The document discusses a study that analyzed media coverage of the Egyptian uprising in 2011. It investigated the technological discourses used by traditional and new media. The study found that traditional media promoted the idea of a "Twitter revolution" to a greater extent than new media. It also identified two common approaches - a social idealist perspective and a technological rationalist perspective. The study used content analysis of newspapers and social media to analyze differences in framing between media types.
5. Background:Social Media. Progress PackageBackground:Cultural Resonance. Media AgendaBackground:Media, Culture and Technological Discourse
6. Background:Cultural Resonance. Media AgendaEmpirical Study:Content analysis. Traditional vs. New MediaBackground:Media, Culture and Technological DiscourseBackground:Media, Culture and Technological Discourse
7. Why?Investigating technologic discourses in Egyptian protestsAddresses the role of citizens and their media channel in democracyAnd how this role is constructed and elevated in traditional mediaExceptionally prominent in Egyptian uprising
8. Research QuestionsWhat technological discourses were used by the media in regard to the Egyptian uprising?Was a difference between traditional and new media coverage present?Why?Investigating technologic discourses in Egyptian protestsAddresses the role of citizens and their media channel in democracyAnd how this role is constructed and elevated in traditional mediaExceptionally prominent in Egyptian uprising
9. TheoryResearch QuestionsWhat technological discourses were used by the media in regard to the Egyptian uprising?Was a difference between traditional and new media coverage present?Why?Investigating technologic discourses in Egyptian protestsAddresses the role of citizens and their media channel in democracyAnd how this role is constructed and elevated in traditional mediaExceptionally prominent in Egyptian uprising
10. General Pattern All-changing breakthroughIn technological discourse progress is common (Gamson, 1989)Three approaches to relation of technology to societyTechnological Determinism Technology-driven; autonomous; basis for social change Frissen(1997)Social Constructionism Driven by social actors decide; transference of existing social structures Schiller (1999: 89).Technological InteractionismA combination of the two above leads to social changeTheory: Media, Culture and Technological Discourse
11. Discourse and Interpretive PackagesPlurality of possible packagesSocial Progress/Change Package (Luders, 2008)New Media and individual ability to reach large audiencesConsumers = Producers & Producers = ConsumersOutcomes (Luders, 2008)Individuals co-produce and construct their own meanings/discoursesChange in power relations between individuals and mass mediaBasuki (1999) & Froehling (1999) personalised mass media are primary source of alternative information for journalists in the countries with severely low levels of freedom of speech Theory: Social Media. Progress Package
12. News selection and Agenda-BuildingTraditional Media information selection, editorial decisions, publicationNew Media direct and relatively unmediatedAgenda building thus deals with the relationship between real world events and the news production processNews and Agenda-SettingAgenda Setting deals with the impact of newsroom decisions on what citizens worry aboutIf selection of news stories is agenda-setting, then selection of what aspect of a certain news story will be highlighted (framing) is in fact second-level agenda-setting.Theory: Cultural Resonance. Media Agenda
13. Agenda-building and setting on Egyptian Uprising Novelty of social media and potential but yet uncertain role of it in mobilisation, networking and empowerment.Professional journalistic material was less accessible than armatureFreshness of updates , personalised, first-hand material and tractableextent of citizen mobilisation Theory: Cultural Resonance. Media AgendaVery prominent role assigned to TwitterArticles: How to follow theEgyptian uprisingonTwitterVisualisation:
15. ConfirmatoryDuring, and to lesser extent after the Egypt revolutions, the semantic relationship between twitter and (democratic) revolution became closer.ExploratoryRise of twitter revolution package Social idealistTechnological rationalistEmpirical StudyInvestigating technologic discourses in Egyptian protests
16. Traditional newspapersVolkskrant, Telegraaf, Trouw, NRC, Metro, de Pers, Spits 69588 articlesNew MediaTwitter (400 random active users)Geenstijl, articles and comments (215205) Methodology: DataInvestigating technologic discourses in Egyptian protests
17. ConfirmatoryAutomatic content analysisAsymmetric conditional probability measure ExploratoryConcept-occurrence analysis All the articles in time-frame study Twitter revolution only found in traditional mediaManual analysis Inductive coding schemesMethods of analysisInvestigating technologic discourses in Egyptian protests