Presentation from NHS Improvement endoscopy workshop held at Ambassadors Hotel, London on 29 January 2013
Building an electronic booking system
Richard Fowler
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
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2. Introduction
Current working practice
Moving Forward
Utilising new procedures
Ups and downs
Limitations / problems
IT requirements
3. Background WSHT Endoscopy
Endoscopy carried out on two sites
11-12 activity was around 18,000 procedures
completed across sites
Service operates within normal working week
Demand expected to increase up to 75% in the coming
5 years
4. Current working practices
Each site has its own dedicated admin/scheduling team
Each site use Paper diary's for scheduling
Limited transparency on available capacity
Very labour intensive to manage
Open to not using all capacity
5. Reasons behind change
JAG Visit indicated to adopt better scheduling
Improvements had to happen
Needed to be within the trust IT framework
Recognised that the system had to be an across site
6. Moving Forward
Basis for system was Hospital SEMA system and theatre
Proved to be more cost effective due to already being
in situ
Works along side pre-assessment clinics
Proved to eliminate inappropriate booking
Simple and easy to use
Eliminated the need for paper diary system
7. Negatives & Positives
Negatives Positives
Introduction to team Cross site booking system
Adverse to adopt new system No additional cost
Reverting back to paper diary Will aim to eliminate
system inappropriate booking
JD/roles will change Will work along side pre-
Team adverse to change assessment clinics
Clear understanding of
All capacity catered for
Reduce mistakes
8. Potential constraints
Referrals need to be completed clearly and correct for the
procedure ( Time and Points )
System will need to be monitored ( Office Supervisor )
Will need to be embraced by both clinical and clerical teams
Adverse to change
The need for particular consultants to do procedures will need
9. Current IT Requirements
Current System
Use Hospital Sema system to complete bookings
Good system to start project as compatible with all current
hospital systems
Adapt Theatre scheduler to accommodate endoscopy
No real scope for Improvement
14. Theatre data Sheet
Patients show on the list but are unable to be selected until they are admitted on to the
15. The future for now !!!!
Intergrated system to accommodate all endoscopy requirements
for all activity.
Comply reports to monitor service performance.
Reports daily on weekly available capacity.
Amends capacity when Scopist is on leave.
Records all start and stop times at what ever selected process
Works along side Service line reporting for enhanced budget
Streamlines clinical coding.
Electronic referral
System will allow better auditing of appropriateness