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Subject: Application for the post of Electrical Engineer .
Respected Sir/ Madam,
It has come to my notice that the above post is lying vacant under your kind control. I wish to
apply for the same. I am submitting my candidature for your kind consideration.
I have completed B.Tech. (Electrical Engg.) in the year 2010 from the Rajasthan Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Jaipur and M-Tech. in Power Systems in the year 2016 from Jodhpur
Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jodhpur affiliated with Rajasthan Technical University, Kota
respectively. I have more than 1 Year of Industrial experience in the field of installation and production.
An opportunity in esteemed organization will help me in building my career, if selected. I shall
spare, full efforts in doing the job sincerely & honestly. Please find enclosed copy of my resume.
Thanking you in anticipation of your kind favor.
Yours Sincerely,
Manjesh Kumar
4-K-8 Kuri Bhagtasni Housing Board,
Jodhpur- 342005,
E-mail id: manjeshriet@gmail.com
Mob: +91-9785402659
Manjesh Kumar
Present Address:
Kuri Bhagtasni Housing Board,
Jodhpur- 342005,
Permanent Address:
S/O:- Deo Kant Rai
Vill:- Narapur (Dharampur)
P.O.+P.S.:- Bachhawara
Dist.:- Begusarai,
Pin:- 851111
Mob. No.: +91-9785402659
E-mail id: manjeshriet@gmail.com
To use my diverse technical background, along with my analytical thinking and communication skills, to
obtain a challenging position in an organization which progress dynamically and gives me a chance to update
my knowledge and enhance my skills and be a part of the team that excels in work towards the growth of the
Experience (More than 1Year):
 June 2010-July 2011: Worked as Production Engineer/Site Engineer in Romesh Power Product,
V.K.I. Jaipur, Rajasthan.
Industrail Training
 Organization: Bihar Thermal Power Station, Berauni, Begusarai (Bihar)
Duration :June 2008- July 2008 (1 Month)
 Organization: Indian Oil Corporation, Begusarai (Bihar)
Duration :June2009- July 2009(1 Month)
Technical Qualification:
 2016: M. Tech., Power System (Electrical Engg.) from Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Jodhpur affiliated from Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, Score 67 %. .
 2010: Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical Engg. from Rajasthan Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Jaipur affiliated from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Score 68%.
Educational Qualification:
 2005-XII Std.: Bihar School Examination Board, Patna(Bihar), Score (55%).
 2002-X Std. : Bihar School Examination Board, Patna(Bihar), Score (66.67%).
Books Authored:
 Electrical Machine Produced by: PEDIA PRESS Gmbh Taunusstrasse 61, Mainz, Germany
created on: 09-03-2014 ISBN NO.: CS00548317TRP.
 Network Analysis Produced by: PEDIA PRESS Gmbh, Taunusstrasse 61, Mainz, Germany
created on: 09-03-2014 ISBN NO.: CS00548316TRP.
 Fundamental of Electrical Engineering Produced by: PEDIA PRESS Gmbh, Taunusstrasse
61, Mainz, Germany created on: 09-03-2014 ISBN NO.: CS00548318TRP.
Conferences & Journals
 A Paper send in International Conference on Computing, Communication & Automation
(ICCCA 2015)Performance Analysis of Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution System for Power
Quality Improvement in IEEE on January. 2016
 Paper published in National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control
(NCPEIC-2012)Power Quality in Grid Connected Solar PV Generation System: Role of
Custom Power Devices at Malaviya National Institute of Technology(MNIT), Jaipur on 2
November 2012.
 Paper published in International Conference on Computing, Communication & Automation
(ICCCA 2015) A Novel approach of standard database generation for defect detection in bare
PCB Published in IEEE .ISBN NO.: 978-1-4799-8890-7/15.
 Paper published in International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science 
PCB Image Enhancement Using Machine Vision For Effective Defect Detection ISSN:2349-
6495, Volume-1,Issue-3,PP-50-53 on August 2014.
Academic Achievements:
 Participated in a Short Term Course (5 days) organized at Malaviya National Institute of
Technology(MNIT), Jaipur on the topic, Trends and Challenge in Emerging Power System
Sponsored Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur by 19 October to 23 October 2015.
 Participated in a Short Term Course (5 days) organized at CAD DESK, Jaipur on the topic,
Electrical CAD 13 July to 18 July 2015.
 Participated in a Short Term Course (1 day) organized at Matrix Training Solution, Jaipur on
the topic, Productivity Enhancement 17 July 2015.
