Exclusive Marketing Agency is seeking an exclusive marketing contract to promote Chimera Sparkling Wine in Southeast Asia. They have over 15 years of experience promoting products in Vietnam and other countries. They will connect clients with potential business partners and facilitate contracts and transactions. Currently, they promote Chimera sparkling wine in 8 Southeast Asian countries. Chimera Sparkling Wine is made from a blend of Greek grape varieties and infused with saffron from Greece, which gives it unique nutritional properties and flavor.
This document provides a summary of 15 favorite moments in Berlin based on a guidebook about exploring the city. It includes brief descriptions of attractions like the Reichstag building, the Brandenburg Gate lit up at night, and sections of the Berlin Wall. The guidebook offers various tours and itineraries to experience these top sights in the most efficient way depending on time available. It also provides information on neighborhoods, shopping, dining, arts, lodging, and day trips from Berlin.
Towards a bottom-up methodology for investigating the branding of Greece on t...Dr. Elli Vazou
In the realm of travel and tourism industry, destination branding has considerably grown in importance over the years. Synonymous with Competitive Identity, it represents the core essence and enduring characteristics which comprise a country¡¯s personality and make it distinctive and different from all its competitors. A destination brand evolves in time to meet new consumer needs and challenges. In our days, experience has become the object of the holiday, not just relaxation or sightseeing. Fulfillment comes from involvement, understanding and self-improvement ¨C returning home a more knowledgeable, spiritually refreshed, or more experienced person. Furthermore, in the new digital age, national tourism agencies around the world integrate the Internet and the social media platforms into their brand strategy in order to build brand awareness of their country¡¯s attractions as tourism destinations, and allow visitors to share their travel experiences. As ¡°experience¡± is the driven force behind a country-image formation, a destination brand is often built in accordance with Maslow¡¯s hierarchy of needs, in a bottom-up approach where a destination¡¯s brand essence constituents are depicted. In this paper, we further explore how this approach to the concept of brand could be used as a methodological tool of semiotic research for the destination branding of Greece. Starting from the bottom and moving to the top, this approach is about putting together/molding the various types of tourism, the destination ¡°goods¡± (the functional and concrete offerings), the descriptive characteristics of offering, the way attributes add value to visitors; the imagery of the visitor, their experience and their emotions. All these systems form the destinations competitive identity, what makes the country unique throughout the world. The linking of all these subsystems until their formation to a complete top-level system will be realized by means of three concepts: multimodal discourse analysis, visual imagery and tourism & digital discourse. The common thread running through these three concepts is the theory of social semiotics. At the top of this evolutionary process, we find the complete image of Greece, the so-called ¡°brand essence¡± of the destination (what the destination stands for). At this point, we will discuss what kind of sign the brand essense is, from a semiotic point of view.
The document is Alexis Hames' portfolio, which includes samples of her work such as a press release, feature story, media kit, pitch letter, and personal website content. It also includes her resume highlighting her education and experience in public relations and communications. The portfolio is intended to showcase Alexis' skills and qualifications for PR and communications roles.
A majority of us choose to plan our vacations very carefully, making sure that every last detail is taken into consideration to get most fun out of our experience of traveling. Planning a journey sensibly not only guarantees that you visit every place you really wish to see, but this can also make looking fora last minute hotel deal a lot simpler. However, every often we only need to get ready and leave - without a proper planning. Such impulsiveness might be excited at times, but can it be joined with low costs? A few suggestions for getting good hotel deal are given below:
The document discusses popular foods from Egypt and Lebanon. It describes ful and falafel as dishes made from fava beans that are boiled, mashed, and stuffed into bread or formed into patties. Koshari is mentioned as a fast food from Egypt containing lentils, rice, pasta and tomato sauce. For Lebanese food, it mentions hummus as a chickpea dip and shawirma as a sandwich with rotisserie meat in pita bread.
Evoins creates graphic designs that combine African traditions and universal symbols found in urban environments. These designs form a graphical universe aimed at sharing and communicating through patterns with new meanings for each person. The designs can be used for clothing, restaurant design, or decorative objects. The universe created is communicative, playful, and elegant.
