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? Visualcommunication isthe communication of ideasthrough thevisualdisplay of information.
Primarily associated withtwo dimensionalimages,it includes:art, signs,photography,
typography,drawing fundamentals,colourand electronicresources.Recent research in the field
hasfocused on web design and graphically oriented usability.It is part of whata graphic
designerdoesto communicatevisually with the audience.
? The primarytool bywhichman has visualisedideasisthroughthe usage of writingand,by
extension,type:Writing/type isthe visual manifestationof the spokenword.Andwordsare
whatwe communicate with.Thusitisnooverstatementwhenwe saythattype isthe essence of
visual communicationandbyextensionof visual communicationdesign.
? The Eye of Horus is oftenreferredtoasthe symbol of visual communication.Itissaidto be a
representationof aneclipse,asthe coronaaroundthe pupil islike the coronaaroundthe sun
duringa solareclipse.
Elementsof visual communication
Color is an element of visual language that people processbefore they are consciously aware of it. It
‘pops out’ at viewers in the early stages of vision. Because color is a potent element of visual
communication, we need to think through how and why we are using it.
color to improve object recognition
Illustrated book cover by Ed Emberly
We recognize objectsmore quickly when their colorsreflect what we see in the physicalworld. Upon
seeing an object that is coloreddifferently, like apink banana, it can cause cognitive dissonance that
the viewer must resolve. Of course, youmay intentionally use unusual colorsas a creative, playfulor
dissonant approach. But if your aiming for speedy recognition, as in this cover for achildren’s book,
use colorsthat are normally associated with an object or scene.
3. Use color to enhance meaning
Bright colors above represent something of value
Our brains are compelledto find meaning, whether it is intended or not. Because the eyesare
attractedto bright and high-contrast colors, viewerswill derive meaning fromsomething that stands
out. When you use color for emphasis, it’s like shouting that this object or element has the greatest
value. At the Lynda.comsite, the bright yellowis used to prominently display their most important
4. Use color to convey structure
Color depicts the structure and "tracks" of a book
Color is oftenused in technicaldocumentation and textbooksto convey structure. Eachchapter
might feature a different coloredheading and a block of the same color may appear on each page,
making it easy to distinguish between chapters. Another approach to color structure canbe found in
the book, Designing for Small Screens. Each chapter is organized into three sections, denoted by
vividcolors. The sectionsformthree tracksrunning through the book, which is described visually in
the table of contentsshown above.
5. Use color to establish identity
Colors of Top Web Brands from colourlovers.com
In the sphere of marketing and advertising, brand identity is the visual essence of a business or
organization. Visual identity is oftenhighly correlatedwith color through symbolism(see below).
The chosen color, in consort with other aspectsof the design, has the potential to project the entire
flavor of the organization to the world.
6. Use color for symbolism
Orange is associated with excitement and vibrancy
Color elicits both culturaland psychologicalassociationsthat are symbolic of ideas, conceptsand
feelings. Context playsa part in color symbolism, meaning that one color can have positive or
negative connotationsdepending on the larger framework. For example, although blue is often
associatedwith strength and optimism in Western cultures, in another context it can be associated
with despair and frustration. The vibrant orange tones in the painting above expressthe energized
tension of the bullfight.
7. Use color to improve usability
The wise use of
color can improve usability for everythingfromeveryday objectsto wayfinding. Consider the glaring
red medical waste bags in a hospital, lab or doctor’soffice. They helpensure that healthcare workers
will deposit infectiousmaterials into the correct container. Thisconcept translateswell to the digital
world. In user interfaces, color informsusers of the most important functions and areas of the
screen. For example, in the administrative panel of the ThesisWordPresstheme, the large green
button (and unusual text)ensure users won’t ever have to wonder how to save their selections.
8. Use color to communicate mood
Two moods expressed through color
Many facetsof color—particularly saturation(color purity)andvalue (range of light to dark)—are
known to evoke emotion. But color also createsa mood. Compared to emotion, mood refersto a
longer-lasting, milder and generalized experience. Researchshowsthat lighter colorsare associated
with a more positive affect and darker colorswith more negative. Paintersand photographersare
good at exploitingcolor value to create a moody experience.
? Green is a cool color that symbolizes nature and the natural world.
? Green also represents tranquility, good luck, health, and jealousy.
? Researchers have also found that green canimprove reading ability.
? Green is often used in decorating for itscalming effect. For example, guests
waiting to appear on television programs often wait in a “green room” to relax.
? Green is thought to relieve stress and help heal. Those who have a green
? Blue calls to mind feelings of calmness or serenity. It is often described as
peaceful, tranquil, secure, and orderly.
? Blue is often seen as a sign of stability and reliability. Businesses that want to
project an image of security often utilize blue in their advertising and marketing
? Blue can also create feelings of sadness or aloofness.
? Blue is often used to decorate offices because research has shown
that people are more productive in blue rooms.
