Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia
About Me:
A LOVING Eldest Son..
A yOUnG tRAder Of all TYpEs Of B'nEzzz..
MeMber of Youth Resources centre..
Rakan mUda..
Was bRought up in a Social n loVing enviroment..
God Is MY co PIlot...
a Freedom lover..
like travelling..
Chelsea forever..
SimPLE life style..
abOut my Character...: U wont hv chance to judGE me AND ITS not good if i boost bout me rIte..
so u find out urself..
Till Now,
i have tried my best to keep my love ones happy ...
i c God in Their smile and LAUGHTER..
wish to meet and get to know as many friends.......
but b4 adding me,
there is condition....
u will be lock in my heart forever......
if its okey 4u...
Go ahead.......
Users following Navanith Pillay