VentureLab - Technology Entrepreneurship course: OAP Teach meAndrzej DanielewiczTeachMe is a platform that connects students and teachers for online learning. It allows students to find teachers for a variety of skills and provides a secure payment system. The founders aim to expand the platform to allow teachers to manage students, students to track their progress and rate teachers, and facilitate safe monetary transactions. They plan to generate revenue through payment services, premium features, and certifications/qualifications over time.
Teaching Entrepreneurs through Experiential LearningTecnológico de MonterreyRushworth (2009) has argued that the desired outcome of an entrepreneurship education program is not just that students show know things but they should be able to do things. This is another word for ‘capability’ (Stephenson, 1998) – ‘Capability depends much more on our confidence that we can effectively use and develop our skills in complex and changing cir-cumstances than on our mere possession of those skills. Our learners become capable people who have confidence in their ability to take action; explain what they are about; and continue to learn from their experiences.
Bloom's (1956) widely used Taxonomy classifies learning objectives into three 'domains': Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor (sometimes loosely described as knowing/head, feel-ing/heart and doing/hands respectively). Within the domains, learning at the higher levels is dependent on having attained prerequisite knowledge and skills at lower levels.
How does this apply to teaching entrepreneurs? The problem is that Bloom does not distin-guish well between knowing how to and being able to. 'Knowledge . . . involves the recall of specifics and universals, the recall of methods and processes, or the recall of a pattern, structure or setting (Bloom, 1956, p. 201). Students may be able to compare, analyse, classify and categorise but this does not mean they have the confidence to act in the real world.
Rushworth (2011) believes that a more useful taxonomy for the teaching of capability is Fink’s taxonomy of significant learning (L. Dee Fink, 2003; L.D. Fink, 2003). Whereas Bloom’s taxonomy focuses on mastery of content, Fink’s focuses on application, relationships and on the process of learning.
We agree with Rushworth (2011), who says that entrepreneurship education should:
• be grounded in evidence-based theory (Fiet)
• aim at embedding capability rather than knowledge (Stephenson)
• teach through experiential learning (Kolb)
• teach in the form of significant learning experiences (Fink)
• apply theoretical concepts to problems students expect to encounter in practice (Fiet)
• ideally involving students in the design of these activities (Boyatzis, Cowen, & Kolb, 1995)
Bloom, B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives; the classification of educational goals (1st ed.). New York,: Longmans, Green.
Boyatzis, R. E., Cowen, S. S., & Kolb, D. A. (1995). Innovation in professional education : steps on a journey from teaching to learning : the story of change and invention at the Weatherhead School of Management (1st ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Fink, L. D. (2003). Creating significant learning experiences : an integrated approach to de-signing college courses (1st ed.). San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass.
Fink, L. D. (2003). A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning, 28, from
10 reasons to teach entrepreneurship to kidsݺߣSupplyThis document outlines 10 reasons why entrepreneurship should be taught in classrooms. It argues that entrepreneurial skills are essential for the 21st century job market. Teaching entrepreneurship allows students to learn core subjects like math and language arts through a real-world context. It also fosters skills like teamwork, communication, and financial literacy. Exposing students to entrepreneurship can help uncover talents in underperforming students and make learning fun by bringing concepts to life. Overall, entrepreneurship education provides rewarding benefits for teachers, parents, and students.
Entrepreneurial attitudeKhushbu DeorahThis document defines key terms and characteristics related to entrepreneurship. It defines an entrepreneur as someone who controls a commercial venture and innovates to maximize profits. Entrepreneurship is described as starting an economic activity to be self-employed. The document lists characteristics of successful entrepreneurs like being risk-taking, perceptive, curious, imaginative, persistent, goal-setting, hardworking, self-confident, flexible, and independent. It also defines an intrapreneur as someone within a large company who takes responsibility for developing a new product or idea.
Can We Teach Entrepreneurship?Emad SaifAs an entrepreneurship educator I'm often faced with the question "Can we teach entrepreneurship?". I prepared this presentation to share my thoughts on it at Global Entrepreneurship Week 2016 in Qatar.
