I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs. Sorry if I'm not considered "cool" in your book... ;)
Sm PpL dNt uNdErStAnD d wAy i M, sM r hUrT bY d wAy i tAlK, bUt wAt CaN i dO iF tHts d rEaL me.... SORRY, i'M nT "pErFeCt" bUt dEfInItEly nOt "fAkE"..!!
I'm glad my life isn't perfect, I'm proud that I make mistakes, I'm happy I have my problems in life... It reminds me I'm real, I'm human... I'm me.
"sometime the only person who appreciates me is me, but that is OK, because I know exactly what I am worth!"
"iF u dNt lYk mE dEn tEl mE oN fAcE, iGnOrIng mE iS nOt a sOluTiOn !!"
poke me if you love me, put a :) if I'm your friend, :( for if your mad at me, <3 if you want to date me, and li