The document discusses how interaction design can avoid stigmatizing people with impairments. It notes that stigmatization can come from physical signs of impairments, social effects, supportive devices, and social exclusion. The author observes that many special solutions designed for impaired groups make people feel stigmatized. He advocates for approaching normalcy by making special designs more normal and increasing visibility. The conclusion is that interaction design should provide personal solutions that adapt to individual needs while avoiding "special" labels, and using communication channels that are unobtrusive but efficient.
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Tc workshop toulouse
1. Avoiding stigmatisation
What is the role of (interaction) design?
Lars Oestreicher
Dept. of Information Technology
Uppsala University
(Paintings by Mahmood Azadnia, Mashad, Iran)
Monday, March 11, 13
2. Impairments
Monday, March 11, 13
3. Stigmatisation
Goffman, Erving (1963), Stigma
A feature that distinguishes
people from normality
Generally a degrading notion
Generates an exclusion
Monday, March 11, 13
4. Stigmatisation can be due to:
The physical signs of impairments
The social effects of impairments
The effects from supportive devices
Social exclusion (rules, categorisation)
Monday, March 11, 13
8. Three Projects
POTT - Personal Object Tag Tracking
Dynamic Maps for the Blind
Personal Information Centers -
Monday, March 11, 13
9. A general observation
Many special solutions make people feel
Maps for blind people
Key鍖nders for people with slight
Interface solutions for blind people
Special solutions for physically impaired
Monday, March 11, 13
11. Avoiding stigmatisation
Approaching normalcy
Special designs are made into normal ones
Adapting special technology
Making the unnormal normal
Increasing visibility
Avoiding bad, stigmatising solutions
Monday, March 11, 13
12. (Interaction) Design
Simple solutions
for everyone
Avoiding special
Making the
special solutions
Monday, March 11, 13
13. Well-known knowledge
Perception and Information channels
Physical and Psychological strengths and
Social interaction
Attitudes and self-image
Monday, March 11, 13
14. Project conclusions
Personal solutions are vital, adapt
interaction to the needs
Avoid special solutions, make the normal
solutions 鍖t
Use unobtrusive but ef鍖cient
communication channels
Move interaction close to the user
Monday, March 11, 13