Founder of School of Thinking.
Inventor of Newsell.
Author. Consultant. Publisher.
Knight. Visiting Academic Fellow.
Scientist. Teacher. Coach. Adviser.
I like gardens, the beach, jazz,
chocolate, red wine, flute music,
Wurlitzer Theatre Organ Music,
Reading, Movies, Churches,
Collins Street, Fifth Avenue,
Rue de Varenne, Bora Bora,
The Amana Period, Rome,
Metung, Hamilton Island, Malta,
Tea, Cakes, St Kilda, The Espy,
Clint Eastwood, Montecito,
Lemon Gelati, Savile Row, suede shoes,
Shanghai, Spaghetti Bolognaise,
Rhubarb Jam, Herman, my friends.
I don't like rude people, greedy people,
dangerous people, gluttons or