For this graphic organizer assignment, students will work in groups of 2-3 to create a "Big Paper" to answer the question "What are 3 major bones or bone sets that protect our bodies and what are 7 bones that help with movement?". Groups will take turns silently writing and drawing ideas on the Big Paper and then travel around to read and comment on other groups' papers. After returning to their own paper, groups will discuss their ideas aloud and then have a full class discussion.
Does This Make Me Look Fat? The Intersection of Relationship Satisfaction and...Jericho Michael Tobias
Interpersonal relationships are innate in human nature and are an important component of the human experience. Romantic relationships are a type of interpersonal relationship that have been shown to be a prevalent component of the human experience and many theories have tried to discover the different factors that define relationship satisfaction. Self-esteem is an internal psychological monitor that is important in individual human nature. Body esteem is an important dimension of general self-esteem. Recent psychological research has focused on the connection between romantic relationships and self-esteem. The present study focused on more specific components of romantic relationships and self-esteem, determining whether there is a connection between relationship satisfaction and body esteem in Guam¡¯s population. 49 students from the University of Guam PY100 classes were asked to complete a survey packet containing, the Relationship Assessment Scale and Body Esteem Scale. The results showed that relationship satisfaction did not significantly predict body esteem for participants within a relationship, except for female weight concern (p = 0.020) and female physical condition (p = 0.051). The results also showed that there was no statistically significant difference between participants who are single and those in a romantic relationship or married in terms of body esteem.
Este documento proporciona una receta para hacer jarabe natural de forma casera y econ¨®mica. Explica c¨®mo hervir durante 10 minutos limones, az¨²car y agua para crear un jarabe endulzante natural que puede usarse para acompa?ar bebidas. Tambi¨¦n incluye una receta para hacer una bebida de frutas y vino tinto usando mel¨®n, manzana, uvas, agua mineral, vino y opcionalmente jarabe natural casero.
Robert Neale has extensive experience in teaching and educational leadership roles. His career highlights include successfully raising maths SATs scores, gaining 'Outstanding' OFSTED ratings for two schools, and creating resources that improved teaching quality. He is currently seeking a permanent position to further his career goals in educational psychology.
A szemelygepjarmuvek adozasa - szemelygepjarmu lizing 2016.System Media Kft.
A k¨¦pz¨¦st keresse honlapunkon!
A l¨ªzing, mint finansz¨ªroz¨¢si forma egyre n?vekv? s¨²llyal r¨¦szesedik a kkv ¨¦s v¨¢llalati szektorban. Hallgat¨®ink megismerhetik a hitelen k¨ªv¨¹li egy¨¦b finansz¨ªroz¨¢si lehet?s¨¦geket, k¨¹l?nf¨¦le szab¨¢lyoz¨¢si, elsz¨¢mol¨¢si form¨¢kat szak¨¦rt? el?ad¨®ink tolm¨¢csol¨¢s¨¢ban. Emellett k¨¹l?n?s hangs¨²lyt fektet¨¹nk a szem¨¦lyg¨¦pkocsikkal kapcsolatos ad¨®z¨¢si k¨¦rd¨¦sek vizsg¨¢lat¨¢ra.
