The document provides information on etiquette training services for businesses, including business etiquette, dinner table etiquette, and meal etiquette. It discusses proper protocols for introductions, handshakes, business cards, dining, table manners, and more. The training covers topics like effective communication, dress codes, technology usage, and navigating diverse situations with respect. Sessions include demonstrations and practice of skills like multi-course dining etiquette. The goal is to teach professionals etiquette essentials to make positive impressions and interactions in business and social settings.
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Hrt setiquette
1. Hotel & Restaurant Training Services
Etiquette for Everyone!
Business Etiquette
Basic Essentials of the Dinner Table Etiquette
Technology Etiquette
Business Cards
Grooming & Appearance
Meal Etiquette & Manners
Diversity Etiquette
2. Business Etiquette & Protocol for
Session One Session Two
Effective Introductions Styles of Eating
Forms of Address Navigating the Place Setting
Proper Handshakes Hands- On Multi Course Dinner
Remembering Names Rules for Dining Success
Conversational Skills Mastering Difficult Foods
Making a Entrance Dealing with Social & dining emergencies
Working a Room Host, Hostess and Guest Duties
How to meet, greet & treat clients etc Combining Meals & Business
Business Card Protocol Receiving Lines
Dressing for success Dos and Dont of an office party
Business manners Table Manners
Techno Etiquette
3. Business Etiquette
Initiating and receiving a handshake in business
How a woman shakes hands with a man
How a man shakes hands with a woman
Initiating the handshake based on hierarchy. For example, Senior VIP initiates a handshake to one of
their employees
Giving and receiving a business card
Etiquette guidelines for asking someones card and receiving it
Asking for a card is based on hierarchy. For example, a senior ranking employee asks a junior ranking
employee for their card, etc.
The nonverbal components of giving & receiving a business card
Introducing and being introduced in business
Even the most casual business introductions are based on hierarchy. For example, the name of the
most important person in he introduction is used first.
Company executives receive employees. Client and dignitaries receive company executives.
Remembering names in business is good etiquette.
4. Social-Business Etiquette Basics
Social etiquette is most valuable for the first and lasting impressions. Meeting people in the business or
formal sense is going to occur, no matter how much we dont want it too.
The first handshake will probably be with the hostess/host; however, it may also be with the person in
the room who has the greatest amount of authority. It is therefore important to know how to make a good
impression by showing off your social etiquette skill during introductions. In body language, you will
assert yourself better if you make eye contact. Shake hands of the person you are being introduced to
firmly but not too excitedly. You do not want to have a handshake that seems overcompensating, overly
friendly, or too weak. Practice ahead of time.
Introductions have social etiquette rules. Traditionally, the person with the most authority is introduced
first. The order of introduction is to say the name of the person with the higher authority or position of
power and then the other person. Introductions are always done younger to older. If you are at a mixed
banquet of officers and gentleman, social etiquette rules say that introductions go from the non-official
person to the official person, or junior executive to the tenured or senior executive. Give enough
information in the introduction so that your relationship with them, as employee or boss or second in
command is apparent. Try to remember the names of the people you are introduced too. You can also
keep a small notebook so that you can follow up with important people at a later time, but do not scribble
in the notebook when you are being introduced. After the party or when you are alone is appropriate
time to jot down your notes.
5. Social-Business Etiquette Basics
Always be polite to the staff and servers, and especially us Please and Thank You often for proper
social etiquette. Again, this is a relatively easy one. The problem is that people at a dinner setting often
forget to acknowledge the servers. Ignoring the servers is not in good manners at all. It shows a certain
amount of friendliness and social graces when you look directly at the servers, smile, and thank them for
their service.
Focus on the host and hostess rather than the food. Keep the conversation light. Do not delve into
graphical conversations, sex, medical, etc. and stay away from work related topics unless the higher up
asks you about work. Show interest in the conversation, even if its boring. If you dont know very much
about the topic, do not fake knowledge. Instead, ask polite and non-intrusive questions. This is simply
respect for the guests.
Never discuss food that is not to your liking, do not return food unless you are allergic to it, and if you
must return it, do so to the servers, be overly polite about doing so.
TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES. This way, you will not make social etiquette mistakes by talking on the
phone while people are trying to enjoy the meal.
6. Social- Business Etiquette Basics
Business Situations also have a fair amount of required social etiquette. This Is not only the first
impression point made earlier, but also something that stays with you throughout your career. Nobody
wants to be branded as being pretentious or rude, so some social etiquette rules for business functions
can remove these brandings.
Business social etiquette is not about a power struggle. It is about exhibiting respect for others and
sticking to the Golden Rule we ;earned in kindergarten: Treat others as you want to be treated. Keep
your posture open but formal. Sit up or stand straight, but do not cross your arms or place your
hands behind your head. Use your words to show your professional attitude. Do not use slang
terms, uh, or um.
Social etiquette also transforms into our business correspondence. This is more than knowing the proper
margins for openings and closings. First, if you do not know the sex of the person you are writing do not
use Ms., or Mr. Instead, use the full name: Dear Toni Smith, woman are always Ms.
Do not use all caps, italics, bold or otherwise odd type font. Arial type font in purple size 44 is neat to
look at, but not in a formal thank you note or email. Proofread and check the spelling of your writing.
Email letters should always have a subject line and a signature when possible.
In closing, the most important social etiquette is to be respectful. Speak clearly and politely while using
proper poise. If all else fails, take a moment to observe hoe people around you are behaving and
emulate their actions. Take a breath and smile. Make conversation with people by being polite and
responsive, but not too loud and abrasive.
7. Meal Etiquette
General Rules:
When holding your fork while cutting meat, do not hold the fork He Man style. Turn the fork over and
place your pointer finger on the handle towards the prongs of the fork.