 Participated in a Short Term Course (5 days) Organized by National Institute of Technical
Teachers Training and Research, Chandigarh (NITTTR Chandigarh, Government of India) on
Power Electronics at JECRC Jaipur 23 Febuary to 27 Febuary 2015.
 Participate in National Conference on the topic New Opportunities and Development in
Renewable Energy Sources Organized in RIET Jaipur, Sponsored by Ministry of New &
Renewable Energy, Govt. of India on 20 March to 21 March 2010.
 Participate in National Conference on the topic Advance in Microwave Communication,
Device and Application Organized by IEEE-MTTS India Council on 16 February to 17
February 2010 at Jaipur.
 Participate in 25th
National Convention of Electrical Engineers and National Seminar on the
topic Indian Electrical Equipment and Components Manufacturing Industry Destination-
2012Organized by Rajasthan State Center, The Institution of Engineers (India) on 14 November
to 15 November 2009 at Jaipur .
 Won the Rajeev Gandhi Akshay Urgay (quiz) from Chief Minister Mr. Ashok Singh Gehlot on
the topic Solar Energy 20th
August 2009.
 Examiner in Rajasthan Technical University, Kota for B Tech.
 Examiner in Board of Technical Education Rajasthan, Jodhpur for Diploma.
Dissertation & Seminar:
 Dissertation: Performance Analysis of Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution System for Power
Quality Improvement.
 Seminar: Study and Design of Grid Connected Solar Photovoltic System
Software Exposure:
 Power Point.
 Microsoft Word
 Language Known: English & Hindi.
 Strong Determination
 Ability to manage stress, time and people effectively
Personal Details:
 Name :Manjesh Kumar
 Fathers Name : Mr. Deo Kant Rai
 Fathers Occupation : Teaching
 Date of Birth :21-02-1988
 Nationality : Indian
 Sex : Male
 Marital Status : Unmarried
I hereby declare that the above mentioned information is true & correct to the best of my
knowledge & belief.
Manjesh Kumar
 Language Known: English & Hindi.
 Strong Determination
 Ability to manage stress, time and people effectively
Personal Details:
 Name :Manjesh Kumar
 Fathers Name : Mr. Deo Kant Rai
 Fathers Occupation : Teaching
 Date of Birth :21-02-1988
 Nationality : Indian
 Sex : Male
 Marital Status : Unmarried
I hereby declare that the above mentioned information is true & correct to the best of my
knowledge & belief.
Manjesh Kumar

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  • 1. To, HR, --------------------- Subject: Application for the post of Electrical Engineer . Respected Sir/ Madam, It has come to my notice that the above post is lying vacant under your kind control. I wish to apply for the same. I am submitting my candidature for your kind consideration. I have completed B.Tech. (Electrical Engg.) in the year 2010 from the Rajasthan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur and M-Tech. in Power Systems in the year 2016 from Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jodhpur affiliated with Rajasthan Technical University, Kota respectively. I have more than 1 Year of Industrial experience in the field of installation and production. An opportunity in esteemed organization will help me in building my career, if selected. I shall spare, full efforts in doing the job sincerely & honestly. Please find enclosed copy of my resume. Thanking you in anticipation of your kind favor. Yours Sincerely, Manjesh Kumar 4-K-8 Kuri Bhagtasni Housing Board, Basni-1, Jodhpur- 342005, Rajasthan E-mail id: manjeshriet@gmail.com Mob: +91-9785402659
  • 2. RESUME Manjesh Kumar Present Address: 4-K-8 Kuri Bhagtasni Housing Board, Basni-1, Jodhpur- 342005, Rajasthan Permanent Address: S/O:- Deo Kant Rai Vill:- Narapur (Dharampur) P.O.+P.S.:- Bachhawara Dist.:- Begusarai, Pin:- 851111 Bihar Mob. No.: +91-9785402659 E-mail id: manjeshriet@gmail.com Objective: To use my diverse technical background, along with my analytical thinking and communication skills, to obtain a challenging position in an organization which progress dynamically and gives me a chance to update my knowledge and enhance my skills and be a part of the team that excels in work towards the growth of the organization. Experience (More than 1Year): June 2010-July 2011: Worked as Production Engineer/Site Engineer in Romesh Power Product, V.K.I. Jaipur, Rajasthan. Industrail Training Organization: Bihar Thermal Power Station, Berauni, Begusarai (Bihar) Duration :June 2008- July 2008 (1 Month) Organization: Indian Oil Corporation, Begusarai (Bihar) Duration :June2009- July 2009(1 Month) Technical Qualification: 2016: M. Tech., Power System (Electrical Engg.) from Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jodhpur affiliated from Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, Score 67 %. . 2010: Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical Engg. from Rajasthan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur affiliated from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Score 68%.