T?MAK?R?K: ?ltal¨¢nos, a l¨ªzing¨¹gyletekre vonatkoz¨® k¨¦rd¨¦sek ? A l¨ªzing fogalma, a l¨ªzing¨¹gyletek jogi saj¨¢toss¨¢gai ? A z¨¢rt ¨¦s a ny¨ªlt v¨¦g? l¨ªzing ¨¢fa-szab¨¢lyai ? Az operat¨ªv l¨ªzing ¨¢fa-rendszerbeli kezel¨¦se ? A szem¨¦lyg¨¦pj¨¢rm?-l¨ªzing ¨¢fa visszaig¨¦nyl¨¦s¨¦nek lehet?s¨¦ge ? A l¨ªzingszerz?d¨¦s futamid? alatti meghi¨²sul¨¢s¨¢nak ¨¢fa-rendszerbeli elsz¨¢mol¨¢sa ? Konzult¨¢ci¨®
Szem¨¦lyg¨¦pkocsival kapcsolatos ad¨®terhek: c¨¦gaut¨®ad¨®, g¨¦pj¨¢rm?ad¨® ? Egy¨¦b ad¨®k: illet¨¦k, helyi ad¨®k, stb. ? Flottakezel¨¦ssel kapcsolatos k¨¦rd¨¦sek, hogyan d?nts¨¹nk c¨¦ges aut¨® beszerz¨¦sekor / b¨¦rbev¨¦telekor ? Sz¨¢mviteli ad¨®z¨¢si k¨¦rd¨¦sek ?sszefoglal¨¢sa
This case involves Congresswoman Hermoine suing US Attorney Harry Potter for unlawfully arresting her for transporting butter beer from Florida to Washington DC. The Supreme Court must determine if Congress has the power to regulate butter beer and if federal law supersedes a conflicting Florida state law allowing it. While the President announced the executive branch would no longer enforce butter beer laws, the arrest occurred before this. The Court finds that under the Commerce Clause and Necessary and Proper Clause, Congress can regulate butter beer. Additionally, the federal statute banning it supersedes the state law based on the Supremacy Clause. Therefore, Hermoine's arrest was valid and Potter may prosecute her for violating the federal law in effect at the
This study investigated whether drinking to cope with anxiety among college students varied over time in response to fluctuations in anxiety levels. The researchers analyzed data from 125 undergraduate students who reported their drinking motives, anxiety, and alcohol consumption weekly for up to 7 times. Hierarchical linear modeling revealed that higher levels of state coping motives were associated with more drinks per week, and this relationship weakened as trait anxiety increased. The findings suggest individuals' use of alcohol to cope with anxiety depends on temporal changes in motives and anxiety characteristics.
The document proposes a film pitch set in an abandoned church graveyard location. It describes using enigma codes and clues throughout the film to keep the audience guessing about the protagonist's character and motivations. The story involves a man with dangerous obsessions who burns an old family photo, confusing the audience about the time period. Scenes at the church graveyard would use shots of the protagonist examining graves and POV shots to build tension and hint that someone or something is watching him.
This document is the portfolio of Carlos Paz, an architect based in Venezuela and other Latin American countries, summarizing residential, commercial, and renovation projects completed between 2010-2016. The portfolio includes over 30 projects of varying types including homes, apartments, restaurants, shops, and more with locations in Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, the United States, and other countries.
Service providers are looking to generate new revenue streams to offset declining average revenue per user. An innovative smart home platform called Yoga Smart Home connects wireless and wired home devices through an intelligent gateway and cloud-based platform, enabling remote control and automation. It is a user-friendly solution that telecom providers can offer to generate additional recurring subscription revenue from existing customers.
This document provides an overview of getting started in VR, including choosing hardware, player movement options, engines and SDKs, and resources for learning. It recommends starting with the basics of presence and user interactions, considering stationary or teleportation movement styles, and using Unity, Unreal, or Daydream/Cardboard SDKs. Contact and learning resources from author Katherine Harris are also provided.
This document provides information on various IP phone and audio endpoint options that are optimized for Skype for Business from Microsoft. It includes mainstream phones for offices and cubicles, executive phones with large displays, mobility devices, common area phones, and wireless options. The company SOURCE is highlighted as a Microsoft Gold Unified Communications partner that can help evaluate options and design the best communications solution.
