This magazine focuses on outdoor photography. The main cover features a picture of a glacier with the magazine name on top and a tagline. The double page spread table of contents displays photos from the magazine along with the corresponding page numbers. Interior pages contain landscape photographs accompanied by short descriptions from authors. The font used for body text is a minimalist sans serif style.
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Magazine analysis (3)
1. M A G A Z I N E : O U T D O O R P H O T O G R A P H Y
Magazine Analysis
2. The main cover
page of this
magazine is pretty
simple. It uses a
picture of a
glacier with the
name of the
magazine on top
and a tagline
above the location
of the name. And
that's it.
3. The bottom of the double page content has the contents with a breif intro into into them with their page
The top of the double page spread table of content has pictures from different areas of the magazine. With
the number of page that these photos can be found given on the picture itself.
4. This is a double page spread from the magazine. It has a picture of a mountainous landscape with a bit of
description of this landscape along with a bit of the author¡¯s intro.
The font for the body copy is a very minimalist san serif font.