>>>>>>>PpL R OfTeN TaKeN AbAcK bY A cOnFiDeNt,PrEtTy gAl hU kNwZ WaT ShE WaNs iN LyF N iZnT GoIn 2 lEt aNyOnE gEt iN HeR WaY...
My nAmE SaYz iT OL...Ye$ I LoVe lOrD KrI$HnA N tRuLy bElIeVe iN HiM N I KnW Hez OwAz dEr wD Me iN EvRy wAlK Ov lYf...
DaNcE z LiKeLy 2B My $TrOnGe$T pA$$IoN..My $tYl..mY lOvE..mY PrAyEr..iN $HoRt It$ mY LyF.....n d oNlY Pr$N I AdMiRe iN My lYf aFtA mY PaReNt$ iZ "$HIAMAK $IR" ........mAy gOd bLe$$ hIm oWaZ!!!
^^^I’ll dance when I want to
I’ll dance what I feel
I’ll dance until the night is done
Until dusk is almost here..
Dancing helps me laugh
Dancing helps me cry
Dancing helps me everyday
To get by and by..
It expresses my sadness