The document discusses be-forms, word order in sentences, translation, and vocabulary. It provides examples of sentences using be-forms in English and their translations to Estonian, asking the reader to fill in the blanks. The examples focus on topics like class, possession, family relationships, and locations.
This document contains a series of questions asking "Where is..." followed by an item, with the answer provided below. It asks about the location of a pencil, dog, apples, rubbers, and lady. The pencil is on the table, the dog is under the table and in the bed, the apples are in the basket, the rubbers are next to the pencils, and the lady is behind the tree.
This document contains a series of questions asking "Where is..." followed by an item, with the answer provided below. It asks about the location of a pencil, dog, apples, rubbers, and lady. The pencil is on the table, the dog is under the table and in the bed, the apples are in the basket, the rubbers are next to the pencils, and the lady is behind the tree.
7. Millistes olukordades on sul oluline teada
anumate mahtu?
• Millised asjad saad sa lennuki käsipagasis kaasa võtta, kui on teada, et käsipagasis
olevad vedelikud peavad olema kuni 100-milliliitristes üksikpakendites,
läbipaistvas korduvsuletavas kuni üheliitrise mahutavusega plastkotis?
9. Lahenda ülesanne vihikusse
• Kui basseini täitmisel jookseb sinna minutis 50 l vett. Kui kaua läheb aega 10 000-
liitrise basseini täitmiseks veega?