Tecnolog¨ªas de la Informaci¨®n y la Comunicaci¨®nJairGino
El documento describe las tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n y la comunicaci¨®n (TIC) y la carrera de licenciatura en TIC. TIC se refiere tanto a cualquier forma de c¨®mputo como a la preparaci¨®n de estudiantes para satisfacer las necesidades tecnol¨®gicas y de comunicaci¨®n de organizaciones. Planificar la infraestructura TIC de una organizaci¨®n requiere conocimientos en ciencias de la comunicaci¨®n, gesti¨®n y habilidades interpersonales, as¨ª como comprensi¨®n de sistemas en red, software, seguridad y eficiencia. Los profesionales de TIC
Este documento proporciona una receta para hacer jarabe natural de forma casera y econ¨®mica. Explica c¨®mo hervir durante 10 minutos limones, az¨²car y agua para crear un jarabe endulzante natural que puede usarse para acompa?ar bebidas. Tambi¨¦n incluye una receta para hacer una bebida de frutas y vino tinto usando mel¨®n, manzana, uvas, agua mineral, vino y opcionalmente jarabe natural casero.
Robert Neale has extensive experience in teaching and educational leadership roles. His career highlights include successfully raising maths SATs scores, gaining 'Outstanding' OFSTED ratings for two schools, and creating resources that improved teaching quality. He is currently seeking a permanent position to further his career goals in educational psychology.
A szemelygepjarmuvek adozasa - szemelygepjarmu lizing 2016.System Media Kft.
A k¨¦pz¨¦st keresse honlapunkon!
A l¨ªzing, mint finansz¨ªroz¨¢si forma egyre n?vekv? s¨²llyal r¨¦szesedik a kkv ¨¦s v¨¢llalati szektorban. Hallgat¨®ink megismerhetik a hitelen k¨ªv¨¹li egy¨¦b finansz¨ªroz¨¢si lehet?s¨¦geket, k¨¹l?nf¨¦le szab¨¢lyoz¨¢si, elsz¨¢mol¨¢si form¨¢kat szak¨¦rt? el?ad¨®ink tolm¨¢csol¨¢s¨¢ban. Emellett k¨¹l?n?s hangs¨²lyt fektet¨¹nk a szem¨¦lyg¨¦pkocsikkal kapcsolatos ad¨®z¨¢si k¨¦rd¨¦sek vizsg¨¢lat¨¢ra.
T?MAK?R?K: ?ltal¨¢nos, a l¨ªzing¨¹gyletekre vonatkoz¨® k¨¦rd¨¦sek ? A l¨ªzing fogalma, a l¨ªzing¨¹gyletek jogi saj¨¢toss¨¢gai ? A z¨¢rt ¨¦s a ny¨ªlt v¨¦g? l¨ªzing ¨¢fa-szab¨¢lyai ? Az operat¨ªv l¨ªzing ¨¢fa-rendszerbeli kezel¨¦se ? A szem¨¦lyg¨¦pj¨¢rm?-l¨ªzing ¨¢fa visszaig¨¦nyl¨¦s¨¦nek lehet?s¨¦ge ? A l¨ªzingszerz?d¨¦s futamid? alatti meghi¨²sul¨¢s¨¢nak ¨¢fa-rendszerbeli elsz¨¢mol¨¢sa ? Konzult¨¢ci¨®
Szem¨¦lyg¨¦pkocsival kapcsolatos ad¨®terhek: c¨¦gaut¨®ad¨®, g¨¦pj¨¢rm?ad¨® ? Egy¨¦b ad¨®k: illet¨¦k, helyi ad¨®k, stb. ? Flottakezel¨¦ssel kapcsolatos k¨¦rd¨¦sek, hogyan d?nts¨¹nk c¨¦ges aut¨® beszerz¨¦sekor / b¨¦rbev¨¦telekor ? Sz¨¢mviteli ad¨®z¨¢si k¨¦rd¨¦sek ?sszefoglal¨¢sa
This case involves Congresswoman Hermoine suing US Attorney Harry Potter for unlawfully arresting her for transporting butter beer from Florida to Washington DC. The Supreme Court must determine if Congress has the power to regulate butter beer and if federal law supersedes a conflicting Florida state law allowing it. While the President announced the executive branch would no longer enforce butter beer laws, the arrest occurred before this. The Court finds that under the Commerce Clause and Necessary and Proper Clause, Congress can regulate butter beer. Additionally, the federal statute banning it supersedes the state law based on the Supremacy Clause. Therefore, Hermoine's arrest was valid and Potter may prosecute her for violating the federal law in effect at the
This study investigated whether drinking to cope with anxiety among college students varied over time in response to fluctuations in anxiety levels. The researchers analyzed data from 125 undergraduate students who reported their drinking motives, anxiety, and alcohol consumption weekly for up to 7 times. Hierarchical linear modeling revealed that higher levels of state coping motives were associated with more drinks per week, and this relationship weakened as trait anxiety increased. The findings suggest individuals' use of alcohol to cope with anxiety depends on temporal changes in motives and anxiety characteristics.
