Employers and recruiters want to know if you will be a good fit and a good worker, that is not really do with your skills but your personality. How will they find out these important things? This presentation shows you how recruiters and employers reveal your personality and gives you some tips on how to handle their questions.
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How to deal with interview questions about your personality
3. To know how motivated you are
? To know what you would be like as a
? To know what you would be like as a
? To know what you would be like as a
4. They may ask competence based
questions and listen carefully you
the way you describe yourself and
? They will listen to the behaviours
that you describe to see how you
treat others and your attitudes
towards them
? They will ask you outright…
5. ?
Development goals…..
What others say about you…
How you like to be managed…
Tell us about yourself..
Give us an overview of your career
Prepare – neutral or positive answers
Show self awareness - not cleverness,
don’t be smug
Humility with strength – be real
6. If an employer really wants to know
what you are like they will ask you to
do a personality profile… an on line
quiz to see what you would do and
how you behave
? If they have a lot of time and money
they may use a group assessment
centre where you do tasks with
others, observed by a trained person
who analyses your behaviour
7. Recruiters will formally take up
references – these may not tell them
much BUT
? Employers may know previous
employers and talk off the record
? Employers may google you and look
at the information on line: Facebook,
Twitter, Linked In, News Items……..