This document summarizes key concepts in genetics including how sex is determined in humans, Mendel's work with pea plants, monohybrid crosses, and Mendel's laws of inheritance. It explains that sex in humans is determined by the X or Y chromosome in sperm at fertilization. Mendel performed experiments crossing pea plants with contrasting traits and his work established the laws of segregation and independent assortment. His monohybrid crosses showed traits segregate and recessive traits can be passed to later generations according to a 3:1 ratio.
3. Genetics introduction
Sex determination in human beings
Mendels work on pea
Monohybrid cross
Monohybrid cross( conclusions)
4. GENETICS : Genetics is the study of principles
and mechanisms of heredity and variations.
HEREDITY: Heredity is the inheritance of
parental characters.
VARIATIONS : In sexually reproducing
organisms offsprings exhibit differences in
the characters (except identical twins). These
differences are termed as variations.
6. Variations are the characteristics of sexually
reproducing organisms.
Many of the variations are useful and develop
new characters that help an organism to
adjust in varied environmental conditions.
In this way variations promote the chances of
survival of a species.
7. Sex of a child in human beings is
determined at the time of fertilization
Sex of a child depends upon its genotype.
Humans have 44 autosomes and 2 sex
Ova produced by female carry only X
Chromosome while male produces two
types of sperms ,one with Y chromosome
and the other with X chromosome.
During fertilization if a sperm carrying Y
chromosome fuses with ovum it produces a
male XY and if a sperm carrying X
chromosome fuses with ovum ,it produces a
female child.
Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884) was an
Austrian monk. He started hybridizing
experiments on garden pea (Pisum sativum) from
Mendel succeded in establishing his laws
whereas the contemporary botanists failed.
13. The garden pea can be selfed or crossed with
equal ease .
He crossed two plants having a pair of
contrastion characters.
He also kept a complete record of all characters
he choose through all the generations he
bred(Used Statistical approach)
While analysing the data, he took into
consideration just one or two characters at a time
,thus avoiding confusion due to intermixing of
A cross between two plants having
contrasting traits for a single character is
called Monohybrid cross .
Mendel crossed a tall variety of pea plant with
dwarf variety.
In this cross only one character i.e height of
the plant was taken into consideration.
17. Mendel crossed a tall plant with a dwarf one
and obtained all tall plants in F1 generation.
On selfing F1 plants , the F2 offsprings
appeared in the ratio of 3 Tall: 1 Dwarf.
The reappearance of recessive character in
the F2 generation suggests that somewhere
in the life history of the plants , the factors
controlling the characters segregate.Hence
Mendel named his first law as Law of
Mendel found that in an organism a character
is represented in an organism by two
factors.The two factors lie on the two
homologous chromosomes.
Mendel called the character that expressed in
F1 generation as dominant and the one
which is suppressed as recessive. In Pea
tallness is dominant character.
20. FACTOR/GENE: It is a hereditary unit that
controls one character.Mendel called it Factor.
Johannsen coined the term gene in 1909 to
describe gene as a physical and functional unit
of heredity.
ALLELES : Alleles or Allelomorphs are the
alternating forms of the same gene.
PHENOTYPE: The external menifestation of an
individual is known as Phenotype.
GENOTYPE : It is the genetic constitution of an
individual.e.g TT for pure tall , Tt for hybrid tall.
HOMOZYGOUS: An individual having identical
alleles for a character.
HETEROZYGOUS: An individual having two
contrasting alleles for a character. Tt or Yy
21. 1. How to sex of a child is determined in
human beings.
2. What is monohybrid cross ? Explain the
Law of Segregation?