The document discusses the national curriculum frameworks for Mori medium and English medium settings in New Zealand. It outlines that the Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMOA) framework guides Mori medium settings based on whanau, hapu, and iwi aspirations. The New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) framework guides English medium settings. Both frameworks aim to develop graduate profiles and consider how teachers will teach and learners will learn through curriculum design, learning progressions, assessment approaches, and learning areas.
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TMoA Whakapapa intro
1. National Curriculum
Maori medium settings English medium settings
2. Mori students
Graduate Profile
Maori medium settings English medium settings
Marau a Kura
How teachers will teach?
How learners will learn?
Curriculum Design
Learning progressions National standards
Aromatawai Asessment
Ng Wahanga Ako: Literacy and Learning Areas:
Whanaketanga Hangarau, Ng Numeracy Arts,
Reo Mori Toi, P笛taiao, Technology,
Tikanga a-Iwi Health and P.E.
etc. etc.
Editor's Notes
#2: NZC and TMOA = National curriculumStudent focused/student centredWhanau engagement crucial to successLocalised curriculum developed in collaboration with key stakeholdersThere is no one way, no one template
#3: NZC and TMOA = National curriculumStudent focused/student centredWhanau engagement crucial to successLocalised curriculum developed in collaboration with key stakeholdersThere is no one way, no one template