The document proposes a film pitch set in an abandoned church graveyard location. It describes using enigma codes and clues throughout the film to keep the audience guessing about the protagonist's character and motivations. The story involves a man with dangerous obsessions who burns an old family photo, confusing the audience about the time period. Scenes at the church graveyard would use shots of the protagonist examining graves and POV shots to build tension and hint that someone or something is watching him.
This document is the portfolio of Carlos Paz, an architect based in Venezuela and other Latin American countries, summarizing residential, commercial, and renovation projects completed between 2010-2016. The portfolio includes over 30 projects of varying types including homes, apartments, restaurants, shops, and more with locations in Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, the United States, and other countries.
Service providers are looking to generate new revenue streams to offset declining average revenue per user. An innovative smart home platform called Yoga Smart Home connects wireless and wired home devices through an intelligent gateway and cloud-based platform, enabling remote control and automation. It is a user-friendly solution that telecom providers can offer to generate additional recurring subscription revenue from existing customers.
This document provides an overview of getting started in VR, including choosing hardware, player movement options, engines and SDKs, and resources for learning. It recommends starting with the basics of presence and user interactions, considering stationary or teleportation movement styles, and using Unity, Unreal, or Daydream/Cardboard SDKs. Contact and learning resources from author Katherine Harris are also provided.
This document provides information on various IP phone and audio endpoint options that are optimized for Skype for Business from Microsoft. It includes mainstream phones for offices and cubicles, executive phones with large displays, mobility devices, common area phones, and wireless options. The company SOURCE is highlighted as a Microsoft Gold Unified Communications partner that can help evaluate options and design the best communications solution.
Tecnolog¨ªas de la Informaci¨®n y la Comunicaci¨®nJairGino
El documento describe las tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n y la comunicaci¨®n (TIC) y la carrera de licenciatura en TIC. TIC se refiere tanto a cualquier forma de c¨®mputo como a la preparaci¨®n de estudiantes para satisfacer las necesidades tecnol¨®gicas y de comunicaci¨®n de organizaciones. Planificar la infraestructura TIC de una organizaci¨®n requiere conocimientos en ciencias de la comunicaci¨®n, gesti¨®n y habilidades interpersonales, as¨ª como comprensi¨®n de sistemas en red, software, seguridad y eficiencia. Los profesionales de TIC
1. Exclusive Marketing Agency
Your exclusive business partner in Asia
Chimera Sparkling Wine
Stop chasing your Chimera. It's already here. Taste it.
2. Chimera Sparkling
Natural sparkling wine with Bio saffron (Krokus
It has all nutrition values from Krokus Kozanis such as:
antiaging, anti leukemic cellars, antioxidants properties.
The product is Patented, all rights are reserved and has
limited number of production. (specific annual contracts)
Please visit: www.chimerasparkling.com
Exclusive Marketing Agency has tailored made marketing solutions both in the
Vietnamese market and internationally. With over 15 years¡¯ experience we are
able to offer a wide range of services to both local and international clients.
Our aim is to sign an exclusive Marketing contract with you the client which
will allow us to promote your product on your behalf. We can use our extensive
network to promote your products as well as setting up a personalized dedicated
team to ensure you find the right business partners. This can be either in a
specific country, a number of countries or an entire continent.
One we find these partnerships we will connect you with the client and then all
contracts and transactions will be between both parties, this allows us complete
transparency during the business deals.
