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Mohammed Abdel Atye Basuoni
Development manager
At Bedo for innovating education
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Education: Bachelor's degree, Mechatronics
Experience: 7 Years, 3 Months
Name: Mohamed abdel atye basuoni
Mobile Phone: +201100709977 - +201065188966
Address: home:10 abdo mwafi street beside Qebaa hospital, Bahteem, shoubra elkhema
Country: Cairo, Egypt
Email Address: rozman810@hotmail.com, eng-mohamed@engineer.com
All-time Phone: +20248 2512 12 Home
Target JOB
Target Job Title: electromechanical engineer
Target Job Location: Any
Career Objective: Mechatronics engineer with impressive hands on knowledge base encompassing the entire
spectrum of Mechanical, Mechatronics Engineering. With long experience at many fields.
Employment Type: Contractor
Employment Status: Full time
Career Level: Mid-Career
Notice Period: 1 month
Personal Information
Birth Date: 8 October 1985 (Age: 30)
Place of Birth: Egypt
Gender: Male
Nationality: Egyptian - ID-number: 0104093
Passport number: A03694010
Visa Status: Citizen
Marital Status: Married
Driving License Issued from: Egypt
Military Service: Exemption
Driving license: valid
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Experience (7 Years, 3 Months)

Development and internal Audit manager
At BEDO (the Egyptian company for innovating education)
Location: Cairo, Egypt, office: 23 Amer street dokki, Giza - factory: 6 of October city, 4th district
Company Industry: Manufacturing/production educational equipments
Functional Area: Education
Job Role: Engineering
Website: www.bedoeg.com
October 2013  Present
Edutech and BEDO is the leading and unique for manufacturing Educational
training equipments for engineering and Vocational education, Technical School,
Engineering Colleges, and Universities in the field of: Mechanics, Electronics,
Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Automotive, Control and automation, HVAC, Renewable Energy and Biomedical
I was responsible to assist R&D teams to solve problems in manufacturing new or update educational
I was participated at the project: Research for the control of electrical energy and industrial plant. And I
was responsible for Design and manufacture for: 1- plc. And scada substation automation training lab,
2-Micro DCS training lab, 3- BMS training lab, with electric power and machines department at Cairo
University - Faculty of engineering with Schneider co.
I was responsible for designing with SOLIDWORKS program and Execute educational labs in
automotive, mechanics and thermodynamics educational labs and its requires these acts of plc.
Programming and implementation of electrical circuits.
I was responsible to make new electric earth line for our new factory with cooperation with Ain Shams
University - faculty of engineering  electric power and machines department.
I was responsible for Execute manufacturing and operate new electrostatic painting line and teach
technicians how to operate it in order to learn students at technical schools also.
I am responsible for Purchasing and provide production need form steel, stainless and aluminum sheets
and other turning and milling ores like Teflon, graphite, artilon, Backlit and all requirements ores.
I am responsible for purchasing all electrical components for the production.
I am responsible to manufacture our need from plastic molds at local workshops and abroad like
Guvenal TURKEY or CHINA and inject it with plastic.

Maintenance manager
At Modern chemical industries (MCI)
Location: Cairo, Egypt, office and 1st factory: warak - korniesh elnile-2nd factory: Aborawash, Giza
Company Industry: Manufacturing and Production
Website: www.mcipaints.com
Job Role: Maintenance
November 2012 - October 2013
Reason for leaving: Differences between the members of the company management to cancel all
developments until the improvement for the current economic situation.
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MCI- Is one of the leading paint production companies in Egypt. Established in 1978 by a family
of chemical engineers,
I was totally responsible to maintain the production line work properly trying to achieve production
I was responsible to solve any problems occurs at time if we can.
I was responsible to follow up minimum and maximum values for spare parts at the store.
I was responsible to regulate electric and mechanics technician and provide them with their need to be
able to solve any problems as soon as possible.
I was responsible to teach them the ability to make the right decision as fast as they can without return
to me to never Disrupts production plans.
I was responsible to assist the administration in order to achieve future plans to the factory and advise
them with cooperation with the production manager.