  • 3. Educational Qualification: 2005-XII Std.: Bihar School Examination Board, Patna(Bihar), Score (55%). 2002-X Std. : Bihar School Examination Board, Patna(Bihar), Score (66.67%). Publications: Books Authored: Electrical Machine Produced by: PEDIA PRESS Gmbh Taunusstrasse 61, Mainz, Germany created on: 09-03-2014 ISBN NO.: CS00548317TRP. Network Analysis Produced by: PEDIA PRESS Gmbh, Taunusstrasse 61, Mainz, Germany created on: 09-03-2014 ISBN NO.: CS00548316TRP. Fundamental of Electrical Engineering Produced by: PEDIA PRESS Gmbh, Taunusstrasse 61, Mainz, Germany created on: 09-03-2014 ISBN NO.: CS00548318TRP. Conferences & Journals A Paper send in International Conference on Computing, Communication & Automation (ICCCA 2015)Performance Analysis of Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution System for Power Quality Improvement in IEEE on January. 2016 Paper published in National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control (NCPEIC-2012)Power Quality in Grid Connected Solar PV Generation System: Role of Custom Power Devices at Malaviya National Institute of Technology(MNIT), Jaipur on 2 November 2012. Paper published in International Conference on Computing, Communication & Automation (ICCCA 2015) A Novel approach of standard database generation for defect detection in bare PCB Published in IEEE .ISBN NO.: 978-1-4799-8890-7/15. Paper published in International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science PCB Image Enhancement Using Machine Vision For Effective Defect Detection ISSN:2349- 6495, Volume-1,Issue-3,PP-50-53 on August 2014. Academic Achievements: Participated in a Short Term Course (5 days) organized at Malaviya National Institute of Technology(MNIT), Jaipur on the topic, Trends and Challenge in Emerging Power System Sponsored Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur by 19 October to 23 October 2015. Participated in a Short Term Course (5 days) organized at CAD DESK, Jaipur on the topic, Electrical CAD 13 July to 18 July 2015.
  • 4. Participated in a Short Term Course (1 day) organized at Matrix Training Solution, Jaipur on the topic, Productivity Enhancement 17 July 2015. Participated in a Short Term Course (5 days) Organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chandigarh (NITTTR Chandigarh, Government of India) on Power Electronics at JECRC Jaipur 23 Febuary to 27 Febuary 2015. Participate in National Conference on the topic New Opportunities and Development in Renewable Energy Sources Organized in RIET Jaipur, Sponsored by Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Govt. of India on 20 March to 21 March 2010. Participate in National Conference on the topic Advance in Microwave Communication, Device and Application Organized by IEEE-MTTS India Council on 16 February to 17 February 2010 at Jaipur. Participate in 25th National Convention of Electrical Engineers and National Seminar on the topic Indian Electrical Equipment and Components Manufacturing Industry Destination- 2012Organized by Rajasthan State Center, The Institution of Engineers (India) on 14 November to 15 November 2009 at Jaipur . Won the Rajeev Gandhi Akshay Urgay (quiz) from Chief Minister Mr. Ashok Singh Gehlot on the topic Solar Energy 20th August 2009. Examiner in Rajasthan Technical University, Kota for B Tech. Examiner in Board of Technical Education Rajasthan, Jodhpur for Diploma. Dissertation & Seminar: Dissertation: Performance Analysis of Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution System for Power Quality Improvement. Seminar: Study and Design of Grid Connected Solar Photovoltic System Software Exposure: Auto-CAD. MATLAB VISIO Power Point. Microsoft Word Excel
  • 5. Skills: Language Known: English & Hindi. Strong Determination Ability to manage stress, time and people effectively Self-confidence, Personal Details: Name :Manjesh Kumar Fathers Name : Mr. Deo Kant Rai Fathers Occupation : Teaching Date of Birth :21-02-1988 Nationality : Indian Sex : Male Marital Status : Unmarried I hereby declare that the above mentioned information is true & correct to the best of my knowledge & belief. Manjesh Kumar
  • 6. Skills: Language Known: English & Hindi. Strong Determination Ability to manage stress, time and people effectively Self-confidence, Personal Details: Name :Manjesh Kumar Fathers Name : Mr. Deo Kant Rai Fathers Occupation : Teaching Date of Birth :21-02-1988 Nationality : Indian Sex : Male Marital Status : Unmarried I hereby declare that the above mentioned information is true & correct to the best of my knowledge & belief. Manjesh Kumar