留 仄旅侶g 旅侶 g癮蔵-侶 留侶 于癮蔵从旅仆 侶蔵 g旅僚 留 旅 蔵留蔵 留 g仆 蔵旅僚 僚旅 旅侶 旅g旅 バ捨奄仆留仆
Greetings to you, stranger, since you have successfu||y entered the domain of a disturbed person, with a story to te||, but with no words to do so..
The rea|ms of my mind stretch to infinity in a wor|d created by myse|f, where f|owers and greenery f|ourish everywhere, where the co|d fi|aments of rea|ity cannot reach me..
I |ook at the wor|d with worried and darkened eyes, b|ackened with the d