The government of Chhattisgarh initiated the Sable Badiya program using information and communication technology to improve transparency and accountability in its Public Distribution System. Sable Badiya computerized operations from procurement to storage and transportation to fair price shops. It also implements continuous online monitoring of operations at all levels through real-time reports. Sable Badiya is not exclusive to any party or state but is a means for all governments to efficiently execute policies and deliver good governance through transparency and responsiveness to citizens.
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2. Chhattisgarh is the 16th most-populated state
of the nation. It is a source of electricity and
steel for India.
3. Chhattisgarh accounts for 15% of the total steel
produced in the country. Chhattisgarh is one of
the fastest-developing states in India.
4. For achieving good governance for any government,
efficient and effective communication has always
been one of the key factors. In global governments,
they have to communicate regularly with citizens.
5. The government must implement the modern
methods of mass communication to reach
out to people.
6. The power of internet and information technology has
helped to hasten the speed of communication, which
has resulted in reaching out the information to the
targeted group seamlessly.
7. Information Technology has ensured that a policy
decision taken by the government can be quickly
executed and implemented at multiple locations of
the country.
8. It also ensures transparency and the accountability
while assuring quick and effective responsiveness of
government to citizens problems and suggestions.
9. The Government of Chhattisgarh has initiated the prospect
of Sable Badiya by the method of ICT based module to
improve its Public Distribution System (PDS) which will
help us to maintain the transparency in the delivery
10. The state of Chhattisgarh implemented an end-to-
end information technology solution to address the
leak out in the system.
11. The several operations at every level of the scheme
ranging from the procurement of produce, to storage
and transportation to state warehouses and fair
priced shops have been computerized.
12. Sable Badiya includes the continuous monitoring of
operations at all levels via reports uploaded onto the
web in real time.
13. Sable Badiya is not an exclusive agenda of a
political party, a leader or one state in India. It is the
only method by which everyone can be responsible
for governance has to deliver.
14. It is will give an assurance to the people who have
chosen their representative, to make policies and also
execute them efficiently. The good governance is an
essential tool for development of a nation.