Why Teaching Entrepreneurship Changes EverythingChristina WodtkeI've been teaching entrepreneurship to designers for just over a year now, but I've been amazed at swift and powerful the results are. Designers feel able to participate in hard product discussions, uncover and promote insights to improve the business model and even make better decisions about their personal life, from salary negotiation to budget making. That's bc entrepreneurship is a microcosm of business, simple yet complete. Along with technology and user research, business must be a common core in design education. Entrepreneurship is the best way to do it.
임종규 아시아 기업가정신투어 20131024NED_KoreaThis document discusses Project FORMULA x Asia, an initiative by Entrepreneurship Sailors to connect startups and entrepreneurs across 7 countries and 9 cities in Asia. It hosted over 25 companies and 40 entrepreneurs. The project aimed to develop online and offline connections and a global network. It shared lessons learned, including the importance of having an attractive product, building relationships over copying ideas, applying entrepreneurship principles broadly, promoting cooperation, and recognizing strong startup support in Korea.
임종규 아시아 기업가정신투어 20131024NED_KoreaThis document discusses Project FORMULA x Asia, an initiative by Entrepreneurship Sailors to connect startups and entrepreneurs across 7 countries and 9 cities in Asia. It hosted over 25 companies and 40 entrepreneurs. The project aimed to develop online and offline connections and a global network. It shared lessons learned, including the importance of having an attractive product, building relationships over copying ideas, applying entrepreneurship principles broadly, promoting cooperation, and recognizing strong startup support in Korea.
5. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
(Foundations of Management and Entrepreneurship):
Cornerstone of Babson1
Thursday, August 22, 13
6. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
7. FME?
• Every fall semester, first-year Babson students are
assigned to develop a business model for a team of
30 individuals.
• The businesses are scheduled to begin and run
throughout the spring semester. Each business then
donates its profits to a selected charity
• $430,000: Total donated profits since 1999
Foundation of Management and
Thursday, August 22, 13
8. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
Entrepreneurship Process FME Course
Identifying Opportunity
Acquiring Resources
Rocket Pitch
Proof of Concept
Business Plan
Request for Funding
Business Operation
The Entrepreneurship Process FME Business Creation
Thursday, August 22, 13
9. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
Notable FME Businesses
• Babsonopoly (2004)
– Monopoly with Babson-themed properties and cards
– $15,600 in net profit
• Band Ed Marketing (2005)
– Rubber wrist bands
– $18,631 in net profit
• Freshmynts (2007)
– Mints in packages with customizable messages
– $14,900 in net profit
• SlickStick (2009)
– USB memory stick in the shape of a credit card
– $19,200 in net profit
• Coollapsible (2011)
– Reusable, collapsible water bottle
– $11,500 in net profit
Thursday, August 22, 13
10. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
Thursday, August 22, 13
11. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
Organizational Chart
Thursday, August 22, 13
12. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
러너십Thursday, August 22, 13
13. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
러너십Thursday, August 22, 13
14. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
Other E-Ship Programs
at Babson
Thursday, August 22, 13
15. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
19. Babson
OEM (Organizing for Effective Management)
OB (Organizational Behavior)
MAC (Managerial Accounting)
MCE (Managing in a Competitive Environment)
TOM (Technology and Operations Management )
Thursday, August 22, 13
20. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
24. Babson
기타 프로그램
Butler Accelerator Venture
Free Consulting with Professors
Free Office Space
Free Investment/ Marketing
ADE (Affordable Design Entrepreneurship)
Rhode Island School of Design
Olin School of Engineering
Babson (Entrepreneurship)
Babson E-Ship
Thursday, August 22, 13
25. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
Lifestyle @ Babson3
Thursday, August 22, 13
26. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
30. Babson
”A way of thinking and acting that is
opportunity obsessed, holistic in
approach, and leadership balanced.”
(One of) Babson’s Definition of
“The art of making things happen.”
That insatiable drive to create a dent in the universe.”
