The artist wanted to redesign their logo font to look more like an image. They experimented with effects in Photoshop, including changing the letter spacing, coloring it neon pink, adding an outer glow effect, and applying a satin effect to tone down the pink. To make the logo more image-like, the artist erased the letter lines using the rubber tool, being careful not to erase too much. They re-added lines to the letter H for clarity. The finished product was the artist's name in a unique style that looked appealing and attracted audiences.
2. I want to redesign the font so it looks more appealing like an image
rather than simple text. I want it to look different yet I need it so be
recognizable as her name for her audience to know that this is her
brand image. To do this, I will be messing around with different effects
in Photoshop to achieve my desired final product. The font I have
selected to use is: ‘Microsoft Yi Baiti Regular’.
3. I changed the spacing of the letters as I thought the original font
was too spaced out. I liked to make the ‘E’ separate to make the
logo for visually appealing. I also changed the colour to neon
pink. This is because of the genre of the artist. The neon reminds
me of neon lights that were found in our music video.
4. I wanted to add an ‘Outer Glow’
effect to continue with the idea
of neon lights from our music
video. This helps create synergy
and will help the audience
connect the different products
5. When reviewing the look of my
logo. I thought the pink was too
strong (as both the font and
glow were neon pink). I then
decided to add a ‘satin’ effect
onto the text. This darkened it
down and toned down the
extreme neon pink.
6. To make the logo more like an image.
I wanted to get rid of the lines from
the letters. This helps add
individuality to my artist’ logo. I
erased the lines using the rubber tool.
I had to be very careful not to go over
the lines and erase any more of the
letter than I needed to. To ensure this,
I zoomed in to help me see what I am
7. After erasing the line from all the letters, I thought the
‘H’ looked a little weird without it. It just looked like a
bunch of random lines put together. So I experimented
with placing lines in different positions to see which one
looked better.
9. This is my finished product. I like the style of it as it is her
name, however using software I have been able to create a
logo which looks more appealing and attracts the audience,
rather than just simple black text.