A post from myself(Mostafa Kharradpour):
What is madness? , The lover of wisdom in a crazy .. but I saw that love was a wooden doll .. and love that crazy old tree looked memorabilia
.. Strange is going on the last words alone ... a single street lamp
Love, the most realistic concept of irrational thought most controversial words ..
Alone, the tears behind the most peaceful in your heart ..
Dell lost the ball and he hung his Parastooi looking
愆惠 悋慍 悽惆: 惶愀 悽惘悋惆拆惘
惆悋擯 愕惠 惺悋愆 惆惘 拆愕 惺.. 惆悋 悋 惘悋 惆惆 擧 惺悋愆 惺惘愕擧 惡 惡惆.. 惺悋愆 擧 惡 悋惆擯悋惘 惆惘