Maintenance engineer
At Universal trading company - UTC
Location: Cairo, Egypt, Obour city
Company Industry: Textiles
Job Role: Maintenance
January 2012 - November 2012
Reason for leaving: end of the assigned task, I nominated new engineer
Universal trading company is a leading Textile company, factory 3 with corporation with elkoteks
turkey and with Turkish consultants.
We are responsible for moving 20 textile machines like: FADIS, Hammel, Barmag, Icbt, manegato from
Istanbul-turkey and then assembly and operate these machines at Obour factory with Turkish
I was responsible for establish new mechanical workshop with mechanics technicians

Quality assurance engineer then
Engineering department manager Assistant
At KEDAS Group - Egypt office
Location: Egypt, office: attia sawalhy street, naser city, tower 1, factory: Obour city
Company Industry: Manufacturing and Production
Job Role: Engineering
Website: www.kedasgroup.de
October 2010 - December 2012
Reason for leaving: Egyptian 25 January revolution and my father death.
KEDAS is a leading German company at cutting and grinding wheels, factory And main
office based on Frankfort, Germany.
Responsible for Maintain wheels quality and trying to increase it by several experiments.
Responsible for manufacturing cutting and grinding wheels testing machines at Egypt
(reverse engineering to German models) with my German manager.
Responsible for choosing new Egypt factory production line like: baking ovens.
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Sales engineer
At Elsewedy for electric supplies
Location: Egypt, office: midtown
Company Industry: electric supplies
Job Role: sales and customer technical support
October 2006  October 2008
Reason for leaving: work during the period seminar
I was responsible for sell electric components for petrol companies, hotels and contracting companies.
I was responsible for deliver sold components to customers and insure it's satisfaction for the deal.

Jul.06-Aug.06 (1) EGEMAC: In technical cooperation with SIEMENS & AGE Aktiengesllschaft
1/7/07-30/7/07 (2) MULTI M GROUP: for metal forming and wooden industries (S. A. E)
TRUST - METAL eXport - mohm - METAL-x
29/7/07-16/8/07 (3) EGYPTIAN NATURAL GAS CO, GASCO: I was trained to Gas extracting,
Operating and preparing at (SHARKAWIA) area and transporting to fields in Cairo
like (North Cairo Power Station).
Trained in the field of Plc controller and SCADA system applied on gas lines.
SCADA system monitors north Cairo at Moatam
22/6/06 -17/7/06 (4) ELNASR automotive manufacture
17/8/08-11/9/08 (5) EGYPT AIR: Air craft operating and maintenance
Hunger: 8000, 6000 and Engines workshop
Gas turbines maintenance, DCS and SCADA systems  Dahshour gas plant


Bachelor's degree, Mechatronics
At Helwan university - Faculty of engineering
Mechanical engineering department - Mechatronics division
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Completion Date: June 2010
Grade: 74 out of 100
Bachelor degree: Very good (80%) - Project degree: Excellent
Graduation project: Development of Engines using smart materials (SMA).
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Training Courses
4/2/08-23/2/08 PLC ABB programming and electric installation.
12/7/08-26/7/08 SCADA (iFIX 3.5)
Electrical and mechanical applications of MATLAB/SIMULINK  Helwan university
7/2/10-11/2/10 Pneumatic from Technology training center TCC
14/2/10-18/2/10 Microcontroller Pic family from Technology training center TCC
28/2/10-4/3/10 Classic control from Technology training center TCC
5/2/09 ICDL (International Computer Driving License) certification holder


English certification: conversation (levels: 1) from British institute
Speaking Reading Writing
English: very good very good very good
Arabic: Mother tongue
Computer Skills
Microsoft office, Solid Works, MATLAB and LabVIEW, AutoCAD (2D & 3D), Proteus, AC31 GRAF
(ABB Plc programmer), Function block and Ladder diagrams, scada iFIX 3.5, Visual C++, LS plc
software (XG5000)

