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Is Tracheal Culture using Mucous Extractor
      Technique as efficacious as Non
Bronchoscopic Broncheoalveolar Lavage in
diagnosing chest infection in ICU patients?

                        MS CHRISTINA VARGHESE
                                  STAFF NURSE
                             NEUROSURGERY ICU
                     JPNA TRAUMA CENTRE, AIIMS
                                    NEW DELHI

 28.8% of all neurosurgical patients contract

 infections inspite of prophylactic antibiotics.

 12.3%of neurosurgical patients develop chest


 9-27% of all intubated patients develop VAP.

 Respiratory secretion culture is used to assess chest

  infections of intubated patients.

 Routine procedure followed by the nurses in Neurosurgery

  ICU, JPNATC for obtaining respiratory secretion is by
  Mucous Extractor.

 Tracheal Culture using Mucous Extractor Technique

  (TCMET) is believed to be inferior to the Non
  Bronchoscopic BAL (NBBAL).
Aims & Objectives

 To assess the efficacy of TCMET in determining the

 chest infection.

 To assess the consistency in the results of chest

 infection between TCMET and NBBAL.

 Research Approach   : Quantitative

 Research Design     : Prospective
 Sampling Technique : Purposive sampling technique
                      (Adult, intubated)
 Sample Size         : 30

 Sample Setting      :TC3 ICU, JPNATC

 Duration of Study   : September-October, 2011

 Two samples of tracheal aspirate of each patient

 were obtained on the same day-

   1)   TCMET, by Nurses

   2)   NBBAL, by Doctors

 Both these tracheal aspirate samples from each

 patient were sent for culture.
Tracheal Culture using Mucous Extractor Technique
Tracheal Culture using Mucous Extractor Technique
Tracheal Culture using Mucous Extractor Technique
Tracheal Culture using Mucous Extractor Technique
Tracheal Culture using Mucous Extractor Technique
Non Bronchoscopic BAL(NBBAL)
Articles for NBBAL

On a sterile surface
Two Suction catheters:16G & 10G
A pair of gloves
500mL NS bottle with 100mL NS
NS for flushing catheter tip
Sterile blade
Preparation of Collection bottle

   To                                To the Suction
 Suction                             Catheter Unit
Technique of NBBAL

Cut short larger suction catheter (16G) by 2 from the
distal end
Technique of NBBAL

         Insert smaller suction
         catheter (10G) into larger
Technique of NBBAL

The tip of the
smaller catheter is
within larger catheter
prior to introduction
into ETT
Technique of NBBAL

Introduce & advance this catheter unit till end of ETT
Technique of NBBAL

Advance smaller catheter beyond
larger catheter to collect respiratory
Technique of NBBAL

Withdraw smaller suction catheter into the larger catheter
Technique of NBBAL

Withdraw the catheter unit from the ETT
Technique of NBBAL

         Flush smaller catheter
         with normal saline to
         collect into the collection

 Of the total of 30 patients, 73.3% (n=22)were

 males having an average age of 37 years (19-60 yrs)
 and had been intubated for an average of 4.2
 days(2-10 days) .



10   9

 5                                   3

         TCMET                            NBBAL
             Positive Culture   Sterile
Findings (Gold Standard Test)

                               (Gold Standard)
                           POSITIVE     NEGATIVE       TOTAL

         POSITIVE          3 (TP)       6 (FP)         9
         NEGATIVE          0 (FN)       21 (TN)        21

         TOTAL             3            27             30

    TP = True Positives         TN = True Negatives
    FP = False Positives        FN = False Negatives

 The probability that TCMET will show a positive culture

 result for an infected patient is 100% (Sensitivity).

 The probability that TCMET will show a negative culture

 result for a non infected patient is 77.8% (Specificity).
Result (Contd.)

 When a positive culture result is observed, there is 33.3%

  that it is infected (Positive Predictive Value).

 When a negative culture result is observed, there is 100%

  probability that it is non infected(Negative Predictive

 80% samples have been correctly diagnosed by TCMET

  (Diagnostic Accuracy).

Diagnostic Accuracy

True Report   False Report



 TCMET is highly effective in diagnosing chest

 infection in ICU patients.

 TCMET is cost effective and a time effective method.

 As TCMET can be done by the nurses, it is

 therefore recommended as a SOP in ICU patients.

