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Matthew Baehr
1336 Florida Av N, Golden Valley, MN . 763.670.0133 . mattabaehr@gmail.com . instagram.com/mattsdemons
Creative and inspired Artist and Illustrator with 9 years progressively responsible experience in the
conceptualization, artistic development, creation and production of award-winning works. Portfolio includes
construction, sculpture, illustration, painting, print, and interactive media. Fundamentally skilled in special
effects for film including, prosthetic face and body appliances, face and body painting, full Halloween style
masks, silicone and latex mold making and casting.
Maintains an intense focus on strategies to drive creative design and meet/exceed company goals for
customer satisfaction, gallery optimization, and patron recognition. A critical thinker with excellent
communications, problem solving, organizational and productivity management skills. Talented, energetic,
decisive and flexible.
Galleries, and Award Winning Works
Senior Illustration Thesis Exhibition Class of 2014
Illest of Ill Juried Exhibition 2013
Illest of Ill Juried Exhibition 2012
Best of Ringling Freshman Juried Exhibition 2010 Best In Show
Scholastic Art Awards 2009 Gold Key Award for eight-piece portfolio
Scholastic Art Awards 2008-2009 Two Gold Key Awards for single pieces
Rudy Perpich Visual arts Gallery, Retrospective Installation show, Spring 2009
Rudy Perpich Visual arts Gallery, Summer exhibition, Summer 2008
Rudy Perpich Visual arts Gallery, Senior Self Portrait exhibition, Fall 2008
Rudy Perpich Visual arts Gallery, Junior Self portrait exhibition, Fall 2007
Technology Skills & Qualifications
Technically skilled in acrylic, oil, and digital painting, ceramics, pottery, metal work, installation, production
design on films, illustration, most forms of print making, pastels, stretching canvas, set design and
construction, costume design, latex mask making, casting, puppet making, puppetry, and Special effects
makeup. I also have experience in sculpting in all kinds of clay, wax, and digitally in ZBrush. Strong
background in website design and construction. Seven years experience hanging gallery shows. Fully
proficient in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, PowerPoint/Keynote, and
data entry. Extensive knowledge of social networking.
BFA, Illustration, Graduate, Ringling College of Art and Design, FL, 2014
High School Diploma, Perpich Center for Arts Education, MN, 2009
Professional Affiliations
Hot Topic, November 2015-Present, Retail Sales Associate
Lunds and Byerlys, September 2015-April 2016, Overnight Stock Clerk
Maria Lyle Photography, June-August 2015, Studio Assistant
Best Buy, 2014-2015, Sales Specialist and Sony Expert
Ringling College of Art and Design, 20122014, Special Effects Specialist
Sarasota Yogurt Company, 2014, Customer Service Associate
Party City, 2013, Customer Service Associate, Stockroom Manager
Super Target, 2009-2010, Customer Service Associate
Perpich Center for Arts Education, 2007-2008, Gallery Coordinator, Ceramics Studio Monitor
Work Skills
Customer Relations:
 Have adhered to past employers standards for customer service and have received excellent
performance reviews from supervisors.
 Worked on solo shifts managing the store on my own, worked double shifts when required, on
holidays and on days not scheduled when necessary.
 Able to greet customers with a friendly smile and an upbeat attitude ensuring their satisfaction.
 Can answer questions related to products, payment, and store policies, or escalate the question to
store manager as needed.
 Tremendously skillful in adjusting products on shelves to ensure most consumer pleasing aesthetic.
 Engaged in training new employees in efficient store operation.
 Can quickly learn new products and procedures to ensure customers get the highest quality
merchandise they require.
 Developed strong relationships with regular customers to ensure their future with the company.
Work Experience
Best Buy Sarasota, FL
Sales Consultant 2014-2015
Excelled at selling products and services to satisfaction of daily sales goals
 Engaged customers using selling skills to build complex solutions in a fast-paced environment
 Accumulated and applied the appropriate knowledge through learning and self-development
 Used training tools to maintain profitable growth to achieve individual and department goals
 Aided in maintaining the stores appearance and helped keep track of merchandise availability
 Inspire customers by showing them whats possible with technology
Sarasota Yogurt Company Sarasota, FL
Customer Service Representative 2014
Full-time position in customer service and food sales
 Working with multiple cash register programs and bagging
 Worked on off hours self managing the store
 Providing quality customer assistance and food service
 Engaged in training new employees
 Performing stockroom management and inventory
 Moving and unloading shipments and organizing displays
 Equipment cleaning, maintenance, and janitorial work
Perpich School for Arts Education Minneapolis, MN
Ceramics Studio Monitor 2008
Monitored the schools clay and ceramics studio room and kilns.
 Managing equipment and cleaning facilities
 Watching the room after school hours and locking down at night
 General maintenance and materials security
 Setting up materials needed for lessons
Perpich Center for Arts Education Minneapolis, MN
Gallery Coordinator 2007-2009
Worked with faculty and students to organize and execute gallery shows of the most professional quality.