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  • 1. Page 1 of 5 CURRICULUM VITAE JAN 2016 Mohammed Abdel Atye Basuoni Development manager At Bedo for innovating education Location: Cairo, Egypt Education: Bachelor's degree, Mechatronics Experience: 7 Years, 3 Months Contacts Name: Mohamed abdel atye basuoni Mobile Phone: +201100709977 - +201065188966 Address: home:10 abdo mwafi street beside Qebaa hospital, Bahteem, shoubra elkhema Country: Cairo, Egypt Email Address: rozman810@hotmail.com, eng-mohamed@engineer.com All-time Phone: +20248 2512 12 Home https://eg.linkedin.com/in/mohamed-abdel-atye-53109124 Target JOB Target Job Title: electromechanical engineer Target Job Location: Any Career Objective: Mechatronics engineer with impressive hands on knowledge base encompassing the entire spectrum of Mechanical, Mechatronics Engineering. With long experience at many fields. Employment Type: Contractor Employment Status: Full time Career Level: Mid-Career Notice Period: 1 month ____________________________________________________________________________ Personal Information Birth Date: 8 October 1985 (Age: 30) Place of Birth: Egypt Gender: Male Nationality: Egyptian - ID-number: 0104093 Passport number: A03694010 Visa Status: Citizen Marital Status: Married Driving License Issued from: Egypt Military Service: Exemption Driving license: valid
  • 2. Page 2 of 5 Experience (7 Years, 3 Months) Development and internal Audit manager At BEDO (the Egyptian company for innovating education) Location: Cairo, Egypt, office: 23 Amer street dokki, Giza - factory: 6 of October city, 4th district Company Industry: Manufacturing/production educational equipments Functional Area: Education Job Role: Engineering Website: www.bedoeg.com October 2013 Present Edutech and BEDO is the leading and unique for manufacturing Educational training equipments for engineering and Vocational education, Technical School, Engineering Colleges, and Universities in the field of: Mechanics, Electronics, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Automotive, Control and automation, HVAC, Renewable Energy and Biomedical I was responsible to assist R&D teams to solve problems in manufacturing new or update educational labs. I was participated at the project: Research for the control of electrical energy and industrial plant. And I was responsible for Design and manufacture for: 1- plc. And scada substation automation training lab, 2-Micro DCS training lab, 3- BMS training lab, with electric power and machines department at Cairo University - Faculty of engineering with Schneider co. I was responsible for designing with SOLIDWORKS program and Execute educational labs in automotive, mechanics and thermodynamics educational labs and its requires these acts of plc. Programming and implementation of electrical circuits. I was responsible to make new electric earth line for our new factory with cooperation with Ain Shams University - faculty of engineering electric power and machines department. I was responsible for Execute manufacturing and operate new electrostatic painting line and teach technicians how to operate it in order to learn students at technical schools also. I am responsible for Purchasing and provide production need form steel, stainless and aluminum sheets and other turning and milling ores like Teflon, graphite, artilon, Backlit and all requirements ores. I am responsible for purchasing all electrical components for the production. I am responsible to manufacture our need from plastic molds at local workshops and abroad like Guvenal TURKEY or CHINA and inject it with plastic. Maintenance manager At Modern chemical industries (MCI) Location: Cairo, Egypt, office and 1st factory: warak - korniesh elnile-2nd factory: Aborawash, Giza Company Industry: Manufacturing and Production Website: www.mcipaints.com Job Role: Maintenance November 2012 - October 2013 Reason for leaving: Differences between the members of the company management to cancel all developments until the improvement for the current economic situation.