? Orange is a combination of yellow and redand is considered an energetic color.
? Orange calls to mind feelings of excitement, enthusiasm, and warmth.
? Orange is often used to draw attention, such as in traffic signs and advertising.
? Orange is energetic, which is perhaps why many sports teams use orange in their
uniforms, mascots, and branding.
? Orange is also the color of bright sunsets and fruits such as oranges and tangerines,
so the many people might associate the color with thebeauty of a setting sun or
the refreshing taste of citrus.
? Black absorbs all light in the color spectrum.
? Black is often used as a symbol of menace or evil, but it is also popular as an
indicator of power. It is used to represent treacherous characters such as Dracula and
is often associated with witchcraft.
? Black is associated with death and mourning in many cultures. It is also associated
with unhappiness, sexuality, formality, and sophistication.
? In ancient Egypt, black represented life and rebirth.
? Black is often used in fashion because of its slimming quality.
Purple is the symbol of royalty and wealth. In ancient times, creating dyes to color fabric
often required a great deal of effort and expense, especially for certain colors.
Because purple is less common in nature, the resources needed to create a dye in this
color were much more hard to come by and much more costly. For this reason, the color
purple became associated with wealth and royalty, often the only individuals who could
afford such expensive items.
Purple also represents wisdom and spirituality. Its rare and mysterious nature perhaps
causes it to seem connected to the unknown, supernatural, and divine.
Purple does not often occur in nature, it can sometimes appear exotic or artificial.
White is color at its most complete and pure, the color of perfection. The color meaning of
white is purity, innocence, wholeness and completion.
In color psychology white is the color of new beginnings, wiping the slate clean, so to speak.
White is a color of protection and encouragement, offering a sense of peace and calm,
comfort and hope, helping alleviate emotional upsets. It creates a sense of order and
efficiency, a great help if you need to declutter your life.
White offers an inner cleansing and purifying of your thoughts, emotions and,
ultimately, your spirit, refreshing and strengthening your entire energy system.
Gold is the color of success, achievement and triumph. Associated with abundance and
prosperity, luxury and quality, prestige and sophistication, value and elegance, the
color psychology of gold implies affluence, material wealth and extravagance.
This color is a warm and positive color associated with our most physical needs and our will
to survive. It exudes a strong and powerful masculine energy.
Red is energizing. It excites the emotions and motivates us to take action.
It signifies a pioneering spirit and leadership qualities, promoting ambition and
It is also strong-willed and can give confidence to those who are shy or lacking in will

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Visual communication

  • 1. ? Visualcommunication isthe communication of ideasthrough thevisualdisplay of information. Primarily associated withtwo dimensionalimages,it includes:art, signs,photography, typography,drawing fundamentals,colourand electronicresources.Recent research in the field hasfocused on web design and graphically oriented usability.It is part of whata graphic designerdoesto communicatevisually with the audience. ? The primarytool bywhichman has visualisedideasisthroughthe usage of writingand,by extension,type:Writing/type isthe visual manifestationof the spokenword.Andwordsare whatwe communicate with.Thusitisnooverstatementwhenwe saythattype isthe essence of visual communicationandbyextensionof visual communicationdesign. ? The Eye of Horus is oftenreferredtoasthe symbol of visual communication.Itissaidto be a representationof aneclipse,asthe coronaaroundthe pupil islike the coronaaroundthe sun duringa solareclipse. Elementsof visual communication Color is an element of visual language that people processbefore they are consciously aware of it. It ‘pops out’ at viewers in the early stages of vision. Because color is a potent element of visual communication, we need to think through how and why we are using it. color to improve object recognition Illustrated book cover by Ed Emberly We recognize objectsmore quickly when their colorsreflect what we see in the physicalworld. Upon seeing an object that is coloreddifferently, like apink banana, it can cause cognitive dissonance that the viewer must resolve. Of course, youmay intentionally use unusual colorsas a creative, playfulor dissonant approach. But if your aiming for speedy recognition, as in this cover for achildren’s book, use colorsthat are normally associated with an object or scene.
