im monica :)) i cant live without music. i like all of it. i love food && i just met the most amazing person in my life..ryan brown. and i'm gonna marry him one day <3
i love my life.
i dont complain about much.
i'm a schoolie.
brown hair. brown eyes.nothing special.
&&i'm a swiftyyy aka taylor swift fan.
half latin. half something else. nobody really knows.
loud music. windows open.
big trucks. fast cars.
beach is the 2nd home.
yes...i love food.
1 best friend.
impatient should be my middle name.
i still take naps.
sunsets. dreamer. wears a heart on my sleeve.
night owl. early riser.
i like to make things pretty. laughs when nobody is.
i'm always late.
i hate the