Thursday, August 22, 13
31. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
125. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
126. 내용
1. 기회포
2. 필요 자
원 연구
3. 자원 확
4. 기획
5. 실행
6. 지속 및
- 뱁슨의 앙트러프러너십 6단계 과정
Thursday, August 22, 13
127. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
개회식 및 첫 강연 포커스 그룹 인터 프로젝트 개시
단체 봉사나눔
수익가치 기부식
기회 기획서 작성
투자 발표회
팀별 조직 투표
공동체 기회 발견
엘리베이터 피치
Top 10 투표 및
셀프 PR 행사
네트워킹 축제
128. 내용
- 단계별 활동프로그램 전개
Stage 1
(Week 1 – 8)
Stage 2
(Week 9 – 14)
Stage 3
(Week 15 – 30)
1. 기업가정신이란
2. 기회 포착
3. 필요 자원 연구
4. 자원 확보 및 기
5. 실행
6. 유지 및 지속
기회증명 피치
Top 4 투표 및
소셜 CF 찍기
주간 보고회
Thursday, August 22, 13
129. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
148. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
두런두런(Do-Learn, Do-Learn) 앙트러프러너십 교육 계획두런두런(Do-Learn, Do-Learn) 앙트러프러너십 교육 계획두런두런(Do-Learn, Do-Learn) 앙트러프러너십 교육 계획두런두런(Do-Learn, Do-Learn) 앙트러프러너십 교육 계획두런두런(Do-Learn, Do-Learn) 앙트러프러너십 교육 계획두런두런(Do-Learn, Do-Learn) 앙트러프러너십 교육 계획두런두런(Do-Learn, Do-Learn) 앙트러프러너십 교육 계획
홍보 및 접수 합격자 발표 교사교육 교육 일정 고려사항
여름방학 기간 중 3회, 여름방학 이후 월 1회
(중간고사, 기말고사 등 학사일정 고려)
교육 일정 고려사항
여름방학 기간 중 3회, 여름방학 이후 월 1회
(중간고사, 기말고사 등 학사일정 고려)
교육 일정 고려사항
여름방학 기간 중 3회, 여름방학 이후 월 1회
(중간고사, 기말고사 등 학사일정 고려)
~ 7.12(금) 7. 15(월) 7.20(토)
교육 일정 고려사항
여름방학 기간 중 3회, 여름방학 이후 월 1회
(중간고사, 기말고사 등 학사일정 고려)
교육 일정 고려사항
여름방학 기간 중 3회, 여름방학 이후 월 1회
(중간고사, 기말고사 등 학사일정 고려)
교육 일정 고려사항
여름방학 기간 중 3회, 여름방학 이후 월 1회
(중간고사, 기말고사 등 학사일정 고려)
교육(1차) 교육(2차) 교육(3차) 교육(4,5차) 교육(6차) 교육(7차)
7.27(토) 8.3(토) 8.10(토) 9.7(토) 11.16(토) 12.21(토)
최종행사 매뉴얼 완성 매뉴얼 배포
매뉴얼 배포시 고려사항
참가학교 우선 배포,
인문계 학교 우선 배포,
직무연수 교재로 활용하여 전국적 확산 장려
매뉴얼 배포시 고려사항
참가학교 우선 배포,
인문계 학교 우선 배포,
직무연수 교재로 활용하여 전국적 확산 장려
매뉴얼 배포시 고려사항
참가학교 우선 배포,
인문계 학교 우선 배포,
직무연수 교재로 활용하여 전국적 확산 장려
2014. 1월 말 2. 21(금) 2014. 3월 ~
매뉴얼 배포시 고려사항
참가학교 우선 배포,
인문계 학교 우선 배포,
직무연수 교재로 활용하여 전국적 확산 장려
매뉴얼 배포시 고려사항
참가학교 우선 배포,
인문계 학교 우선 배포,
직무연수 교재로 활용하여 전국적 확산 장려
매뉴얼 배포시 고려사항
참가학교 우선 배포,
인문계 학교 우선 배포,
직무연수 교재로 활용하여 전국적 확산 장려
Thursday, August 22, 13
149. Alex Jong Kyu Lim 2013. 8. 22Babson의 기업가정신교육과 두런두런 앙트러프
“Entrepreneurship is that insatiable drive to create a dent in the universe.”
- Jake Brady
기업가정신이란 우주에 내 흔적을 남기고자 하는 내 안에 잠재하고 있는 갈망이
Thursday, August 22, 13