonliness n hpy wth
ths alwys.n i dont to be a part of
world's rush.i m, jst i m n i dnt wnt
to chng myslf for any1 . Plz accpt me
as i m. N dnt compare me from
others. Coz i hv n attitude. I m a
sencire n tugh boy in natre .In my
openion m the bst fr me.i lv n proud
I Never Change My Attitude for the
Sake of Others.Because in this world,
no one can play my role better than
牀牀む 牀牀牆牀
牀牀鉦牀牆 牀牀牆牀む逗萎牆 牀む牀萎逗,
牀朽牀牆牀迦萎牀牆牀む 牀牀迦牀迦朽牀鉦朽 牀朽橿萎牀牆牀む逗牆牀牆牀