The document summarizes a presentation about planning international stakeholder engagement after the Rio+20 Earth Summit. It discusses whether Rio+20 was a success or failure, highlights of the outcomes and failures, entry points in the post-Rio period, an upcoming stakeholder event, and initial findings from a stakeholder consultation.
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Post-Rio to Post-2015: Planning International Stakeholder Engagement
1. Post-Rio to Post-2015: Planning
International Stakeholder
20-21 October 2012
Pace University, New York
Farooq Ullah
Executive Director
Stakeholder Forum
2. Presentation Highlights
1. ¡°Was Rio+20 a success or a failure?¡±
2. Outcomes of Rio+20
3. Entry points post-Rio to post-2015
4. The Event
5. Stakeholder Consultation Initial Findings
3. Success or Failure?
? ¡°Was Rio+20 a success or a failure?¡±
¨C Simplistic and reductive
¨C The answer is nuanced, therefore more than a
superficial assessment is needed
¨C Successes and failures must be itemised
¨C Rio+20 was the starting point of various processes
? Not an ending point
? Time will be the truest judge of Rio+20.
? But as we are sitting on a socio-ecological
time bomb, time is not on our side.
4. Rio+20 Successes
? Para 47 ¨C Corporate sustainability reporting
? Paras 56-74 ¨C The Green Economy
? Paras 84-86 ¨C Establish the high-level political
forum (HLPF)
? Paras 88-90 ¨C Strengthen UNEP
? Para 121 ¨C Right to water and sanitation
? Para 226 ¨C Adopt 10YFP on SCP
? Paras 245-251 ¨C Establish SDGs
? Para 255 ¨C Mobilisation of resources and finance
? Paras 48, 76, 85, 88, 204 and 276 ¨C Strengthen
the science-policy interface
? Paras 42-55 ¨C Importance of participation and
stakeholder engagement
5. Rio+20 Failures
? Water and Sanitation ¨C Reaffirms commitments which
were not universally agreed, rather than the right itself.
? Population - The right to reproductive health was removed
due to effective lobbying.
? Subsidies ¨C Failure to develop an action plan for
eliminating environmentally harmful subsidies (such as
fossil fuels).
? Implementation ¨C Means of implementation (Section VI)
remains weak and lacks specific measures and actions.
? Environmental Limits ¨C Despite much discussion about
environmental limits/planetary boundaries, there is no
clear statement.
? High Commissioner/Ombudsperson for Future
Generations ¨C This was not an agreed outcome.
? Green Economy ¨C Overall the green economy concept did
not fare well; no clear definition or principles.
6. Post-Rio+20 Entry Points
1. Intergovernmental SDG Open Working Group by ~2014 - ?248
2. Call for integration with post-2015 through UN Task Team - ? 249
3. High level political forum (HLPF) by Sept 2013 - ? 84-86
4. Finance for SD options by 2014 - ? 256
5. Technology transfer recommendations by 2013 - ? 273
6. 10YFP on SCP adopted 2012 and to be ¡°operationalised¡± - ? 226
7. Strengthen UNEP by 2013 (universal membership & secure
funding) - ? 88
8. Use of oceans beyond national jurisdictions 2015 - ? 161 & 162
9. Beyond GDP - ? 38
10. Registry of voluntary commitments - ? 283
11. Green economy policies - ? 56-74
12. Integration of 3 dimensions of SD across UN - ? 93
13. SG report on Future Generation/Intergenerational Solidarity
14. SG¡¯s Zero Hunger challenge
15. Volunteers for SD
7. The Event
? Purpose: Identify entry points for stakeholders post-Rio;
develop recommendations on how to actualize multi-
stakeholder engagement in these processes and subsequent
? Outcomes: Better informed stakeholder advocacy
(moblisation and messages) aimed at decision-makers, and
the integration of post-Rio(SDGs) and post-2015 (MDGs)
processes with sustainable development at the heart.
? Outputs:
¨C A co-chairs¡¯ statement;
¨C Recommendations and messages to UNEP Governing Council
in February 2013 and to CSD 20 in May 2013;
¨C A special edition of ¡®Outreach¡¯ capturing event outcomes for a
wider audience;
¨C Consultation Report.
8. Consultation Findings ¨C Highlights
? 231 responses, mainly from the 9 Major Groups.
? 61% of respondents believe the Rio+20
conference improved stakeholder engagement.
? 84% of respondents find it important for Major
Groups and other stakeholders to develop
common positions on post-Rio/post-2015
9. Consultation Findings ¨C Lowlights
? 66% of respondents believe Major Groups and
Stakeholders need more financial support from
the UN system to implement the Rio+20
? A lack of access for Major Groups and
stakeholders to the formal negotiations was
widely cited as a barrier to participatory decision-
making and a factor of the sub-optimal Rio+20
10. Consultation Findings ¨C Thematic Areas
? The deregulation of markets and heavy emphasis
on GDP as the measurement of social progress
are widely perceived to be the barriers to
implementation of national green economies.
? Widely agreed that the SDGs should be global in
nature and universal in application.
? SDGs should incorporate the Rio Principles and
be integrated with the MDGs.