Goal: Quality research, and adapting research to make impact in adding value to users.
Researcher, innovator, with a PhD in data mining. Working at Microsoft Bing as an applied researcher and as a faculty at IIIT-Hyderabad since May 2013. 2007-2009 at Yahoo!. Interned at Microsoft Research, IBM TJ Watson, NEC Labs.
Research work and Innovation: Published more than 40 refereed papers at top conferences and journals in data mining and information retrieval including WWW, KDD, PKDD, SDM, ICDE, TKDE. Filed 5 patents. Authored 2 books: "Outlier Detection for Temporal Data" and "Information Retrieval with Verbose Queries". On program committees of KDD, CIKM, and WSDM.
Education: 2009-2013 Ph...