I like talking with others. Kadang2 tampak slebor. Gampang ngungkapin pa yg lg dirasain lwt kata2. kadang2 pikun (heheh), . idup w ga teratur (butuh manager x ye). I'm energetic 'n enjoying my life. Prinsip w, yg pntg happy,..! jd qlo lg sedih ga mgkn lm2, qlo lg marah jg ga mgkn dh w dendam.nyahahahaha ...
I'm confident and independent persons. I like to pursue my objectives actively and energetically 'n love new challenges. I always open to objective arguments 'n also love discussions. I like to have a lot of friends around me, preferably those with whom I can share my interests and discuss all sorts of subjects. I am very direct. Everything new and unknown stimulates me and awakens my cu