Riding a bike instead of driving can help save water, energy, and the environment while providing personal health benefits. It takes nearly 13 gallons of water to produce a gallon of gasoline, but biking saves those gallons. If just 5% of commuters in New York biked instead of driving, it could reduce carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to planting a forest the size of Manhattan. Biking to work for 30-60 minutes daily is also associated with lower blood pressure and stress.
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Special about bikes
1. Lets try to
save the
By MicroEmpowering.org
2. Riding a bike can help us save water?
A gallon of gasoline
takes nearly 13
gallons of water to
produce. Biking
daily can save
gallons of water!
3. Riding a bike can help save energy?
The United States accounts
for 30% of the world's
automobiles and require 8.2
million barrels of oil a day to
operate them. That's 11% of
the world's daily oil
consumption. All that fuel we
burn fills the air with 1,300
million tons of CO2 each
Ride a bike and save energy
and fuel consumption!
4. Riding a bike can help save the environment?
If 5% of New Yorkers
commuting by private
car or taxi switched to
biking to work, they
could save 150 million
pounds of CO2
emissions per year.
That is equivalent to
the amount reduced by
planting a forest 1.3
times the size of
5. Riding a bike can directly benefit you ?
Bike commuters report
lower stress and
greater feelings of
freedom, relaxation,
and excitement than
car commuters.
30-60 minutes of daily
physical activity such
as biking to work is
associated with low
blood pressure in
women and low
hypertension in both
6. Riding a bike can help you lose weight?
If you cycle 6 miles
to and from work
instead of driving,
taking about 30
minutes each way,
you could burn 15 to
20 lb. of fat each
7. Lets make a difference!
Look out for bike
sharing coming
to New York City
this summer!
Citi Bike will
consist of 600
stations, 10,000
bikes in
Manhattan and