  • 2. 3. Use color to enhance meaning Bright colors above represent something of value Our brains are compelledto find meaning, whether it is intended or not. Because the eyesare attractedto bright and high-contrast colors, viewerswill derive meaning fromsomething that stands out. When you use color for emphasis, it’s like shouting that this object or element has the greatest value. At the Lynda.comsite, the bright yellowis used to prominently display their most important message. 4. Use color to convey structure Color depicts the structure and "tracks" of a book Color is oftenused in technicaldocumentation and textbooksto convey structure. Eachchapter might feature a different coloredheading and a block of the same color may appear on each page, making it easy to distinguish between chapters. Another approach to color structure canbe found in
  • 3. the book, Designing for Small Screens. Each chapter is organized into three sections, denoted by vividcolors. The sectionsformthree tracksrunning through the book, which is described visually in the table of contentsshown above. 5. Use color to establish identity Colors of Top Web Brands from colourlovers.com In the sphere of marketing and advertising, brand identity is the visual essence of a business or organization. Visual identity is oftenhighly correlatedwith color through symbolism(see below). The chosen color, in consort with other aspectsof the design, has the potential to project the entire flavor of the organization to the world. 6. Use color for symbolism Orange is associated with excitement and vibrancy
  • 4. Color elicits both culturaland psychologicalassociationsthat are symbolic of ideas, conceptsand feelings. Context playsa part in color symbolism, meaning that one color can have positive or negative connotationsdepending on the larger framework. For example, although blue is often associatedwith strength and optimism in Western cultures, in another context it can be associated with despair and frustration. The vibrant orange tones in the painting above expressthe energized tension of the bullfight. 7. Use color to improve usability The wise use of color can improve usability for everythingfromeveryday objectsto wayfinding. Consider the glaring red medical waste bags in a hospital, lab or doctor’soffice. They helpensure that healthcare workers will deposit infectiousmaterials into the correct container. Thisconcept translateswell to the digital world. In user interfaces, color informsusers of the most important functions and areas of the screen. For example, in the administrative panel of the ThesisWordPresstheme, the large green button (and unusual text)ensure users won’t ever have to wonder how to save their selections. 8. Use color to communicate mood
  • 5. Two moods expressed through color Many facetsof color—particularly saturation(color purity)andvalue (range of light to dark)—are known to evoke emotion. But color also createsa mood. Compared to emotion, mood refersto a longer-lasting, milder and generalized experience. Researchshowsthat lighter colorsare associated with a more positive affect and darker colorswith more negative. Paintersand photographersare good at exploitingcolor value to create a moody experience. ? Green is a cool color that symbolizes nature and the natural world. ? Green also represents tranquility, good luck, health, and jealousy. ? Researchers have also found that green canimprove reading ability. ? Green is often used in decorating for itscalming effect. For example, guests waiting to appear on television programs often wait in a “green room” to relax. ? Green is thought to relieve stress and help heal. Those who have a green work ? Blue calls to mind feelings of calmness or serenity. It is often described as peaceful, tranquil, secure, and orderly. ? Blue is often seen as a sign of stability and reliability. Businesses that want to project an image of security often utilize blue in their advertising and marketing efforts. ? Blue can also create feelings of sadness or aloofness. ? Blue is often used to decorate offices because research has shown that people are more productive in blue rooms. ? Orange is a combination of yellow and redand is considered an energetic color. ? Orange calls to mind feelings of excitement, enthusiasm, and warmth.
  • 6. ? Orange is often used to draw attention, such as in traffic signs and advertising. ? Orange is energetic, which is perhaps why many sports teams use orange in their uniforms, mascots, and branding. ? Orange is also the color of bright sunsets and fruits such as oranges and tangerines, so the many people might associate the color with thebeauty of a setting sun or the refreshing taste of citrus. ? Black absorbs all light in the color spectrum. ? Black is often used as a symbol of menace or evil, but it is also popular as an indicator of power. It is used to represent treacherous characters such as Dracula and is often associated with witchcraft. ? Black is associated with death and mourning in many cultures. It is also associated with unhappiness, sexuality, formality, and sophistication. ? In ancient Egypt, black represented life and rebirth. ? Black is often used in fashion because of its slimming quality. Purple is the symbol of royalty and wealth. In ancient times, creating dyes to color fabric often required a great deal of effort and expense, especially for certain colors. Because purple is less common in nature, the resources needed to create a dye in this color were much more hard to come by and much more costly. For this reason, the color purple became associated with wealth and royalty, often the only individuals who could afford such expensive items. Purple also represents wisdom and spirituality. Its rare and mysterious nature perhaps causes it to seem connected to the unknown, supernatural, and divine. Purple does not often occur in nature, it can sometimes appear exotic or artificial. White is color at its most complete and pure, the color of perfection. The color meaning of white is purity, innocence, wholeness and completion. In color psychology white is the color of new beginnings, wiping the slate clean, so to speak. White is a color of protection and encouragement, offering a sense of peace and calm, comfort and hope, helping alleviate emotional upsets. It creates a sense of order and efficiency, a great help if you need to declutter your life. White offers an inner cleansing and purifying of your thoughts, emotions and, ultimately, your spirit, refreshing and strengthening your entire energy system.
  • 7. Gold is the color of success, achievement and triumph. Associated with abundance and prosperity, luxury and quality, prestige and sophistication, value and elegance, the color psychology of gold implies affluence, material wealth and extravagance. This color is a warm and positive color associated with our most physical needs and our will to survive. It exudes a strong and powerful masculine energy. Red is energizing. It excites the emotions and motivates us to take action. It signifies a pioneering spirit and leadership qualities, promoting ambition and determination. It is also strong-willed and can give confidence to those who are shy or lacking in will power. ?