We promote Chimera sparkling wine in 8 countries in the South East Asian
These countries include Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar,
Thailand, Philippines and Singapore.
Chimera sparkling
¡®Discover the ultimate
Mediterrenean sparkling
wine infused with the
highest nutrition valued
saffron from Krokus
Chimera is a mythical creature from ancient Greek mythology. Our
purpose is to build a branding throughout mythology and Greek ancient
material (in the certain product Assyrtiko, Athiri and saffron exists from
back then)
3. The Myth
In ancient Greek mythology, Chimera was the only daughter of Typhon
and Echidna. Worthy of her parents¡¯ legacy, she had the head of a lion, the
body of a goat and the tail of a snake. Those particular looks and intentions
distinguished her from any other creature in the ancient world. Daughter
of the most powerful wind and the deadliest animal, Chimera was made of
air and earth. Thus, when she fell in love with Orthrus, a two-headed dog,
she was determined that she had to use all her skills to seduce him.
Yet, she thought that she had better have the help of a mighty god, too
- who else? Zeus, father of gods; the most active and sensitive to love
matters. Chimera begged Zeus to help her charm Orthrus, and he eagerly
agreed to, but only gave her one chance to do so. He would transform her
into a beautiful woman, and Chimera would have the opportunity to use
her intelligence to make Orthrus love her back. If she managed, she could
have Orthrus forever. If she failed, she could not lay eyes on him ever
That same night, Chimera picked the cream of the crop from the finest
vineyards in Greece, and added a unique ingredient of unparalleled bene-
fits; Saffron, from a northern city of Greece, Kozani that would work in her
favor. However, crocus¡¯ distinctive orange-ish colour could make Orthrus
suspicious about the drink, so Chimera saved it in a white container and
served it in colorful glasses. The two paired that night, and soon Chimera
gave birth to the lion of Nemea and the Sphinx.
How Yesterday Becomes Tomorrow
Ancient myths and Greek legends are as old as our winery tradition. An-
cient Greeks knew from the very beginning all the beneficial properties of
wine and were able to cultivate vineyards, since Greece has always been
one of the few nations globally that have been favored by divine climate,
weather and geographical position. One fact of great significance is that
Theofrastus in his writings, which are referred to wine, imprinted the way
ancient Greeks cultivated their vines, which acted as a guiding light for
many of the current practices modern Greeks used to have their variants
of wines as well. Drinking wine with honey or herbs was something widely
known for its positive effect on the human body.
To date, Chimera is a synonym to infinite imagination, passion, and cre-
ativity, while it also symbolizes one¡¯s pursuit of what seems unattainable
or elusive (¡°to chase Chimeras¡±). Based on this theory, Chimera Sparkling
Wine opens a new window in the world of taste and wine impressions.
Its innovative nature captures the elegance and supremacy of a new age
product, the one that can stand in any occasion and on every mood. Its
delicate flavor accompanied with the levity of the bubbles and the very spe-
cial aroma of the Greek red saffron, gives to the drinker a unique tasteful
experience. Chimera Sparkling Wine confirms that nothing is impossible,
good taste is possible, a good wine is possible, and having it in your glass;
the most likely of all.
The grape is consisted from a unique blend (PDO)
Assyrtiko, Malagouzia, Athiri & Chardonnay. The product
is fermented for one year in the bottle with the traditional
methodology and is infused with the highest quality saffron
/ worldwide in order to result an innovative brand focused,
new age product.
4. Exclusive Marketing Agency
80b Ly Chinh Thang, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
+84 1 66 77 86 059
The Full Taste & Aroma
For the first time a private initiative produces a product as Chimera. A
sparkling wine that includes the popular saffron from Krokus Kozanis along
with an outstanding grape blend.
Grapes are gathered really carefully from the vineyards, are getting
pressed and fermented in stainless steel tanks. The second fermentation
is with the traditional champenoise method and by adding Krokus Kozanis.
The final product receives an aroma of complexity, seductive slim bubbles
and a strong aftertaste.