Rest position for silverware is at top of the plate.
Finished position for silverware is at the 4 O'clock position.
Have the knife above the fork when finished; the blade of the knife should be facing you; the blade of the
Fork should be facing up.
Do not share food.
Pass everything to the right-starting with the person who the item is in front of.
Do not point with silverware.
Use your napkin every two or three bites.
Never talk with food in your mouth.
Never say that you do not like something, try everything.
Never place a used utensil on the table.
Do not use the side of the fork to cut anything.
Never order alcohol first and never order it during an interview.
8. Meal Etiquette
If you must leave the table, leave the napkin on the chair.
When finished, leave the napkin on the left hand side of the table.
Dont drink with food in your mouth-even if the food is too hot.
Do not swish drinks inside of your mouth.
Do not shovel your food, mash it together or eat just one thing at a time.
Do not reach for anything. Ask politely.
Watch your conversations-be polite. POLITICS, RELIGION AND SEX are dangerous topics. Do not
Do not groom at the table-including lipstick or picking your teeth.
Do not be the first or last to finish eating (unless there are only two people).
Chew your food well before swallowing.
Wait for everyone to get their food before starting to eat.
Once you place your napkin on the table, do not eat or drink anything else.
Only put bite-size pieces of food in your mouth.
Take silverware from the outside in-the salad fork is the outside fork.
Do not pick up anything if you drop it on the floor.
9. Meal Etiquette
How to drink iced tea:
Drinks are at your upper right of the place setting.
Do not take more then two packs of sugar.
Do not tear off the whole top of the sugar.
際際滷 the sugar packet garbage under the liner plate.
Rub lemon around the brim of glass.
Cover the lemon with your hand so you do not squirt anyone. Do not touch the glass with your spoon as
you stir.
Place the spoon behind the glass when finished.
How to deal with bread (rolls) and butter:
Bread & Butter are to the right and at the top of your dinner setting. Do not move them from here. Put
butter on the bread and butter plate.
When passing dinner rolls, ask person to your left if they would like a roll, then pass to the right.
Do not bring the plate by you.
Break small bite-size pieces off the roll and butter each one at a time.
Do not clean off the crumbs that fall on the table. If it is too bad, as the server to do it.
10. Meal Etiquette
How to eat your soup:
The spoon should go away from you, not towards you when picking up the soup.
Take a minimum of two or three bites; first is testing for temperature and the second is for flavor.
Drink your soup from the side of the spoon.
Place spoon on back of liner plate when finished eating.
Do not blow on the soup if it is too hot-just move the soup around a little in your spoon.
Do not eat crackers with your soup.
When at the bottom of soup bowl, DO NOT tip bowl away from you to get the last bit out.
How to eat a salad:
Use a salad knife to cut the salad
The smaller outside fork to the left is the salad fork.
At a more expensive restaurants, sorbet will be served between the soup and the entr辿e.
11. Dinner Table Etiquette
The 10 Dos!
1. Once seated, unfold your napkin and use it for occasionally wiping your lips or fingers (every two to
three). At the end of dinner, leave napkin tidily on the left hand side of the place setting.
2. It is a good dinner table etiquette to serve the lady sitting to the right of the host first, then the other
ladies in a clockwise direction, and lastly the gentlemen.
3. Hold the knife and fork with the handles in the palm of the hand, forefinger on top, and thumb
4. Whilst eating, rest the knife and fork on either side of the plate between mouthfuls. When you
have finished eating, place them side by side in the center of the plate.
5. If the gourmet food presented to you is not to your liking, it is polite to at least make some
attempt to eat a small amount of it, or at least, cut it up a little and move it around the plate!
6. It is quite acceptable to leave some food to one side of your plate if you feel as though you have
eaten enough. On the other hand, dont attempt to leave your plate so clean that it looks as though you
havent eaten in days!
7. Desserts may be eaten with both a spoon and fork, or alternatively a fork alone if it is a cake or
pastry style sweet.
8. Should a lady wish to be excused for the bathroom, it is polite for the gentlemen to stand up as she
leaves the table, sit down again, and then stand once more when she returns.
9. Always make a point of thanking the host and hostess for their hospitality before leaving.
10. It is good dinner table etiquette to send a personal thank you note to the host/hostess shortly
12. Dinner Table Etiquette
The 10 Donts
1. Never start eating before a signal from the host/hostess to do so.
2. Fork should not be turned over unless being used for eating peas, sweet corn kernels, rice or other
similar foods. In which case, it should be transferred to the right hand. However, at a casual buffet, or
barbecue, it is quite acceptable to eat with just a fork.
3. It is not generally regarded as good dinner table etiquette to use ones bread for dipping into soups
or mopping up sauces.
4. Loud eating noises such as slurping and burping are very impolite. The number 1 sin of dinner Table
5.Talking with ones mouth full, is not unpleasant to watch, but could also lead to choking! Definitely not
a good idea!
6. Dont stretch across the table crossing other guests to each food, wine or condiments. Instead ask a
guest sitting close to pass the item to you.
7. Good dinner table etiquette sometimes involves a degree of diplomacy when it comes to the hosts
choice of food and wine! Even if you feel that you can do better, dont even offer your criticism. If you
feel unable to pay any compliments, at least remain silent on the subject.
8. Picking teeth (unless toothpicks are provided) or licking fingers are very unattractive. The only
exception to the latter is when eating meat or poultry on the bone (such as chicken legs or ribs). In which
case, a finger bowl should be provided.
9. Drinking too much can be very embarrassing!
13. Dinner Table Etiquette-
The 10 Donts
10. Dont forget to make polite conversation with those guests around you. Luncheons, dinners, dinner
parties are meant to be a sociable occasion!!