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Mervat Kamal Ragheb
Address : 21 Ebn El Rashid st. Shoubra - Cairo - Egypt
Tel. : 010 46 35 960
Email : mervat.david@gmail.com
Career objective
To contribute relevant experience and education background to my working field.
Personal Information
Nationality : Egyptian
Birth date : 18/5/1983
Gender : Female
Marital Status : Married
First University
: B.A. Arts
University : Assiut University
Faculty : Arts
Major : English Language and Literature
Grade : Very Good
Graduation year : 2004
Diploma : Educational diploma from the faculty of education  Assiut university
High School Degree : Thanawia Amma
High School Name : Khadiga Youssef
Grade : 94.4%
Arabic : Mother tongue
English : Excellent
German : Good
Computer Skills
 Microsoft PowerPoint
 Microsoft Word
 Microsoft Excel
 Microsoft Outlook
Reading, listening to music, Learning new languages.
Technical Summary
Previous courses 1- Berlitz
a- Business correspondence
b- Report writing presentation
c- Basic marketing
2- Microsoft
Successfully completed:
a- Application developer for Microsoft.net
b- Solution developer for Microsoft.net
Finally completed the requirements to be recognized as:
a Microsoft Certified Professional
3- Dale Carnegie Training
Successfully completed the following programs and skills:
a- Team work
b- Customer Service
c- Basic sales
d- Communication skills
e- Problem solving and decision making
f- Basic project management
g- Presentation skills
Current Job
(From 1 August 2011)
Rafik Zananiri for Representative, Commercial & Importation
Executive Secretary for General Manager
 Typing correspondences in English & Arabic
 Revising Purchase orders, contracts, invoices
[Ensuring that they simulate with what agreed].
 Revising shipping documents to ensure that they cover
the correct information.
 Follow up shipments situation.
 Preparing claims and referring them to the appropriate
 Handling all outgoing and incoming mails.
 Handling of stationery.
 Handling phone calls when necessary.
 Arranging hotel reservations for foreign visitors.
 Cooperating with other colleagues as necessary.
 Writing reports / MOM
Previous Experience
1: Customer service and secretary in Dalma Immigration,
Canadian Immigration office
From February 2008 to February 2010
 Typing letters, faxes, reports, etc.
 Handling all outgoing and incoming mail .
 Scheduling appointments.
 Cooperating with other staff as necessary.
 Reviewing & clipping articles from newspapers &
 Auditing accounts & attendance.
 Writing reports.
2: English teacher in Al Kholafaa Al Rashdeen primary school at Assiut
For 2 school years from September 2005 to May 2007
3: English teacher in Dar Heraa primary language school at Assiut
For 1 school year from September 2003 to May 2004
Availability & Job Requested
Availability : I am able to start work after 4 weeks from announcement
As : Full Time
Rank : Any

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  • 1. Mervat Kamal Ragheb Address : 21 Ebn El Rashid st. Shoubra - Cairo - Egypt Tel. : 010 46 35 960 Email : mervat.david@gmail.com Career objective To contribute relevant experience and education background to my working field. Personal Information Nationality : Egyptian Birth date : 18/5/1983 Gender : Female Marital Status : Married Education First University Degree : B.A. Arts University : Assiut University Faculty : Arts Major : English Language and Literature Grade : Very Good Graduation year : 2004 Diploma : Educational diploma from the faculty of education Assiut university High School Degree : Thanawia Amma High School Name : Khadiga Youssef Grade : 94.4% Languages Arabic : Mother tongue English : Excellent German : Good Computer Skills Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft Outlook Internet Hobbes Reading, listening to music, Learning new languages.
  • 2. Technical Summary Previous courses 1- Berlitz a- Business correspondence b- Report writing presentation c- Basic marketing 2- Microsoft Successfully completed: a- Application developer for Microsoft.net b- Solution developer for Microsoft.net Finally completed the requirements to be recognized as: a Microsoft Certified Professional 3- Dale Carnegie Training Successfully completed the following programs and skills: a- Team work b- Customer Service c- Basic sales d- Communication skills e- Problem solving and decision making f- Basic project management g- Presentation skills Current Job (From 1 August 2011) Rafik Zananiri for Representative, Commercial & Importation Executive Secretary for General Manager Typing correspondences in English & Arabic Filing. Revising Purchase orders, contracts, invoices [Ensuring that they simulate with what agreed]. Revising shipping documents to ensure that they cover the correct information. Follow up shipments situation. Preparing claims and referring them to the appropriate authority. Handling all outgoing and incoming mails. Handling of stationery. Handling phone calls when necessary. Arranging hotel reservations for foreign visitors. Cooperating with other colleagues as necessary. Writing reports / MOM
  • 3. Previous Experience 1: Customer service and secretary in Dalma Immigration, Canadian Immigration office From February 2008 to February 2010 Typing letters, faxes, reports, etc. Handling all outgoing and incoming mail . Filing. Scheduling appointments. Cooperating with other staff as necessary. Reviewing & clipping articles from newspapers & periodicals. Auditing accounts & attendance. Writing reports. 2: English teacher in Al Kholafaa Al Rashdeen primary school at Assiut For 2 school years from September 2005 to May 2007 3: English teacher in Dar Heraa primary language school at Assiut For 1 school year from September 2003 to May 2004 Availability & Job Requested Availability : I am able to start work after 4 weeks from announcement As : Full Time Rank : Any