Its an part of innovative work in science fair project in our University. I am very happy to create this slide. I think it will give a clear concept about sanitation and hygiene. And also help to differentiate among sanitation and hygiene.
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A Presentation
Sanitation & Hygiene.
Presented By
Dept. of applied nutrition & food technology,
Islamic university, Kushtia.
3. The process of keeping places free from dirt, infection,
disease, etc., by removing waste, trash and garbage, by
cleaning streets, Washing yours self, safe drinking water, etc.
What is Sanitation?
4. Why is Sanitation Important?
Important for Social
Helps the
A good economic
Important for Health
5. Why is Sanitation Important cont¡.
Good Sanitation can prevent you from getting
diarrhea and can also help prevent other serious
Important for Health
6. Why is Sanitation Important cont¡.
When you practice good sanitation, your family
saves money on healthcare and treatment.
A good economic
7. Why is Sanitation Important cont¡.
When you keep yourself & your surroundings
clean, you fall sick less often & are more likely to
attend school/work regularly. If you are Healthy
you can help build a strong society.
Important for Social
8. Why is Sanitation Important cont¡.
When you get rid of waste properly, you can help to
protect water sources. It also means that you don¡¯t
have to smell the disgusting mess all around you.
Helps the
9. Why is Sanitation Important cont¡.
Better Sanitation is possible¡.but it all
starts with me and you!!
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The conditions and practices that help to maintain health
and prevent the spread of diseases.
What is Hygiene?
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Why hygiene is important ?
Reducing health risk. Free fromdisease.
Improving self hygiene.
Keeping surroundings
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- Hygienic condition related to personal hygiene¡..
1.Good Personal Hygiene. 2. Poor Personal Hygiene.
Maintaining hygieniccondition in daily life:-
15. What does poor sanitation Cause?
? Poor sanitation gives many infections the ideal opportunity
to spread causing disease and illness in the community!!!
16. What does poor sanitation Cause?
? Poor sanitation, allowing the flies that spread the infection
to breed;
? Poor hygiene associated with water scarcity and poor
water quality;
? Lack of education and understanding of how easily the
infection can spread in the home and between people.
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How are diseases spread?
¡¡...And you get sick!
If you eat food with germs
on, germs enter your body.
When flies land on food or if you touch food
with unwashed hands germs are carried over.
If you don¡¯t wash hands with water
& soap after pooping. Germs remain
on hands
If you poop/excrete in any open
environment, flies feed and lay eggs in it.
20. Any surface that comes in contact with food must be
cleaned and sanitized
? Clean: Remove food and other types of soil from a surface
? Sanitize: Reduce the number of microorganisms on a
clean surface to safe levels
? Bleach Solution: One capful bleach (1 ? tsp) to one
gallon of water
? Other approved sanitizers.