Enhance a Colour helped GM with the launch of the new Opel Insignia Space Ship at the London Car Show. They created a prop spaceship out of printed materials and attached panels to lower the car from 150 feet above as a dramatic reveal. Enhance a Colour designed and fabricated the panels to resemble a silver spaceship within three weeks. The project was a success at the car show event.
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7. Operation:
Opel Insignia Space Ship
Enhance a Colour takes part in the London Car Show by helping GM with the launch of Opels new
Insignia Invasion.Instead of having an ordinary car presentation, GM wanted to create aJaw
Droppingexperience. After meeting with their PR and Event Production companies, they decided
to reveal the new car by dropping it out of a prop space ship from 150 feet in the air. Since they did
not want to create an actual space ship out of metal, the question washow do we imitate the look
of a space ship to create this effect? This is where Enhance a Colour came in.The project became
a group effort by all the departments within EaC.The first part was to find a material that would
resemble the silver metal of the ship but also be waterproof, to protect the hoist system inside.
Once this was accomplished, EaC designers worked with the PR firm to help create the look of the
ship and have the right dimensions to fit the framing structure. EaC then had its sewing and
fabricating department take the printed goods, waterproof material and attachment pieces and
transform them into the panels for the outer layer of the Spaceship. It was then delivered to our
clients location to mount to the frame.This was done in a matter of three weeks and was a huge
success at the London Car show.
Enhance a Colourwww.eacgs.com 1-800-894-0264
22. Enhance a Colour www.eacgs.com 1-800-894-0264
Every year the Columbus Citzens Foundation bringsThe Creativity of Italy to
Grand Central Station in NewYork.The promotion agency was looking for
10 feet wide fabric banners and a process color entrance carpet. In less than a
weeks time, all of the fabric graphics and carpetwere produced and installed.