The 1993 Bollywood film Khalnayak directed by Subhash Ghai stars Sanjay Dutt as a terrorist criminal being chased by police inspector Jackie Shroff and his girlfriend, officer Madhuri Dixit. The film was a blockbuster success, breaking box office records and receiving praise from critics for its action thriller story and popular music by Laxmikant-Pyarelal including the controversial hit song "Choli Ke Peeche".
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1. The 1993 Bollywood action thriller film produced and directed by Subhash
2. Synopsis
• The story centres around the escape and attempted
capture of a terrorist criminal Ballu (Sanjay Dutt) by
Inspector Ram (Jackie Shroff) and his girlfriend officer
Ganga (Madhuri Dixit).
3. • The following slides are example questions using the
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5. •Music composed by fav Subhash Ghai duo
•Songs include : Khalnayak Hoon Mein,
Aaja Sajan Aaja, Choli Ke Peeche, O Ma
Tujhe Salaam
6. •The song Choli Ke Peeche sung by Alka
Yagnik was opposed by 41 political
parties when released
•Anil Kapoor was first intended to play
the role of ‘Ballu’
•Nana Patekar was in talks to play the
title role
7. •The film was well received by critics as
well as the audience. It became an
instant blockbuster, breaking many
previous records
•Alka Yagnik and Ila Arun received the
award for the Best Female Playback
Singer for "Choli Ke Peeche