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  • 1. Is Tracheal Culture using Mucous Extractor Technique as efficacious as Non Bronchoscopic Broncheoalveolar Lavage in diagnosing chest infection in ICU patients? MS CHRISTINA VARGHESE STAFF NURSE NEUROSURGERY ICU JPNA TRAUMA CENTRE, AIIMS NEW DELHI
  • 2. Introduction 28.8% of all neurosurgical patients contract infections inspite of prophylactic antibiotics. 12.3%of neurosurgical patients develop chest infections. 9-27% of all intubated patients develop VAP.
  • 3. Background Respiratory secretion culture is used to assess chest infections of intubated patients. Routine procedure followed by the nurses in Neurosurgery ICU, JPNATC for obtaining respiratory secretion is by Mucous Extractor. Tracheal Culture using Mucous Extractor Technique (TCMET) is believed to be inferior to the Non Bronchoscopic BAL (NBBAL).
  • 4. Aims & Objectives To assess the efficacy of TCMET in determining the chest infection. To assess the consistency in the results of chest infection between TCMET and NBBAL.
  • 5. methodology Research Approach : Quantitative Research Design : Prospective Sampling Technique : Purposive sampling technique (Adult, intubated) Sample Size : 30 Sample Setting :TC3 ICU, JPNATC Duration of Study : September-October, 2011
  • 6. Methodology Two samples of tracheal aspirate of each patient were obtained on the same day- 1) TCMET, by Nurses 2) NBBAL, by Doctors Both these tracheal aspirate samples from each patient were sent for culture.
  • 7. Tracheal Culture using Mucous Extractor Technique (TCMET)
  • 8. Tracheal Culture using Mucous Extractor Technique (TCMET)
  • 9. Tracheal Culture using Mucous Extractor Technique (TCMET)
  • 10. Tracheal Culture using Mucous Extractor Technique (TCMET)
  • 11. Tracheal Culture using Mucous Extractor Technique (TCMET)
  • 13. Articles for NBBAL On a sterile surface Two Suction catheters:16G & 10G A pair of gloves 500mL NS bottle with 100mL NS NS for flushing catheter tip Sterile blade
  • 14. Preparation of Collection bottle To To the Suction Suction Catheter Unit Apparatus
  • 15. Technique of NBBAL Cut short larger suction catheter (16G) by 2 from the distal end
  • 16. Technique of NBBAL Insert smaller suction catheter (10G) into larger catheter.
  • 17. Technique of NBBAL The tip of the smaller catheter is within larger catheter prior to introduction into ETT
  • 18. Technique of NBBAL Introduce & advance this catheter unit till end of ETT
  • 19. Technique of NBBAL Advance smaller catheter beyond larger catheter to collect respiratory secretions
  • 20. Technique of NBBAL Withdraw smaller suction catheter into the larger catheter
  • 21. Technique of NBBAL Withdraw the catheter unit from the ETT
  • 22. Technique of NBBAL Flush smaller catheter with normal saline to collect into the collection bottle
  • 23. Findings Of the total of 30 patients, 73.3% (n=22)were males having an average age of 37 years (19-60 yrs) and had been intubated for an average of 4.2 days(2-10 days) .
  • 24. Findings 30 27 25 21 20 15 10 9 5 3 0 TCMET NBBAL Positive Culture Sterile
  • 25. Findings (Gold Standard Test) NBBAL (Gold Standard) POSITIVE NEGATIVE TOTAL POSITIVE 3 (TP) 6 (FP) 9 TCMET NEGATIVE 0 (FN) 21 (TN) 21 TOTAL 3 27 30 TP = True Positives TN = True Negatives FP = False Positives FN = False Negatives
  • 26. rESULT The probability that TCMET will show a positive culture result for an infected patient is 100% (Sensitivity). The probability that TCMET will show a negative culture result for a non infected patient is 77.8% (Specificity).
  • 27. Result (Contd.) When a positive culture result is observed, there is 33.3% that it is infected (Positive Predictive Value). When a negative culture result is observed, there is 100% probability that it is non infected(Negative Predictive Value). 80% samples have been correctly diagnosed by TCMET (Diagnostic Accuracy).
  • 29. Conclusions TCMET is highly effective in diagnosing chest infection in ICU patients. TCMET is cost effective and a time effective method. As TCMET can be done by the nurses, it is therefore recommended as a SOP in ICU patients.