안녕하세요 ...
나는 학교에서 영리한 사람이 아닙니다, 난 그냥 평범한 여자예요, 그리고 난 내 운명이 좋지 않다 느낌 =.='
twitter >> yes, i have this one, but.., i'm never know how to use it.. so, not important to know this.. hahahaha :D
ym >> not so different from my twitter, this one not important too because i'm forgot my password.. x_x
phone number >> damn ..! I've just be stolen ... TT hey thief!! you're like the animal shit.!! >:o *what i'm saying? I have bad luck~ :'(
finally.., you know that you just could be communicate with me from fb or at school.. xixixixixixii~ =D