2. Translation
FLORA AND FAUNA in our town
The mountain Itamos was named after the tree Itamos (taxus
bachata).It is an evergreen tree of 10m. height. It is met self-sown
in our country in high altitude usuallly in fir or beech forests. It is a
slowly growing tree which lives for a lot of years. It is distinguished
by its dark-green,needle leaves and its fleshy,vivid red round fruit.
This fruit contains the toxic substance "taxin" which can cause
death to humans or some kinds of cattle or horses or can be used
as a drug ingredient. There are three regions in the prefecture of
Trikala which have been integrated in Natura Network 2000. The
region of Aspropotamos,of Koziakas of Antichasia mountains and of
Meteora. In Koziakas region there are11 species of flora which are
indigenous and are protected by the European and Greek
legislation. The population of great mammals such as the deer and
the roe which live there need special handling and protection
especially from illegal hunting. This region is important for the
species of wild fauna that live there as it is one of the rarest natural
habitats for the bear,the wolf and the chamois. The mountain is also
home to great numbers of predators,especially vultures,golden
eagles and Aspropari and has been designated as a"valuable area
for the birds". This area also includes the academic forest of
Pertouli,which is being used for educational purposes. The area
Antichasia-Meteora is mainly characterized by its vast diversity of
plant species. It is one of the most important habitats for raptors in
Greece. There lives the greatest colony of Aspropari in Greece as
well as the Krabgaetos fidaetos Tsiftis, xriso Geraki 虜留旅 Petridis. The
region of Aspropotamos ,apart from its esthetic value is home to a
large amount of vegetation which is indigenous and some of which
is threatened with extinction or is protected by the Greek legislation
and International Agreements. The area is equally important for its
fauna as it is one of the rarest habitats for the bear,the otter and
the chamois.