Trolls post rude comments and misleading videos online to provoke reactions from other users. They began lurking in early internet forums and chat rooms in 1990 to poke fun at new online users with gentle jokes and misleading information. While some claim to be trolls, cyberbullies who harass others are not true trolls. Trolling causes flame wars and removal of forums due to excessive inappropriate content, and it remains a problem as people seek to control and influence others on the open internet.
This document discusses cyber crimes committed against children, including types like trafficking, pornography, morphing, kidnapping, and exploitation. It provides statistics on issues like child trafficking in India and cases of cyber bullying. The document outlines vulnerabilities children face, side effects of cyber crimes, and laws/legislations in place. It discusses the work of NGO Love146 and concludes by emphasizing the importance of parental involvement and guidance in protecting children from cyber crimes.
Prepared for the Ethical and Socıal Issues ın Informatıon Systems.
What is Cybercrime ?
Types of Cybercrimes.
Online child sexual abuse material.
Facts and statistics.
Protecting your child.
Protecting your computers.
Cyber crime is becoming common among students in India. India ranks 5th globally for reported cyber crimes, with states like Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra experiencing many cases. Common cyber crimes among students include creating fake profiles of others online, hacking passwords, cyber bullying, and falling victim to phishing scams. Teachers must educate students on safe internet practices and the consequences of cyber crimes to help prevent such incidents.
Poradnik korzystania z programu%09 hijackthisMichal11
Złośliwi użytkownicy internetu
2. Troll
Troll - osoba uprawiajÄ…ce trolling
Trolling - antyspołeczne zachowanie
polegające na zamierzonym wpływaniu
na innych użytkowników w celu ich
ośmieszenia lub obrażenia
12. Flamer
Osoba, która w internecie (głównie w komentarzach,
na forach, czatach i w grach ) wszystkich obraża,
pisze bez przerwy przekleństwa i "jest załamany
poziomem". Komentator internetowy z nerwicÄ…
nienawidzÄ…cy wszystkich i wszystkiego
13. Griefer
 Osoba, która specjalnie
przeszkadza użytkownikom sieci,
próbuje ich rozzłościć,
i wyprowadzić z równowagi. To
osoba, która korzysta z Internetu,
aby spowodować cierpienie
poprzez nękanie innych.
14. Ranter
ï‚ž to sfrustrowany
forum, który
wypowiada siÄ™,
aby wylać swoje
żale i opisać to,
Często ranterzy
majÄ… na forach
swoje działy,
gdzie mogÄ…
15. Jak się bronić?
w aplikacje