♥ I was ACTUALLY born 16 years ago, and every time I see those who are older than me I go like, "I was born in 1994" to see their reactions like this -> o.O BUT, I always admit that I was born in 1993 to those who are younger than me (gee, I don't want them to think I'm younger than me). And I also say that I was born in 1994 if they're like two years or more, younger than me :P I just want to seem as young as I can be, because that's the way I look, I'm more like 13, or 14. People enjoy calling me a kid, but they don't know the real me yet.
♥ I'm not one of those popular girls or a girl that has a lot of friends. I want to make friends, but my friends are good enough. Most times I'm