 Measuring, dividing, spacing and planning galleries for optimal viewing
 Working with the ambiance committee and catering
 Designing promotional set dressing, posters, pamphlets, and programs for gallery openings
 Hanging paintings and sculptures from walls and ceilings
 Roller painting and patching gallery walls for professional gallery aesthetic
 Use of power tools, levels, wire, and nails in stability of suspension and visual quality of galleries

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  • 1. Matthew Baehr 1336 Florida Av N, Golden Valley, MN . 763.670.0133 . mattabaehr@gmail.com . instagram.com/mattsdemons Artist/Illustrator Creative and inspired Artist and Illustrator with 9 years progressively responsible experience in the conceptualization, artistic development, creation and production of award-winning works. Portfolio includes construction, sculpture, illustration, painting, print, and interactive media. Fundamentally skilled in special effects for film including, prosthetic face and body appliances, face and body painting, full Halloween style masks, silicone and latex mold making and casting. Maintains an intense focus on strategies to drive creative design and meet/exceed company goals for customer satisfaction, gallery optimization, and patron recognition. A critical thinker with excellent communications, problem solving, organizational and productivity management skills. Talented, energetic, decisive and flexible. Galleries, and Award Winning Works Senior Illustration Thesis Exhibition Class of 2014 Illest of Ill Juried Exhibition 2013 Illest of Ill Juried Exhibition 2012 Best of Ringling Freshman Juried Exhibition 2010 Best In Show Scholastic Art Awards 2009 Gold Key Award for eight-piece portfolio Scholastic Art Awards 2008-2009 Two Gold Key Awards for single pieces Exhibitions Rudy Perpich Visual arts Gallery, Retrospective Installation show, Spring 2009 Rudy Perpich Visual arts Gallery, Summer exhibition, Summer 2008 Rudy Perpich Visual arts Gallery, Senior Self Portrait exhibition, Fall 2008 Rudy Perpich Visual arts Gallery, Junior Self portrait exhibition, Fall 2007 Technology Skills & Qualifications Technically skilled in acrylic, oil, and digital painting, ceramics, pottery, metal work, installation, production design on films, illustration, most forms of print making, pastels, stretching canvas, set design and construction, costume design, latex mask making, casting, puppet making, puppetry, and Special effects makeup. I also have experience in sculpting in all kinds of clay, wax, and digitally in ZBrush. Strong background in website design and construction. Seven years experience hanging gallery shows. Fully proficient in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, PowerPoint/Keynote, and data entry. Extensive knowledge of social networking. Education BFA, Illustration, Graduate, Ringling College of Art and Design, FL, 2014 High School Diploma, Perpich Center for Arts Education, MN, 2009 Professional Affiliations Hot Topic, November 2015-Present, Retail Sales Associate Lunds and Byerlys, September 2015-April 2016, Overnight Stock Clerk Maria Lyle Photography, June-August 2015, Studio Assistant Best Buy, 2014-2015, Sales Specialist and Sony Expert Ringling College of Art and Design, 20122014, Special Effects Specialist Sarasota Yogurt Company, 2014, Customer Service Associate Party City, 2013, Customer Service Associate, Stockroom Manager Super Target, 2009-2010, Customer Service Associate Perpich Center for Arts Education, 2007-2008, Gallery Coordinator, Ceramics Studio Monitor
  • 2. Work Skills Customer Relations: Have adhered to past employers standards for customer service and have received excellent performance reviews from supervisors. Worked on solo shifts managing the store on my own, worked double shifts when required, on holidays and on days not scheduled when necessary. Able to greet customers with a friendly smile and an upbeat attitude ensuring their satisfaction. Can answer questions related to products, payment, and store policies, or escalate the question to store manager as needed. Tremendously skillful in adjusting products on shelves to ensure most consumer pleasing aesthetic. Engaged in training new employees in efficient store operation. Can quickly learn new products and procedures to ensure customers get the highest quality merchandise they require. Developed strong relationships with regular customers to ensure their future with the company. Work Experience Best Buy Sarasota, FL Sales Consultant 2014-2015 Excelled at selling products and services to satisfaction of daily sales goals Engaged customers using selling skills to build complex solutions in a fast-paced environment Accumulated and applied the appropriate knowledge through learning and self-development Used training tools to maintain profitable growth to achieve individual and department goals Aided in maintaining the stores appearance and helped keep track of merchandise availability Inspire customers by showing them whats possible with technology Sarasota Yogurt Company Sarasota, FL Customer Service Representative 2014 Full-time position in customer service and food sales Working with multiple cash register programs and bagging Worked on off hours self managing the store Providing quality customer assistance and food service Engaged in training new employees Performing stockroom management and inventory Moving and unloading shipments and organizing displays Equipment cleaning, maintenance, and janitorial work Perpich School for Arts Education Minneapolis, MN Ceramics Studio Monitor 2008 Monitored the schools clay and ceramics studio room and kilns. Managing equipment and cleaning facilities Watching the room after school hours and locking down at night General maintenance and materials security Setting up materials needed for lessons Perpich Center for Arts Education Minneapolis, MN Gallery Coordinator 2007-2009 Worked with faculty and students to organize and execute gallery shows of the most professional quality. Measuring, dividing, spacing and planning galleries for optimal viewing Working with the ambiance committee and catering
  • 3. Designing promotional set dressing, posters, pamphlets, and programs for gallery openings Hanging paintings and sculptures from walls and ceilings Roller painting and patching gallery walls for professional gallery aesthetic Use of power tools, levels, wire, and nails in stability of suspension and visual quality of galleries