I am currently looking for experienced:
- 从仂于仂亟亳亠仍 仂亟亠仍 '丐舒仆仗仂 亳 仍仂亞亳亳从舒' 亰舒 亞. 亞舒
- 舒舒仍仆亳从 亠 "乂舒仆仂于舒仆亠" 亰舒 亞. 仂亠于亞舒亟
- Legal Advisor (Retail, FMCG; Sofia, temporary role for 1 year)
- KAM (Health & Wellness; Sofia)
- Senior C++ Developer (with experience in DirectX or OpenGL, Sofia)
- Senior UI Developer (HTML5, Node.js, Ruby on Rails; Sofia)
- Senior Embedded Linux Developer (Cybersecurity; Sofia)
- Senior .NET Developers (I-gaming industry, relocation to Malta)
Please contact me under mchivikova@antal.com
Antal International, awarded Best UK Overseas Operations 2013 and Be...