  • 3. Page 3 of 5 MCI- Is one of the leading paint production companies in Egypt. Established in 1978 by a family of chemical engineers, I was totally responsible to maintain the production line work properly trying to achieve production plans. I was responsible to solve any problems occurs at time if we can. I was responsible to follow up minimum and maximum values for spare parts at the store. I was responsible to regulate electric and mechanics technician and provide them with their need to be able to solve any problems as soon as possible. I was responsible to teach them the ability to make the right decision as fast as they can without return to me to never Disrupts production plans. I was responsible to assist the administration in order to achieve future plans to the factory and advise them with cooperation with the production manager. Maintenance engineer At Universal trading company - UTC Location: Cairo, Egypt, Obour city Company Industry: Textiles Job Role: Maintenance January 2012 - November 2012 Reason for leaving: end of the assigned task, I nominated new engineer Universal trading company is a leading Textile company, factory 3 with corporation with elkoteks turkey and with Turkish consultants. We are responsible for moving 20 textile machines like: FADIS, Hammel, Barmag, Icbt, manegato from Istanbul-turkey and then assembly and operate these machines at Obour factory with Turkish consultants. I was responsible for establish new mechanical workshop with mechanics technicians Quality assurance engineer then Engineering department manager Assistant At KEDAS Group - Egypt office Location: Egypt, office: attia sawalhy street, naser city, tower 1, factory: Obour city Company Industry: Manufacturing and Production Job Role: Engineering Website: www.kedasgroup.de October 2010 - December 2012 Reason for leaving: Egyptian 25 January revolution and my father death. KEDAS is a leading German company at cutting and grinding wheels, factory And main office based on Frankfort, Germany. Responsible for Maintain wheels quality and trying to increase it by several experiments. Responsible for manufacturing cutting and grinding wheels testing machines at Egypt (reverse engineering to German models) with my German manager. Responsible for choosing new Egypt factory production line like: baking ovens.
  • 4. Page 4 of 5 Sales engineer At Elsewedy for electric supplies Location: Egypt, office: midtown Company Industry: electric supplies Job Role: sales and customer technical support October 2006 October 2008 Reason for leaving: work during the period seminar I was responsible for sell electric components for petrol companies, hotels and contracting companies. I was responsible for deliver sold components to customers and insure it's satisfaction for the deal. Field TRAINING Jul.06-Aug.06 (1) EGEMAC: In technical cooperation with SIEMENS & AGE Aktiengesllschaft 1/7/07-30/7/07 (2) MULTI M GROUP: for metal forming and wooden industries (S. A. E) TRUST - METAL eXport - mohm - METAL-x 29/7/07-16/8/07 (3) EGYPTIAN NATURAL GAS CO, GASCO: I was trained to Gas extracting, Operating and preparing at (SHARKAWIA) area and transporting to fields in Cairo like (North Cairo Power Station). Trained in the field of Plc controller and SCADA system applied on gas lines. SCADA system monitors north Cairo at Moatam 22/6/06 -17/7/06 (4) ELNASR automotive manufacture 17/8/08-11/9/08 (5) EGYPT AIR: Air craft operating and maintenance Hunger: 8000, 6000 and Engines workshop 23/8/09-3/9/09 (7) GULF OF SUEZ PETROLEUM COMPANY GUPCO Gas turbines maintenance, DCS and SCADA systems Dahshour gas plant Education Bachelor's degree, Mechatronics At Helwan university - Faculty of engineering Mechanical engineering department - Mechatronics division Location: Cairo, Egypt Completion Date: June 2010 Grade: 74 out of 100 Bachelor degree: Very good (80%) - Project degree: Excellent Graduation project: Development of Engines using smart materials (SMA).
  • 5. Page 5 of 5 Training Courses 4/2/08-23/2/08 PLC ABB programming and electric installation. 12/7/08-26/7/08 SCADA (iFIX 3.5) Electrical and mechanical applications of MATLAB/SIMULINK Helwan university 7/2/10-11/2/10 Pneumatic from Technology training center TCC 14/2/10-18/2/10 Microcontroller Pic family from Technology training center TCC 28/2/10-4/3/10 Classic control from Technology training center TCC 5/2/09 ICDL (International Computer Driving License) certification holder Languages English certification: conversation (levels: 1) from British institute Speaking Reading Writing English: very good very good very good Arabic: Mother tongue Computer Skills Microsoft office, Solid Works, MATLAB and LabVIEW, AutoCAD (2D & 3D), Proteus, AC31 GRAF (ABB Plc programmer), Function block and Ladder diagrams, scada iFIX 3.5, Visual C++, LS plc software (XG5000) REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST